To ensure that immediate competent first aid assistance can be rendered to an injured party following an accident. First Aid Box Material- Each floor has been provided with 01 first aid box (authorization 150 workers = 1 box) equipped with the following prescribed contents under the supervision of a trained person in-charge having specific badge & dress. First Aid Box Item for indecent
… One copy first aid leaflet / note book.Carry out survey of first aid facilities on site.
Triangle bandages 10 PCs.
One bottle Dettol / Savlon (as antiseptic).
Cotton wool one packet.
Dressing Gauge 6 PCs.
Roller bandages (2 big 2 small).
Plaster bandages 10 PCs.
Burnol / Antiseptic Ointment 1 PC.
Oral Saline 10 PCs.
Small scissors 1 PC.
First aid medicine like Paracetamol. Disprin, Antacid, Nospa / Butapen etc.
First Aid Room
Nominate persons to ensure that the relevant first aid boxes contents are to the minimum. Company is having fully Air-conditioned First aid room /Treatment room where emergency patients are treated by Lady physician and nursing staff. In case of severe case the patients are refereed Marie Stopes Clinic for necessary treatment.
Each first aid box/facility must be sign posted with the correct symbolic sign. We always keep the factory neat & clean. Dirt & refuges are cleared off constantly by fixed floor cleaner sweeping the floor with vacuum cleaner and broom, staircase, passages, toilets & Dinning hall with 10 cleaners. Effective arrangement is there to dispose off the waste effluents to the near by dustbin.
Ventilation & Temperature
Adequate ventilation system is exists in our factory, which keeps the temperature comfortable for the workers. Beside this all working floors are equipped with sufficient ceiling fans, which keeps the working floor temperature cool and comfortable.
Working Space
Post the names of all site first aiders in strategic positions i.e. gate house, shops, notice boards etc. As per rule though each workers is authorized with 350 cubic feet (14’x5’x5) working space, we have almost the same working space for each workers.
Sufficient lighting arrangement are there with proper lighting shade fixed along with overhead channel.
Drinking Water
All production floors are equipped with easy access to filtered cold water fountains for drinking purpose.
Provide dressing book (first aid book) to record all first aid cases that occur on site. Factory having well maintained and properly cleaned 21 latrines. (Ground 1, 1st floor-3, 2nd floor-5,
3rd floor-4, 4th floor-4, 5th floor-4)
For male workers – 3 (for 25 = 1)
For female workers – 18 (for 25 = 1)
Sufficient number of spittoon are provided inside the factory and placed in convenient location. No persons are allowed to spite within the factory premises.
Group Insurance
Company does not have Group Insurance Policies with Insurance Company but company is committed to pay / render same facilities to the employees that could be given by Insurance Company for their casualties / losses during work hours such as:
TK. 50,000/=
TK. 50,000/=
TK. 50,000/=
TK. 50,000/=
TK. 50,000/=
TK. 50,000/=
TK. 25,000/=
TK. 25,000/=
TK. 25,000/=
TK. 25,000/=
In efficient.
Willful insubordination / Disobedience of command / Rule.
Dishonesty / Corrupt
Habitual late attendance
Negligence of work
Smoking within factory premises
Habitual in-discipline
Giving false information especially regarding – age, education, previous serving
experience etc. Sabotage Activities / Causing damage to factory
Not using uniform / protective equipment’s while on duty
Theft of company’s property.
Disclosures of factories secrets.
Warning (Written or verbal)
Stoppage of increment, promotion – for inefficiency irregular attendance
And misconduct.
Forfeiture of pay / wages – causing loss to the company for negligence
Of policy.
Three months imprisonment for disclosure of factory’s secret.
Suspension from duty.
Reduction in rank for in-efficiency.
Dismissal – Termination of service for misconduct.
Discharge – Termination of service for ill health, physical & mental
Incapacity – not amounting to misconduct.
Worker / Employee willing to resign must give written notice to authority at least 14 days before – failing which 14 days wages / salary will be deducted from his / her separation dues.
If any person wants to leave the job on medical ground, he / she has to submit the medical unfit certificate to the authority. For medical case 14 days prior notice is not required.
The separated employee will take necessary clearance from the factory after depositing all equipment’s like dress, tape, cutter, bobbin etc.
These are all given every month to local Orphanage as charity, which they sell and use it for orphanage expenditure purpose.
As majority of workers are Female. Company has planned to introduce Crèche for Nursing Mother by end of year 2000 where the Nursing mother can feed their infants and this Crèche will be looked up by trained maid with fully equipped Nursery.
Company has planned to introduce Free medical check ups for the Children of the local Orphanage once a month with free medication.
Company has planned to introduce Non profitable cooperative grocery shop for it’s worker by the end of year 2000.
Introduction of workers suggestion box, where workers can give their suggestions or could explain their grievances and First Aid Box Material
As a
First Aid Coordinator your duties will be the following:
To maintain the legal content of all first-aid boxes.
To ensure that a percentage of staff complement are trained in first aid each year and that the first Aider certificates are valid..
To form & coordinate the first aid team and train the team to react to all emergencies..
Some Matarial
Small sterilized dressing
Medium sized sterilized dressings
Large sterilized dressing
Large sterilized burn dressings
1.1/2oz. packet sterilized cotton wool
4 oz bottle containing a 2% alcoholic solution of iodine
4 oz. bottle of rectified spirit
Copy of first aid leaflet
Roller Bandage 4” wide
Roller Bandage 4” wide
Roller Bandage 6” wide
Roll of Adhesive plaster
Triangular Bandages
Safety pins packet
Splints 10”X2”X1/2”
Analgesic tablets
Ointment for burns
Surgical antiseptic, like Savlon
Small sterilized dressing
Medium sized sterilized dressings
Large sterilized dressing
Large sterilized burn dressings
1.1/2oz. packet sterilized cotton wool
Small sterilized dressing
Medium sized sterilized dressings
Large sterilized dressing
Large sterilized burn dressings
1.1/2oz. packet sterilized cotton wool
4 oz bottle containing a 2% alcoholic solution of iodine
4 oz. bottle of rectified spirit
Copy of first aid leaflet
2 oz bottle containing a 2% alcoholic solution of iodine
Technical Audit – Factory Compliance Board operates with the belief that ‘FIRE PREVENTION’ is better than Fire Fighting as well as aiming to ‘GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME ROUND’. There are 4 sections to the technical compliance evaluation and they are: –
Housekeeping and Maintenance of Equipment
Pre Production Measures for Compliance Audit
Quality Assurance Process
Product Integrity
Points will be given for the technical compliance evaluation. Each Buyer customer has a different standard in quality acceptance, therefore the minimum points required will be different from each customer. In the event a factory does not meet the minimum points, the factory will fail the technical compliance portion of the factory evaluation and will be required to make corrections and improvements within an agreed time frame.
The only exception to this ruling is that the factory does not comply to Garment Buyers mandatory requirement of a broken needle policy or control of sharp tools (ie. Knives, trimming scissors etc). A factory that does not meet these mandatory requirements cannot start business with Garment Buyers customers.
Housekeeping and Maintenance of Equipment
Under this section, Buyer evaluators will be looking at how the factory maintains its premises and its equipment (which includes machineries) to prevent possible dirt, dust, oil contamination as well as potential issues with quality. Some examples of poor housekeeping and maintenance of equipment are: –
Factory has no storage in all parts of their factory or storage areas are compromised by sharp edges causing possible snagging on materials
Machines are rusted or leaking oil and there is no written records of maintenance Compliance Audit
Fabric and/or materials in the warehouse are exposed to direct sunlight causing color fastness issues
Lighting at areas in the factory that affect quality (i.e. inspection, sewing, painting, etc.) is insufficient (i.e. Garment Buyers standard is 500 lux but affected area is only 250 lux)
Pre Production Measures for Technical Audit
Under this section, Buyer evaluators will be looking at how the factory ensures ‘fire prevention’. In this section of the evaluation, written records are mostly required. Some examples of processes evaluated are: –
Is there a fabric/yarn/inspection process? There should be written records to verify this inspection process and also an inspection standard (4 or 10 point system or ISO) that is used.
Is there a garment shrinkage/elongation test process? Shrinkage/elongation between garment and fabric is never the same, which is why this process is necessary. Again, the before and after results should be documented and tested both of washed and non-washed garments.
Is there a fusing control process? There are 3 elements to a good fusing (pressure, timing and temperature) therefore it’s crucial that there are written records of each fusing machine at least 3 times a day.
Is there a Pre Production Process? Before any bulk production commences, there should always be a pre production process to discuss customer’s comments with all parties involved in production. Again, there should be written documentation on this process as there are a lot of parties involved in bulk production and follow-up is therefore required by an appointed person.
Quality Assurance Process
Under this section, Buyer will be evaluating how the factory ‘gets it right the first time round’. In this section of the evaluation, written records are once again required. If the factory cuts an extra 5%, they should be targeting to ship an extra 3% instead of under shipping 5%. If the order quantity is 10,000 pieces, an over cut of 5% would be an additional of 500 pieces therefore if the factory under ships 5% at USD 10.00 per garment, that would be a waste of USD 10,000. Some examples of what a Buyer evaluator will be looking for: –
Is there a fabric relaxation process? All knitted and stretched (including woven) fabric should be unrolled and relaxed for at least 24 hours prior to spreading. Thereafter, the fabric should be further relaxed for another 6 hours after spreading (if the factory does not have an over feed automatic spreader) as manual spreading will put tension back into the fabric during spreading.
Is there an inline inspection process (for cut & sewn only)? We strongly recommend the ‘traffic light system’ where inline QCs will visit each sewer twice a day (minimum) to review their performance and inspect at least one bundle (but no less than 12 pieces) per sewer. Based on the number of defects found, the inline QCs will grade the sewer and give her a color (green for good, amber/orange for marginal and red for poor). Again, there should be documentation and recorded follow-up actions by the supervisors.
Is there a finished garment inspection process? 100% inspection should take place at this stage of inspection and QCs should not be found in possession of trimming scissors, as this is not their job.
Product Integrity
Under this section, Buyer evaluators will be walking the lines as well as visiting the packing section to determine product integrity of the factory. Here are some examples of what a Buyer evaluator will be looking for: –
Is there a broken/used needle policy? A broken needle policy should be enforced as it protects Garment Buyers customers from possible law suits by consumers. It should be documented and with all broken/used needles attached. The factory management should also use the information to identify possible quality problems.
Is there a control on the use of sharp tools? Sharp tools like knives, blades and trimming scissors should be tied down and/ or accounted for on a daily basis to avoid misplacement.
Was the seam intake consistent? If an over lock sewer is taking off ¼” on some seams and ½” on others (of the same style), there is inconsistency and factory will be penalized with point deductions.
Were garments already packed free of quality issues? Our evaluators will pick garments that are already packed for
Note : In the event that a factory does not meet the requirements of broken needle policy or sharp tools control. Even if they meet the required minimum score, no business can be placed for a new factory while an exit strategy is in place for a current factory for Compliance Audit
Sewing Needle and Metal Detection -Product Safety inspection procedures and general instructions to suppliers regarding samples. It is essential that all suppliers comply and meet with our requirements for product safety inspection
These requirements fall into five categories.
Needle policy.
Metal Detection.
Component Testing.
Physical Examination.
Physical Design.
Needle policy:
A clear policy must exist within the factory for the issue of needles and there must be a procedure to deal with broken needles and needle recovery from garments. (see details section D safety manual.)
Sewing needles should only be installed by trained personnel and it should have sewing replacement policy
Sewing needles should suit the fabric type and speed of the sewing operation.
Sewing needles should be replaced at regular intervals and disposed of carefully.
Metal Detection:
We actively request that factories operate metal detection machinery, which is set up to detect the presence of “foreign metal” fragments . (ref. details in section D safety manual).
100% off production must be passed through an approved metal detector –hand held detectors are not acceptable for use for production stock.
Detectors must be capable of detecting ferrous metal.
The detector should be set at a sensitivity level which will always detect the approved 1.2mm ferrous standard.
Records of all metal contamination should be kept, using a contamination record, stating time, date and location.
The location of the detector in the factory should be approved by the metal detector supplier – this ensures there will be no interference which may upset the machines settings.
Metal detection should be seen as a last resort and not as a replacement for a well maintained needle policy.
Component Testing:
These should be made from a non-ferrous metal and be nickel free. It is a further requirement that all poppers and studs are applied with an automated machine and that the correct prong length and correct crimping force is used. All components must be non toxic and must comply with EN 71 part, 1, 2, 3 for the preceding and general product safety.
Physical Examination:
All garments contracted for Dunne’s are to be subjected to a 100% examination for dangerous items. These items include blades, scissors, pins or metal objects that may have come into contact with the garment during the manufacturing process. It is our requirement that all pockets, reversed hems, enclosed foot or similar garment features are checked for dangerous objects that may be concealed therein.
Physical Design:
The physical design of a garment will be reviewed and modified accordingly, so that it may better conform for enhanced product safety.
This deals with such things as to the length of draw-strings and loops, trims, appliqués etc…
Functional draw cords are not permitted for use on children’s garments up to & inc.age 9 years. It is a legal requirement that garments with a chest size smaller than 44 cms, do not have a functioning hood draw cord. No cords functional / decorative to be used up to and including age 9 yrs.
Draw cords fastening to the back are not permitted on any garment within the Children’s division.
The use of cut coil zips is not permitted. All zip s should have permanent plastic cob stops, which are free from sharp edges or protrusions & of one solid piece. Open ends zips to have ‘E’ shape top cob stop.
Garments must comply with all regulations pertaining to ‘Safety of Children’s Cl othing’ –
Minimum neck stretch measurement:
The following general requirements apply . All samples should be submitted with
(1) a sample card
(2) a size spec
(3) the garments must be pre-measured by the factor y and where applicable checked by agent / importer & findings indicated on the accompanying spec.
Normally the requirement for samples will be as follows:
(1) a buying sample/ an approval sample.
(2) a fit samples (sizes as per manual )
(3) a sealing sample before production.
(4) a production sample prior to shipment.
Written By - Engineer Amanullah, Kansai Sewing Machine Specialist, Ava Garments Ltd. Dhaka
PPE is stand for Personal Protective Equipment. We are top class PPE manufacturer and garments company in Bangladesh. We have high skilled workers to make it well. We receive order from Buyer.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines that ensure adequate provision, enforcement of use of PPE for SMI and its subcontractor personnel.
The use of personal protective equipment is one of the control options available for controlling hazards in the workplace and not substitutes for effective engineering controls, safe work conditions or sound work practices, but can play an essential part in the protection of the worker.
Its use does neither eliminate the hazard nor does it prevent incidents but helps to reduce the impact or adverse health effects, if used correctly.
This procedure provides guidelines for Contractors on the requirements for conducting a hazard assessment of the workplace to determine the need for appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), communicating the assessment results to employees, eliminating defective PPE, and training employees in the proper use of PPE.
To ensure all personal protective equipment requirements of SMI and its subcontractor employees involved in the project are identified.
To ensure the use of properly fitted and effective PPE for specific jobs.
To establish a procedure detailing accountability for selection, use, inspection, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the PPE program.
To regulate the standard of PPE supplied to all employees irrespective of their employer.
Project Manager is responsible for the provision of suitable types and quantity of PPE and ensures proper use in line with the project PPE requirements. Additional PPE for more hazardous tasks shall also be provided when required.
HSE Manager is responsible for the selection and issue of relevant PPE in conformance with applicable international standards at all times. See attachments 1, 2, 3.
Has responsibility to replace bad, worn or expired PPE on return of the original issue.
Supervisor is responsible and shall be held accountable for ineffective use of the PPE provided for workers under his control. He must set an example by using his PPE as appropriate and ensure its use by others as required. Assessing the risks to employees in relation to the performance of particular items of PPE and choosing from products already available through master agreement suppliers.
HSE Supervisor shall carry out routine checks and from time to time inspect PPE to ensure that the agreed procedures are appropriate and are being followed using the attached checklist (see attachment 4).
Shall provide information to employees on the use, maintenance, storage, effect on employee’s health as well as limitations of all PPE provided for their use.
Subcontractor Site Manager is responsible for the provision of all necessary safety equipment and the procedures required maintaining and affecting the use in accordance with this procedure, in order that all tasks will be completed safely.
Employees have responsibility for signing for any personal protective equipment issued to them and shall ensure that it is used as required. Employees are responsible for maintaining and using the correct PPE while performing their task and complying with HSE rules and regulations
Basic PPE to be worn by all site employees shall be safety helmet, safety glasses with side protections, steel toe capped safety footwear, gloves, overalls or long sleeve shirt and trousers of cotton or poly-cotton.
Types of PPE issued shall be detailed in the Work Method Statement.
SMI shall ensure that PPE are properly maintained in good order and replaced at no charge when defective, or lost to the employee.
SMI employees shall wear the personal protective equipment required, a failure in compliance will result in disciplinary action against the offender employees and where appropriate, their line supervision.
All PPE shall conform to BS, DIN, AS or ANSI standard or approved by the Client is fit for purpose and is comfortable.
General Duties (Safety Helmet)
The helmet gives some protection against splashing by liquids. It should be manufactured from plastics.
Note: 1 Helmets are required to be replaced if subjected to severe impact.
Note: 2 Local regulations may require helmets not to be worn in the vicinity or helicopter operations, except for Firemen’s helmets worn during fire fighting duties.
Note: 3 The use of paint (aerosol type) and certain adhesive stickers may affect the integrity of the helmet and should not be allowed.
Note: 4 Metal safety helmets shall not be worn.
Specific Safety Helmets
Air Supplied Helmets should be worn when working with chemical sprays or grit blasting.
Welding Helmets/Caps, which give protection against dangerous arc radiation and hot particles of weld metal, shall be worn when engaged in welding operations.
Care and Maintenance
Safety helmets must be properly cared for and maintained by:
Storing them in a safe place when not in use, for example on a peg or in a cupboard.
Visually examining them regularly for signs of damage or deterioration.
Replacing defective harness components.
Regularly cleaning or replacing the sweat band.
All safety helmets are susceptible to loss of strength and impact resistance from ultraviolet light, temperature extremes and chemical degradation. An inspection and maintenance program that includes provision for replacement should be established. The service life of a safety helmet can be extended by cleaning both the shell and harness as part of the maintenance program. These parts can be scrubbed with a mild detergent (not soap) to remove dirt and stains, rinsed thoroughly with warm water (400 C), wiped dry and then inspected for any signs of damage. This should also be carried out before issuing a used safety helmet to another person.
Eye Protection
General Duties (Clear Lens Non-prescription Safety Spectacles)
Eyes require to be protected against injury from wind blown debris, and from impact against various fixtures, fittings or loose items which the wearer may inadvertently knock into by nature of working in close confines of plant or equipment.
Eye protection shall be worn in specific areas, or for specific activities, on all onshore/offshore operational sites.
Note: 1 For prescription and non-prescription spectacles incorporating side shields, removal of these shields invalidates the Standards.
Contact Lenses
Personnel wearing contact lenses require the same level of eye protection as those without contact lenses, but an additional potential hazard associated with contact lenses should be noted. In the event of a foreign body or chemical splash into the eye, it may be difficult to remove the lens in order to effect satisfactory irrigation; medical assistance should be sought.
Welding Operations (Eye, Face and Neck Protection}
Welding operations require special eye, face and neck protection for the operator. Assistants, Firewatchers will also require protection against ultra-violet radiation.
Certain operations are significantly more hazardous to the eyes, and the eye protection selected must be suitable against particular hazard in question. For operations including grinding, scraping, chipping etc, the handling of chemicals and solvents, sample taking, etc, advice should be sought from the Safety and Environmental Protection Division. Full-view goggles/face shields may be required and they should be suitable for dust or chemical protection.
Eye First Aid (Eye-Baths and Bottles}
Suitable first aid equipment for the treatment of eye injuries will be maintained on all sites and installations, as specified by the Medical Services.
Care and Maintenance
The lenses of eye and face protectors must be kept clean as dirty lenses restrict vision, causing eye fatigue and leading to accidents. There are two methods for cleaning eye and face protectors:
Glass, polycarbonate and other plastic materials can be cleaned by thoroughly wetting both sides of the lens or shield and drying with wet strength absorbent paper. Anti-static and anti-fog, cleaning fluids may be used if static or misting is a problem.
Materials can be “dry” cleaned by removing grit and dust with a brush and using silicon treated non-woven cloth. Plastic and polycarbonate material, however, should not be “dry” cleaned as the cloth used in this method may scratch it.
Eye protectors should be issued on a personal basis and used only by the person to whom they are issued. If eye protectors are reissued they must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Eye protectors should be kept in a case or pouch when not in use. Eye protector headbands are to be replaced when worn out or damaged.
Scratched or pitted lenses should be replaced as they may impair vision and their resistance to impact may be impaired. Transparent face shields should be replaced when warped, scratched or brittle with age.
Hand Protection
General Purpose Gloves
General purpose gloves should only be used to protect against minimal risks to health and safety (i.e. resist cuts and abrasions, repel some liquids and offer a good grip).
Care should be taken in the donning, use, removal and storage of protective gloves. They should be maintained in good condition, checked regularly and discarded if worn and deteriorated.
Gloves should always be cleaned (if applicable) according to manufacturer’s instructions (i.e. repeated washing may remove fungal and bacterial inhibitors from the lining of the glove, possibly leading to skin irritation).
Care and Maintenance
Where tests show that penetration through a glove can occur, a control system of regular glove checking, cleaning and replacement must be put in place.
Gloves are to be regularly examined for cuts, punctures, abrasion, cracks, contamination, etc. Areas between the fingers and other flex points must be carefully examined. They may be tested for leaks by inflating with low-pressure air (200 kPa) and immersing in a water bath while still under pressure. Although it may be practical to decontaminate and re-use gloves in certain situations, the cleaning process usually does not remove all the toxic material, thus reducing breakthrough time for subsequent use. Discarded and contaminated gloves are to be destroyed in order to prevent unauthorized retrieval and use (this is especially important for gloves that may have been in contact with very toxic substances.)
Gloves should be stored at ambient temperatures away from light, moisture, solvents and chemicals. Each person should be issued with protective gloves on a personal basis to prevent the spread of contagious skin infections.
If rubber gloves for electrical work become dirty or soiled, they can be cleaned by washing with soap and water at a temperature not exceeding the glove manufacturer’s recommended limit, then thoroughly dried and dusted with talcum powder. If insulating compounds such as mastic or paint continue to stick to the gloves, the affected parts should be sparingly wiped with a suitable solvent and re-c1eaned. They may then be returned to their storage box or pouch.
Approved safety gloves must be worn for specific types of exposure:
Leather Rigger Gloves
Leather rigger gloves are required to be carried by all members of the crew, carrying out heavy duty lifting work. Fire fighting gloves provide better protection against heat and flame.
Chemical Handling (PVC/Neoprene Gloves)
Particular care should be used when handling chemicals, which must not come into contact with the skin. PVC gloves for handling acids/alkalis should be worn. Special gloves are available (Nitrile) for handling solvents. Handle and remove gloves carefully to avoid contamination of hands and inside the gloves. Wash hands and arms frequently, dry them
carefully and use a hand cream to prevent dryness of the skin through loss of natural oils. Keep cuts and abrasions covered with waterproof plasters.
Electrical Work (Rubber Gloves)
Rubber gloves shall be worn during electrical work (refer to Regulation No 19 Working with Electricity (Offshore)).
Foot Protection
Safety footwear protects against hazards ranging from dermatitis to crushing injuries. Within this broad range of hazards, consideration needs to be given to the possibility of contact with chemicals, extremes of heat, slippery surfaces, punctures from nails or other sharps objects, and electrical hazards both live and static. All personnel working in, or visiting, potentially hazardous areas such as construction sites, workshops, process areas, etc. must wear safety footwear at all times while in the area. Safety footwear in general use SMI operations includes:
Boots and Shoes
These are the most common types of safety footwear and normally comprise rubber soles and leather uppers with integrated steel toecaps. They may also have features such as slip resistant soles and steel mid-soles.
Note: 1 Footwear incorporating external steel toecap, hob nails, steel toe plates or heel plates are forbidden.
Note: 2 Boots shall be replaced when damage exposes the toecap, or when the sole is worn smooth.
Wellington Boots
These protect against water and wet conditions and are useful in jobs where the footwear needs to be washed and disinfected for hygienic reasons, such as in food handling. Usually made from rubber, they are also made from polyurethane and PVC that have greater chemical resistance. Wellington boots are available with steel toecaps and instep guards.
The selection of protective footwear depends primarily on the hazard(s) but comfort and durability must also be considered. The choice is therefore made on the basis of suitability for protection, compatibility with the work and the requirements of the user.
Generally, safety footwear must be flexible, wet resistant and absorb perspiration. Boots should be selected where ankle protection is required. The ability to resist corrosion, abrasion and industrial wear and tear should also be considered. Manufacturers’ instructions and markings for appropriate use and level of protection must always be observed.
Specific requirements for protective footwear are as follows:
Boots and shoes to have treaded soles for slip resistance. Soles can be heat and oil resistant, shock resistant, anti-static or conductive, as required for the work being carried out. Footwear intended to protect against oils, solvents or liquids to have soles that are molded or bonded to the upper. Footwear with steel mid-soles to be used where there is a risk of the sole being pierced by nails and similar objects. The soles of footwear used for abseiling work to have a substantial instep to enable a firm footing when climbing.
Steel toecaps
These to be capable of resisting a heavy sharp object falling from a considerable height.
Burn protection
Footwear made of leather to be used to protect against burning by sparks and slag.
People working in places where it is wet underfoot to wear safety footwear impervious to water. Rubber and PVC are suitable waterproof materials for footwear but are not permeable and prevent the escape of perspiration. For people whose work requires prolonged wearing of waterproof footwear, items made of ‘breathable’ material to be considered.
Anti-static footwear offers protection against the hazard of static electricity and gives some protection against mains electric shock. Anti-static footwear to be worn where there is both a hazard from static build up and the possibility of contact with mains electricity. The soles to have a resistance low enough to allow static electricity to leak slowly away while maintaining enough resistance to protect against a 240 V mains electric shock.
Care and Maintenance
Safety footwear must be maintained in good condition, checked regularly and discarded if worn or deteriorated. Bootlaces are to be checked and replaced if necessary. Materials lodged in the sole tread should be removed without further damaging the tread. Stitching should be checked for loose, worn or cut seams.
Protective silicone sprays or waxes may be used to give protection against wet conditions.
Body Protection
General Duties (Coveralls)
Coveralls give protection to the wearer against general dirt. The garments shall be manufactured from cotton material.
The coveralls should be of color that is easily seen, namely orange yellow or red (offshore). If dark color material is used, a light-reflective strip should be incorporated across the shoulders of the garment.
Foul Weather Duties (Jacket and Over-Trousers)
These garments give protection against wind, and rain, and some protection against splashing from liquids. The clothing will offer a degree of protection if the wearer is inadvertently exposed to a fire situation.
The garment shall be manufactured from approved materials.
Note: Personnel employed in the production of hydrocarbons – including drilling operations – should be issued with a jacket and over-trousers.
Chemical Handling (Protective Clothing)
Personnel handling bulk chemicals may require whole body protection against splashes. If necessary, they shall wear impervious suits or aprons.
Handling Low Specific Activity Scale
Personnel handling equipment contaminated by radioactive low specific activity (LSA) scale need special protective equipment. For example:
Contaminated coveralls should be disposed of along with the LSA scale.
Decontamination (Emergency Showers}
In all places where acids or corrosive liquids are used or handled, emergency water showers shall be provided.
Emergency showers should be tested once per shift and before any work involving the handling of acids or corrosive liquids.
Water feed lines to emergency showers which are exposed to direct sunlight should be lagged.
Care and Maintenance
All types of body protective clothing and equipment must be maintained in good condition and checked regularly. It must be repaired or discarded if damaged. General-purpose coveralls should be regularly laundered to prevent irritation and the spread of skin infections. Coveralls that are damaged or torn must be repaired or replaced.
Chemical suits should be washed in warm water and a mild soap whenever they have come into contact with chemicals. Suits should be hung up to dry before being stored in cases or hung on hangers. Chemical suits have a life expectancy of three to four years and must be inspected and tested every three months, even if not in use. The inspection and testing must include an air test with examination of all seams for leakage. Vapor suits must be air tested, after use and cleaning, with the manufacturers test kit before being stored in a protective case. Where available and when necessary, the manufacturer’s testing and repair services should be used.
General Duties
Hearing conversation programmes should be established in all locations where employees are exposed to noise levels above 85dBA for 8 hours.
It is necessary to take special precautions to prevent damage to hearing by exposure to excessive or prolonged noise.
Wear hearing protection in all areas where noise levels exceed 85dBA for an 8-hour shift shall be designated as Hearing Protection Areas.
No exposure to continuous or intermittent noise levels in excess of 115dBA is allowed.
Noise Exposure Dose
To find the average amount of exposure, a person can be subjected to in a period of time, the time weighted average (TWA) is used, based on an 8-hour shift.
Noise exposure should be reduced to as low as reasonably practicable. Everyone entering a designated hearing protection area must wear suitable hearing protection.
Types of Hearing Protection
There are three basic types of hearing protection which are widely used:
Aural insert protectors (earplugs).
Semi-aural protectors (canal caps).
Circum-aural protectors (earmuffs).
Earplugs fit into the ear canal. For them to be effective they must be properly inserted. If the plugs are of the disposable type, they must be disposed of every time they are removed.
Non-disposable earplugs must be cleaned regularly to ensure that they do not cause a possible ear infection, both bacterial and fungal. Earplugs worn by one person must never be worn by another.
Canal Caps
Canal caps are individually moulded to an individual’s ear. If worn properly, canal caps can reduce noise exposure between 10-30dBA.
Earmuffs can be worn independently or as attachments to a hard hat in addition to earplugs. If worn properly, earmuffs can reduce noise exposure by 15-25 dBA.
Care and Maintenance
Ear plugs are intended to be disposable and although they can be cleaned and reused, it is not recommended.
Ear muffs must be regularly examined for signs of damage or deterioration to the shells, linings and headband, and defective parts replaced. Regular cleaning of the contact seals with a damp cloth will prevent discomfort and ear infection. Ear muffs should be stored in a cool, dry place when not in use.
Respiratory Protection
Personnel may be exposed to harmful vapors, dust and other airborne contaminants by the design or operating procedures of the worksite, in these circumstances it will be necessary to provide respiratory protective equipment (RPE) to personnel. This will be identified as one or more of the control measures after conducting a task risk assessment (Information Material Safety Data Sheet). .
It will be necessary to correctly identify the respiratory hazards, smokes, the product of combustion, dust, abrasion material, liquids, gases, vapors from chemicals, solvents, etc. The concentration and combination of the harmful substances should be assessed for their degree of toxicity. Advice the selection of RPE for particular applications can be sought from HSE Section.
Prior to the selection of suitable RPE, due consideration should be given to potential face-fit problems, including the wearing of facial hair. Full beards are not permitted for staff that may be required to wear respiratory protection during their normal working day, in particular, self contained breathing apparatus for fire fighting, rescue or H2S escape.
Respiratory protection may be required for normal working conditions or emergency conditions and fall into two general categories:
Those providing air which must pass through a filtering mechanism (referred to as respirators).
Those providing an air supply from an uncontaminated source (referred to as breathing apparatus).
Note: It is important to remember that filtration respirators are unsuitable for atmospheres which are deficient in oxygen.
Dust and Fumes (Filter Respirators)
Respirators range in type from a simple disposable dust mask to a high performance full-face mask with filters suitable for organic vapor, acid gas and dust.
It must be emphasized that respirators are only designed to afford protection against relatively low concentrations of toxic substances, and if there is a doubt as to correct level of protection that is required, then the higher level of protection will be selected. This may mean that in certain circumstances a respirator is deemed to be inadequate and breathing apparatus is required. Where doubt arises, advice should be obtained from the HSE Department.
7.7.3 Oxygen Deficiency (Breathing Apparatus}
Where the level of airborne contaminants is beyond the filtration capability of a respirator, or where there is an oxygen deficiency, then breathing apparatus (SA) must be used.
Note: Portable air compressors may only be used when sited in an unpolluted atmosphere.
Self-contained Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus
These sets are provided for emergency use where a portable supply of air is required for a short period of time.
The air for this apparatus is supplied under pressure either from compressed air cylinders carried by wearer, or from trolley sets.
Self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus (SCABA) shall be located in the control room and at strategic points within hazardous areas. The apparatus is housed in easily distinguishable boxes, or in wall-mounted containers, painted green.
SCABA shall be inspected and the air pressure checked on a weekly basis, where practicable (inspection, minimum of once a month). Minimum acceptable pressures are specified, depending on the type of equipment being used. The checks shall be recorded and faults reported to the HSE Department. These checks are in addition to specified maintenance schedules.
After use, a breathing apparatus set shall be serviced and fitted with a fully-charged cylinder before being re-sited. The servicing shall include the cleaning and decontamination of the face piece. On Das Island this will be carried out by the Fire and Rescue Services and offshore by specialized personnel
All persons required to use breathing apparatus must receive initial training and refresher training at intervals not exceeding 6 months. The training shall be recorded.
7.8 Fall Protection
Use equipment to reduce personal injury when crew may be exposed to:
A fall of 2 meters.
Work over the side.
Work on a vent stack.
Work in enclosed areas of oxygen deficiency/contamination.
The equipment is to consist of:
Full body harness.
Shock absorbing lanyard or approved equipment.
Connecting hook.
The label should indicate the year and standard of manufacture.
7.8.1 Types of Harness
Waist belts and chest harnesses may be used only for work positioning purposes, i.e. may be used to prevent a person from reaching position where all the risk of a fall exists. The waist belts or chest harnesses are not to be used as fall-arrested equipment.
Fall-arrest equipment requires a full body harness. Such a harness incorporates buttock straps designed to absorb the forces on a falling person. Use a harness in conjunction with shock-absorbing equipment.
7.8.2 Types of Shock-Absorbing Equipment
A lanyard from the harness incorporating a shock-absorbing or break-out device must be attached to a secure anchor point. The maximum length of the lanyard is 2 meters including any connecting hooks.
Shock-absorbing equipment of the dynamic type (e.g. inertia reel) must be directly attached to the body harness, the other end being secured to a suitable anchor point. For convenience, a short lanyard of up to 400 mm may be utilized between the harness attachment point and the hook of the inertia reel.
7.8.3 Connecting Hook
The connecting hook or shackle used in conjunction with the fall-arrest equipment requires to be of an auto-locking or double action type.
7.8.4 Safety Belt and Life Line
When the safety belt and life line are used, prearranged signals shall be used with the member outside the hazardous area (refer to Table below)
7.9 Fire Fighting Personnel Protective Equipments
7.9.1 Standards for Fire Fighting PPE
The minimum requirement calls for whole body protection, i.e. neck, torso, arms and legs; it excludes the head, hands and feet.
The specification for the clothing allows for a degree of flexibility in design and the garment may either be:
A single garment.
A two-piece suit consisting of a jacket and trousers with a specified minimum overlap.
A series of outlet and under garments designed to be worn together. In such a case, this must be declared on the labels of all the garments involved, and instruction is required to ensure that the requirement of this clause is met on every occasion.
With respect to this particular type of risk, such PPE must possess thermal insulation capacity and mechanical strength appropriate to the conditions of use amongst other requirements, for example, a good quality three-layered garment.
7.9.2 Fire Fighting (Fireman’s Helmet)
The conventional rig safety helmet is not suitable for helideck use and should not be worn during helicopter operations. The thermo-plastic material used to form the shell of the helmet has poor heat resistance properties, and the helmet will readily deform if subjected to a fire situation.
Firemen’s helmets complete with appropriate visors are required for fire fighting duties.
7.9.3 Fire Fighting (Suit, Underclothing and Flash Hoods)
Fireman’s Suit (Whole Body Protection)
The Company should assess the level of risk that firefighters are likely to be exposed to, taking into account all duties carried out, prior to selecting an appropriate level of protection in accordance with Standards for Fire fighting PPE.
It should be recognized that ‘adequate clothing’ should be worn beneath fire tunics/over trousers etc at all times of year. This is necessary to ensure good insulation against the high levels of radiated heat which can be expected from any liquid hydrocarbon fire.
‘Adequate clothing’ would include cotton/tool shirt and trousers and/or coveralls.
Flash Hoods
The provision of flash hoods is recommended in order to provide full body protection.
7.10 Working Over Water (Life Jackets And Work Vest)
When work is being carried out where there is a risk of falling in to the water, a life jacket shall be worn. When the wearing of a Iifejackets is impractical, a Work Vest/Buoyancy Aid shall be worn.
Approved lifejackets must be worn by all personnel travelling on or over water. Aircraft and Boat Captains have complete authority on the need to wear lifejackets, and their instructions must be obeyed.
Lifejackets must be secured in the approved fashion.
Lifejackets and work vests must comply with an appropriate standard, be inspected regularly and before use, and maintained in good condition.
Before selecting an item of PPE, an assessment should be undertaken which should be carried out along the following lines:
Identification of the risk with respect to a job or particular circumstances.
Characteristics and standards of the proposed PPE.
Comparison between (a) and (b) to establish the suitability of the equipment for the risks involved and for the personal characteristics of the use.
8.1 Compatibility
Ensure that where a combination of PPE is to be worn, the items are compatible and do not interfere with the effective use of the other items of PPE.
8.2 Primary Assessment
In many cases, the assessment will be simple and obvious, and an initial assessment of equipment suitable for a particular risk, or group risks, will be sufficient.
8.3 Secondary Assessment
In more complex cases, however, an assessment shall be performed by an individual with a thorough knowledge of the risks involved in a particular task. The results of the assessment will require to be recorded, and information made readily available to others who may be involved in the selection of appropriate protective equipment to match particular jobs.
9.1 Minimum Standards
Protective clothing shall be issued which is suitable for an individual site. As a minimum when on a production, process, construction or drilling worksite, personnel would normally be required to wear safety helmet, coveralls and safety boots.
Personnel, who work inside e.g. in galleys or kitchens, cleaning accommodation, in workshops or maintaining office equipment etc., must also be provided with suitable PPE. Local rules will state the areas in which this equipment is required to be worn. Shorts and other similar sports wear should not be worn at operational sites.
The minimum standards set by the Company for protective clothing or equipment shall apply, as appropriate, to all persons on site, including visitors and contractor’s personnel. PPE shall comply with relevant standards.
9.2 Maintenance of PPE
PPE must be maintained in an efficient state. The level of inspection or maintenance with respect to PPE will be determined by the type of equipment used and the conditions in which it is used.
With simple equipment, an inspection by the user immediately before use may suffice, and maintenance may be in the form of cleaning or laundering, with the item being replaced when worn out.
Protective clothing and equipment should be used properly, and any defects in the equipment shall be reported to the supervisor.
Do not wear clothing or equipment that is contaminated (e.g. oil, grease or other substances), return it for cleaning or replacement.
Where appropriate, a record of inspection and maintenance will be necessary, and manufacturer’s maintenance schedules should be followed.
9.3 Storage of PPE
PPE must be stored correctly. The Company shall make appropriate arrangements for the storage of PPE:
The storage shall be adequate to protect the equipment from damage or contamination.
Items of PPE shall be adequate to protect the equipment from damage or contamination.
Those involved in the use of PPE shall be given suitable instruction and training in the use of particular equipment as follows:
‘Everyday’ equipment which is simple to use will require only basic instructions.
Personnel involvement in the use, maintenance, repairs or testing of more complex equipment will require formal training, and such training may be both theoretical and practical. In such cases, refresher training may be required, as an appropriate, and records of ppe- Personal Protective Equipment
Written By - Davie Burner, Compliance Manager, Auko Text China Co Ltd.
The purpose of this guide is to establish a core/basic outline of planning for and reacting to a disaster. It provides a means for authorized personnel to find the right information quickly and to adjust to the disaster.
The 10-Point Core Plan obviously does not address all aspects of the management, but is intended to provide:
A guide for interim management of operations in the event of a disaster.
A definition of responsibilities for those involved in the recovery of the disaster.
A foundation for the development of a formal Disaster Management Program.
To protect the people who work in or visit your location(s).
To protect corporate assets located in your location(s).
To resume business and service as quickly and effectively as possible.
The following checklists are intended to help you consider some essential of a core/basic emergency plan. The checklists correspond to the functions outlined below:
1. Direction and Control
6. Shelter
2. Communications
7. Emergency Services
3. Alerting and Warning
8. Emergency Information
4. Facility Shutdowns
9. Supporting Material
5. Evacuation
10. Administrative and Logistics
The Core Plan
The ten points listed below must be considered as you develop your plans. You may adapt or combine them to meet [CLIENT] specific requirements. The following checklist will help [CLIENT] to review and evaluate the current state of emergency planning relevant to your operations and to identify planning gaps and weaknesses.
1.Direction and Control
Your emergency plan must provide for a coordinator (and alternate coordinators) that will exercise direction and control during an emergency. The coordinator is responsible for:
Directing the operations of the emergency team members.
Coordinating all emergency activities.
Gathering and analyzing information needed for emergency decisions.
Your plans for central direction and control should also designate alternative locations for an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and/or subordinate command posts.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Someone who is in charge of each emergency or disaster situation
An EOC and the on-the-scene command post, and identity of personnel assigned to the EOC during an emergency.
An alternative EOC in case the primary EOC is unable to function.
The criteria for ordering an evacuation of the facility.
Identity of the individual responsible for issuing evacuation orders and explain how orders will be announced.
Established lines of succession to ensure continuous leadership, authority and responsibility in key positions.
Logistical support (food, water, lighting, fuel, etc.) for the emergency operations teams.
Staff and means to activate the emergency teams quickly.
Assignments for operations and administrative support for emergency response activities.
Clear and concise summary of the emergency functions, direction and control relationships, and communication systems.
Procedures to protect essential personnel, equipment and records during a disaster.
Assigned staff to monitor and report the effects of the disaster.
Communications between the coordinator and the emergency teams is essential. Your Emergency Plan must therefore provide for establishing, maintaining and securing a backup for all means of communication.
Key personnel must understand all communications procedures. These procedures that are part of daily operating systems are likely to work best in an emergency. Equipment must be regularly maintained and the staff must know how to adapt these systems during the emergency period.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Methods of communication between the Coordinator and the response teams and between the Coordinator and other company locations, adjacent firms and local government emergency services (fire, police, medical, etc.).
Detailed communication requirements for the emergency response organizations and warning systems.
Use of two-way radio communications between the coordinator and the response teams.
Method to allow the response team members and their alternates to obtain and use communication equipment.
Means to recall the communications staff on short notice using lists that contain the name and telephone #’s of each person
Additional telephone services during an emergency.
Key telephone numbers of emergency assistance organizations.
Alerting and Warning
During an emergency, the Coordinator will need procedures to alert all response staff and other employees to anticipated hazards. Warning may arrive by:
Switchboard operator, Public Address System, or word-of-mouth reports.
Alarm devices activated by smoke or heat detectors, sprinkler systems, etc.
Announcements from the Weather Service or local authorities.
These warning systems, in turn, depend on communication systems to alert all employees and to request assistance from police or fire departments.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
How to respond to warnings from the Weather Service and local government when hazards threaten your facility.
How to warn employees of an emergency, including the hearing impaired or non-English speakers.
Warning systems used to alert employees of danger (e.g., alarms, paging systems, smoke detectors and word-of-mouth).
An alternative warning system to backup the primary system.
Defined responsibilities of departments and personnel and described warning activation procedures.
Warning local government and nearby facilities of on-site disasters that might spread outside your facility.
Requesting emergency assistance from local government (fire, police, medical, etc.).
Alerting key officials on a 24-hour basis using call-down procedures. (i.e., starting from top of list to bottom).
Testing the warning system regularly to ensure proper operation.
Facility Shutdown
Your Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) must offer guidelines on when and how to shutdown your facility. This involves developing criteria for making the decision to stop operations and elaborating procedures for shutting down equipment, utilities and the entire facility.
This function also includes establishing emergency protection measures and damage control and assessment techniques.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Conditions under which a shutdown must be considered or must occur.
Identity of who makes the decision to shutdown equipment, utilities or the whole facility.
Someone who is responsible for carrying out a shutdown. (Assign specific roles for shutting off equipment and utilities and for checking automatic shutoffs. Assign backup roles for each individual’s assignment. Require reports of shutdown completion to Coordinator).
A prearranged order or signal to initiate shutdown procedures.
A comprehensive procedure for ran emergency shutdown.
Diagrams that show all turnoff valve & switch equipment locations.
Shutdown instructions posted on or near the control panels, valves, switches and operating mechanisms of all equipment.
Trained personnel to implement the emergency shutdown procedures.
Designated personnel to close doors and windows, tie down or move equipment and supplies to shelter areas, and barricade doors and windows.
Assigned personnel to meet and direct the emergency response units as they arrive at your facility.
Identifying and protecting valuable tools, instructions, machinery, materials and information.
Protecting equipment and material stored outside.
Test shutdown procedures.
The goal of evacuation is to move people and resources (equipment, supplies and inventory) away from threatened areas. Successful evacuation depends on sufficient warning of an impending disaster.
In planning for an emergency, you must establish clear and detailed procedures for carrying out complete or partial evacuation from buildings or from an entire neighborhood. Neighborhood evacuations require coordination with all elements of your Disaster Management program, as well as with government authorities in the communities affected.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
The conditions under which an evacuation should be ordered.
Evacuation procedures that avoid other hazards, e.g., fallen high voltage wires.
Coordinating the site and area of evacuations with local government.
Identity of individuals responsible for ordering an evacuation and establish lines of succession for carrying out evacuation.
Conditions under which it would be safe to complete a shutdown before ordering a general evacuation.
A means of alerting and communication systems for signaling impending or immediate evacuation.
Procedures that use search and rescue teams to evacuate personnel when alarms are inoperative.
Evacuation routes on maps.
Evacuation routes throughout the company so that each employee has two escape options.
Adequate lighting for evacuation in stairwells and corridors during a power outage.
Training for all personnel to follow the evacuation routes, routines and check-in procedures for site evacuations.
Assistance for handicapped employees during an evacuation.
Ensuring that non-English speakers understand warning signals and know where to evacuate the workplace.
Identity of public or company re-assembly areas that will shelter evacuees from adverse weather, hazardous materials, etc.
Assigned responsibility to emergency staff for ensuring that all personnel have been evacuated.
A roll-call to ensure that all employees have been evacuated.
A means to identify missing persons.
A status report of the facility and any missing persons to company and civil authorities following an evacuation.
A method to have vital records removed from the site.
Identity of critical equipment to be evacuated and explain how and by whom it will be moved.
Test evacuation procedures for all facilities.
Maintaining and updating the evacuation plan regularly.
In some situations, evacuation of the effected site may not be possible. Under these conditions, an EOP considers how to provide shelter for employees and visitors. Your Plan should describe the conditions under which people would be placed in shelters and the criteria for making this decision. The Plan should describe the capacity of on-site shelters and identify public shelter facilities that local emergency management officials have allocated for company employees.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Identity of existing shelter space on company property or off-site.
Means to inform employees of shelter locations
Directions for moving to shelter in an orderly manner.
Assigned corridor, floor and building wardens to assist the movement of employees to shelter.
Who will decide when evacuees can leave the shelters.
Emergency Services
Implementation of an emergency response depends on the availability of trained personnel. Providing the following emergency services internally, if possible, allows for a faster response time from individuals familiar with company facilities.
Fire fighting
Medical and health
Engineering support
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Current notification lists or call trees for each emergency response team.
Advising employees of the risks associated with handling hazardous materials and of best methods of protection.
A list of the appropriate equipment, instructions, antidotes and protective clothing for response teams.
Ensuring that the response team know when and how to use emergency equipment.
Procedures for the response team members to check for contamination and dispose of contaminated clothing.
Operating procedures for each response team that describes how will accomplish its assigned tasks and how it will deal with hazards.
A method to report casualties, damage assessment and evacuation status to the EOC.
Directing and coordinating the actions of the emergency response team during emergency operations.
Security services to:
Ø Control traffic
Ø Protect critical resources
Ø Protect property in damaged areas
Fire rescue teams deployed in the event of an emergency.
Fire control equipment where it will be accessible despite the effects of hazards.
Team members are alert to dangers during emergencies.
Emergency stations for screening casualties, administering first aid, making identification and casualty records and arranging for transportation to medical facilities.
Emergency medical support.
Adequate emergency medical supplies.
A resource list that identifies the source, location and availability of earth-moving equipment, dump trucks, fuel, etc., to support emergency and recovery operations.
An adequate water supply after a facility shutdown for drinking, fire fighting and sanitation.
Emergency Information
In developing your Plan, consider how to increase the employees’ awareness of hazards and how to advise employees about appropriate actions before, during and after an emergency. Effective collection and dissemination of information will help to focus emergency action and minimize confusion. Your Emergency Plan should also establish procedures and responsibility for dealing with the media.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Assigned responsibility for ensuring that all employees understand the warning signals, receive instructions on what to do in an emergency and know how to reach disaster stations or shelters.
Written emergency guidance materials distributed to employees. Care should be taken for the visually handicapped and non-English speakers.
Posted safety tips, locations of fire exits, evacuation routes, etc., on bulletin boards and other prominent areas.
Emergency activities on the agenda of regularly held meetings of the supervisory staff.
Briefing all new employees on the Emergency Plan and the roles they will be expected to assume.
Scheduled general training in safety measures for all employees and specific training for response teams.
A designated information office to act as the official point of contact during an emergency and a spokesperson for all contact with the media.
Procedures for authenticating and verifying all information received and for controlling rumors.
Supporting Materials
Your Emergency Plan will be much more helpful if you supplement it with the following information:
Floor plans and maps (site and street) that indicate the location of manpower and equipment.
Assignment charts (simple organizational charts) that show the names, titles, addresses and phone numbers of key emergency personnel. These charts should also indicate the responsibilities of each person during an emergency.
Call-up lists contain the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the people responsible for emergency operations. Alternates should be named in case the primary personnel are not available.
List of local resources that provide additional labor, equipment and supplies.
Mutual aid agreements that indicate companies willing to assist during emergencies.
A glossary that defines the terms. The plan should use words that mean the same thing to everyone.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Building floor plans, site plans of buildings and grounds, street maps and other plans or maps that would be useful.
Charts that show the names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of key personnel in the emergency organization.
Call-up lists of key personnel and their alternates for activating the Plan.
Lists of mutual aid agreements with other companies, including names and numbers of contacts.
Glossary of Terms.
Administration and Logistics
Emergency Plans require approval from senior management and agreement from departments that will be providing services during an emergency.
Senior management should also direct that testing and updating of the Plan be done on a regular basis, and/or changes occur with personnel or facilities.
Your plan should include:
Form Attached
Written concurrence from all company departments assigned emergency responsibilities.
Approval and support from the CEO of the company.
The approval date.
The name of the office (or individual) that is responsible for maintaining and updating the plan and for ensuring that changes to the plan are published and distributed.
An index or table of contents that organizes the emergency information by topic.
Provisions for testing the plan by drills and exercises and for identifying deficiencies.
A list of the basic emergency resources available, by source and quantity (e.g., lighting, first-aid and medical supplies, fire fighting equipment, etc.).
Provisions for training response staff to carry out emergency functions.
Provisions for conducting a review after an emergency to determine whether revisions are necessary for improvement.
Anyone on premises will call security (or other) to report fire or other situations. Follow department emergency procedures to evacuate personnel, secure the area, or perform other duties as required by the nature of the situation.
Once immediate danger from the emergency is under control, security must telephone or otherwise notify the Senior Executive Management with preliminary assessment of the damage. The Senior Executive Management will notify the Disaster Recovery Coordinator or alternate, with instructions. If an interruption of services has occurred or will occur as a result of emergency, the Disaster Recovery Coordinator telephones the Disaster Recovery Team Members to meet at a designated location (see Form II for meeting sites). The team members notify their key personnel to standby for activation of the recovery plan. The Senior Executive Management is to be kept informed of the situation by the Corporate Disaster Recovery Coordinator.
Notify outside emergency services
Direct facility shutdown
The flow chart below will delineate the chain of command:
This working draft should be reviewed and approved by Corporate Counsel and Senior Management.
0 – 48 Hours After Disaster
The Disaster Recovery Team will convene in one of the following locations based on the scope of the disaster and its effect on the corporation:
Location No. 1
Location No. 2
Location No. 3
Facility to be selected form the following alternatives:
Lease Warehouse Space:
Lease Office Space:
The Coordinator [__________________________________] will determine if and to what extent an evacuation will take place. In the event of the Coordinator’s absence, the below listed personnel, in order listed, have the authority to order such evacuation.
Procedures to Effect Evacuation:
The Coordinator (or the designee) will announce the evacuation procedures via the methods:
[CLIENT] to fill in this portion with those procedures that will allow for safe and efficient evacuation.
We are subject to regional disaster such as [events] and will be prepared by storing emergency supplies. We will also contact our local emergency management agency, (sheriff, American Red Cross, etc.) for specific recommendations.
We have developed the following list in anticipation of [the event].
Have on hand the basic materials:
Heavy duty plastic bags
Supply of plastic sheeting or tarps
Masking or duct tape to secure plastic
Battery radios AM/FM
Battery lights
Spare batteries
Large ice chests
Bottled water
Non perishable food
Can and bottle openers
Toilet paper
Paper plates, cups, napkins and plastic forks, knives, spoons
First Aid Kit
Duties and Responsibilities
In order to carry out our plan effectively and efficiently, we will assign responsibilities to individuals for the vital components of our Plan. The following assignment are:
Appoint a safety project coordinator and committee
Appoint an emergency planning coordinator & committee
Work with the emergency committee to design an emergency plan
Provide support and promotion for the plan
Urge company-wide awareness of the plan
Appoint an emergency action team
Safety & Emergency Coordinators
Become familiar with all rules and procedures of the plan
Safety committee will:
establish and enforce safety rules;
maintain and inspect facilities regularly; and
train and inform supervisors and employees.
Emergency committee will:
assume command in an emergency;
coordinate the activities of outside agencies; fire, police, medical services, security services, maintenance and repair teams, emergency and salvage teams;
communicate with management; and
contact media.
Emergency Planning Committee
Review and update emergency plan regularly
Review potential emergency situations
Work with the general safety committee
Emergency Action Team
Participate in emergency procedural training
Evacuate personnel
Protect property
Respond to directions of a team leader
Corporate Disaster Recovery Coordinator
Authorized to take actions necessary to recover processing capability
Directs activities of Disaster Recovery Team
Informs President of the Disaster Recovery Team’s progress
Software Coordinator
Restores operating system and related software as needed
Coordinates activities with Hardware Coordinator
Operations Coordinator
Restores operating procedures after recovery installation
Established processing schedules at recovery site
Directs activities of security to ensure that minimum physical and data security needs are met
Directs activities of off-site storage
New Facility Coordinator
Directs efforts of rebuilding or replacing data processing installation
Directs efforts of Hardware Coordinator
Hardware Coordinator
Obtains replacement hardware and supervises its installation at interim site and new site. Work with Software Coordinator in site preparation.
Facilities Coordinator
Prepares control center (and backup site as needed) with utilities, supplies, furniture and office equipment.
Directs activities of Communications and Transportation Coordinator to meet needs of establishing telephone communications and transportation between the control center.
Communication Coordinator
Ensure that required telephone service is provided to the new location, backup sites, backup storage facility and at the site being restored to normal operations. Ensure that data communications facilities are provided for input to and from the backup site.
Notify the team members of the progress and status of communications arrangement.
Ensure that the team, primary and backup sites are providing the required level of protection.
Initiate action to upgrade communications when appropriate.
Insurance Coordinator
Lists and photographs damage and records cost for insurance claims.
Contracts with salvage organization to save whatever possible.
Security Officer
The person assigned responsibility for facility security in disaster situation would generally be the same person who is normally responsible for facility security. Special concerns of the Security Officer in a time of disaster would be:
Preventing access to the premises by unauthorized personnel
Assisting police in security operations
Clearing access for emergency vehicles
Protecting vital records
Protecting essential equipment (e.g., computers)
Medical Response
If the company employs an Occupational health Physician or an Occupational Health Nurse, the Disaster Planning Committee should work with these health professionals in developing this section of the plan.
A nurse or doctor already on site at the time of the disaster occurrence can begin providing emergency care or take charge of injury management before outside medical emergency teams arrive. Medical personnel can be expected to assume these types of responsibilities:
Provide emergency medical care
Medical Response
Coordinate and direct activities of auxiliary first-aid personnel
Assess injured persons to assure that the most seriously injured are given priority care when paramedics or other emergency medical assistance arrives.
Determine identity of all injured persons and their destination for medical treatment. Record and convey this information to the Communications Director.
Assist outside emergency medical personnel.
Medical Response
Record the condition of injured persons and the treatment given before leaving the site and send a copy of this information with the person to the hospital.
Provide status information to the communications Director for dissemination to the families of the injured and to the media.
Where no medical personnel are on site, and especially when medical emergency response from the outside is delayed for any length of time, first-aid trained members of the Emergency Response Team would be expected to assume many of these duties. Their main limitations would be in the level of emergency care they could provide and in assessing the severity of injuries.
Restoration Team Members are Responsible for:
Determining specific damage to each asset.
Determining team and cost to repair, replace, rebuild or upgrade equipment and facilities.
Initiate site cleanup operations, perform repairs/replacement actions.
Testing primary site readiness.
Assisting with conversion from backup to primary site.
The team managers must be familiar with operations within their respective areas to effect continued operation. The plan is not a mechanical checklist and does not address every eventuality that could occur but relies heavily on the skills of team members and other employees that may be involved. It will be up to each individual to determine how best to effect recovery and resume normal operations relaying that information to the Coordinator.
Communications/Public Relations
One person is usually assigned to coordinate or direct communications efforts, but in most cases more than one person is needed to carry out these responsibilities. Some of the activities assigned to communications personnel are:
Activating alarms or warning systems for evacuation.
Calling outside emergency services (e.g., fire/police) and directing them to the proper locations on arrival.
Notifying key personnel in the company.
Handling incoming and outgoing calls.
Notifying and dealing with family members of injured workers.
Providing information to the press, radio and TV reporters.
Maintaining communication between key personnel on site.
Determining whether all personnel have been accounted for and informing emergency response personnel of those believed to be missing.
Critical Personnel
This list identifies critical personnel. Personnel are listed by function, job title, and the number of people required.
Critical Disaster Response (first 10 hours)
Job Title
No. Required
Immediate Disaster Response (first 72 hours)
Job Title
No. Required
Initial Recovery Period (3 days to 6 days)
Job Title
No. Required
Extended Recovery Period (6 weeks to 18 months)
Job Title
No. Required
This list documents the work environment we will require to restore our operations.
No. of people required:
Critical 10 hrs.
Immediate 72 hrs.
Initial 3 day-6 week
Extended 6 wk-18 mo
7 A.M. – 5 P.M.
Other hours
No. of workstations:
Describe unusual requirements that cannot be met with standard office furniture:
Describe critical space requirements (sq. ft.) for special equipment:
Describe critical environmental requirements (e.g., air conditioning):
Describe special location requirements (e.g., the need to locate one function adjacent to another or to locate people within a department adjacent to others):
Office/Communication Equipment
The list of office and communication equipment will be needed to restore all operations.
Make & Model ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________
___________ ___________ ___________ ____________
CRT/Video Terminals
Make & Model ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________
___________ ___________ ___________ ____________
Program Name ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________
___________ ___________ ___________ ____________
Vital Infrmation
After a disaster, we will require retrieval of information that has been identified in advance as “vital” and safeguarded at an off-site location.
This form will identify vital information, explain how to retrieve it, and develop a strategy for ensuring that this information is always current.
dentify vital information (use one form for each category of information, e.g., accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger).
Information Description/Document Name:
Information media:
Microfilm – 4×6 fiche
Microfilm – 16mm roll film
Magnetic tape
Retrieval equipment:
Microfilm Reader – fiche
Microfilm Reader – roll
Raw Stock and Supplies
In order to continue operations after a loss, we must have raw stock and supplies necessary to produce our finished product. This section addresses the issues that affect replenishing raw stock and supplies after a loss.
In addition to the information requested in this section, we give special consideration to:
alternative sources for suppliers with only one location in case of a loss on their property;
other manufacturers or suppliers who participate in the actual processing of our product (i.e., subcontractors who assemble or refine your product); and
expert buyers needed to make very specialized high tech purchases.
Between [client] and Other [client] Locations and Business Firms
After a disaster, normal communication channels may not exist. Some divisions may have to resume immediate contact with specific persons or organizations (internal and/or external). List these contacts, the regular means of communication, and the time frame in which the communication must be resumed.
In the event a damaging magnitude occurs while you are at home, please do the following:
Wait from one to three days depending on damage before trying to telephone the office.
If you can’t reach the office, attempt to call [ ] or the Command Center at [ ].
Tune into [local radio station-call numbers/letters] which are [client] official news announcement stations.
If you are a member of the emergency response team or the salvage team, attempt to call the office at [ ] or the Command Center at [ ].
A copy of everyone’s home numbers is in the “Emergency Plan” and when service is available, everyone will be contacted.
A copy of all employee phone numbers is also in the appendix [option].
Employee Notification
This list identifies the coordinators who will notify employees of a disaster and tell them when they are to report for work. The list also identifies the employees to be contacted.
Division Coordinator
Work Phone
Home Phone
Back-up Coordinator
Work Phone
Home Phone
Work Phone
Home Phone
Vendor Notification
This list of vendors should be notified if our company is severely affected by a disaster. We want to tell them about the recovery locations and changes in scheduled deliveries, etc.
Emergency Assistance Organizations
After a disaster, normal communication channels may not exist. Some divisions may have to resume immediate contact with specific persons or organizations (internal and/or external). List these contacts, the regular means of communication, and the time frame in which the communication must be resumed.
Fire Department
Police Department
Highway Patrol
County Building Inspector
Red Cross Disaster Unit
Office of Emergency Services
State Disaster Assistance Division
The Emergency Plan is to be maintained by the Disaster Recovery Coordinator. Any changes, additions, deletions, etc., are to be sent to the Coordinator.
Any change, addition, etc. (with the exception of telephone numbers and addresses) will be updated and distributed on a monthly basis.
Review of the Emergency Plan will be made every six months, unless otherwise indicated by the revision date.
A variety of training needs are identified in connection with executing an effective disaster recovery plan. The training should be provided by persons who have expertise in the specific area. For example, someone outside the company might be used to provide first-aid/CPR instruction or for training in the use of emergency respirators. Other training needs can usually be met by using persons within the company.
Special training needs are identified as:
General – involving all employees such as:
– Knowing evacuation plans;
– Knowing how to reach their disaster station or shelter;
– Recognizing alarm signals;
– Knowing how to report emergencies;
– Knowing what type of emergencies could occur.
Special – involving only certain persons assigned to special or high risk tasks such as:
– Emergency Response Team Members;
– Medical response personnel, including first-aiders;
– Communications personnel;
– Command positions.
Once the plan is completed and “tested”, the company will be in a better position to cope with a disaster situation. Any failures of the system, identified during the test, should be reviewed and changes made.
The plan should never be allowed to become obsolete or ineffective. Changes in a facility, such as growth in size, change in operations and additions or deletions or hazardous materials, can cause the plan to become obsolete. Loss of key personnel, lack of ongoing management support or an influx of new employees can damage the effectiveness of the best plan.
To maintain a viable plan, the plan should be reviewed and updated at least twice a year to reflect changes in the facility, facility personnel, the community and its resources, and the law. Telephone numbers will be updated monthly.
A degree of risk exists in everything we do in life. [Client] is committed to providing a safe working environment policy and protecting employees, property, customers, and suppliers through ongoing loss prevention and managing potential disasters. To this end, [client] has assigned the development, implementation and administration of corporate safety and security procedures referred to as our Disaster Management Program. Guidelines and assistance will be provided by specified department(s) or individual(s).
anywhere or anytime, from the responsibility of being alert to unsafe conditions and taking timely action to correct them.
Creating and maintaining a safe working environment also requires the interest and cooperation of every employee throughout the [company]. The observation of safety and security procedures must be an integral part of our daily working hours.
As a [top manufacturer/developer] of [name products and/or services] in the [U.S., Canada, and throughout the world,] we will do everything in our power to retain our market position and image.
Name [President, Chairman and/or CEO]
Company Name
This working draft should be reviewed and approved by Corporate Counsel and Senior Management.