How to Remove Unused Css and Js in WordPress

How to Remove Unused Css and Js in WordPress

How to Remove Unused Css and Js in WordPress

Scripts Optimization Techniques:
Eliminate render-blocking resources
Enable text compression
Remove unused CSS
Serve images in next-gen formats
Reduce server response times (TTFB)
Minify JavaScript
Minify CSS


Question: What is the difference between Remove unused CSS and Minify CSS

Answer: The difference is that CSS can be consolidated into simpler code and some of it can be condensed and removed, minifying CSS is a trick to do that where instead of it loading via the files it inserts that code into the page that needs the style directly. You can read more about that from something like this (dh)

Question: Whats are the technique to remove unused CSS and Java Script form WordPress website? Are there any plugins for this?

Answer: You can do it by hand via some guides out there, I don’t have any like single guide to do that, but if you are looking to go the plugin route Autoptimize has a CSS optimization option that helps minify CSS scripts. And I do believe Wp-Rocket has that feature, you can use it, but if you just want to minify CSS, autoptimize is a bit lighter


9 Ways to Remove Unused CSS & JS in WordPress
How to Remove Unused CSS in WordPress (The Right Way)
Minification of CSS
W3 Total Cache Plugin (Reduce CSS JS)
W3 Total Cache Plugin full

WordPress Speed Optimization Plugin Free and Premium

WordPress Speed Optimization Plugin Free and Premium

WordPress Speed Optimization Plugin Free and Premium

Fast Velocity Minify

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache have 7 Tabs to configure

(1)Easy (2)Advanced (3)CDN (4)Contents (5)Preload (6)Plugins (7)Debug


Follow below screen shot

WP Super Cache Settings Easy Tab


WP Super Cache Settings Advance Tab
WP Super Cache Settings Advance Tab1



WP Rocket


Rocket Analysis: On/Off


Enable Caching for Mobile Devices: Check/Uncheck

WP Rocket Configuration
WP Rocket Setting
WP Rocket Optimization
Wp Super Cache
Wp Super Cache
WP Super Cache best
How to Optimize Images in WordPress Without Plugin & With Plugin

How to Optimize Images in WordPress Without Plugin & With Plugin

How to Optimize Images in WordPress Without Plugin & With Plugin

  1. How to Optimize Images in WordPress Without Plugin
  2. How to Optimize Images in WordPress With Plugin

1. How to Optimize Images in WordPress Without Plugin

The more the contents we are trying to display in homepage is affecting the Page size. So, we have to think like we will upload limited contents on a home page so that it will not affect the Page Load.

  1. During uploading a big images in Revolution Slider or Product Images keep the actual dimension but we can decrease the image size.
  2. Lossless Compression: This is process to Strip unused data & compress images without affecting image quality.
  3. All Product Image / Slider Images / Banner Images should be in JPG format. It is much lighter than the PNG format.
  4. Optimize & compress up to 50 images by using a plugin with one click.
  5. By saving images like this we can save much storage in the Server and the site will be Optimized. We should keep the Big images like Slider Images, Big Banner Images within 150kb to 200kb Max (Always less value should be Compromised). The Product image size can be 50kb to 100kb Maximum (Always less value should be Compromised).
  6. Incorrect Size Image Detection: Quickly locate images by using a plugin that are slowing down your site.
  7. Automatic optimization using Cron
  8. In homepage Carousels Sections should be limited. Each Section of Carousels should calling only 10-12 product images . e.g. If each tab loading 20 to 30 Product images. If we assume 30 images then 430 = 120 Images are loading in this Section.
  9. Make your website faster by reducing the weight of images
  10. Optimize images if they are not located in the media library.
  11. Grid Style is better instead of Carousels, we can set a View More Button at the Right or Bottom side of Each Section which can lead to the Category Page.
  12. Serves images from a global CDN for free
  13. bh

(1). Example of Image Size mentioned, Original images you upload should be at least 800 x 800px or higher for most themes. It depends on theme. I have mentioned some example below –

  • Alibaba: 1000x1000px =240kb, 2448x2448px = 1.39Mb, 800x1066px = 474kb, 800x800px = 109kb
  • Amazon: 679x848px = 7kb, 679x847px = 21kb, 1500x1471px = 165kb, 1302x1500px = 156kb

2. How to Optimize Images in WordPress With Plugin Plugin (bh)

How to enable lazy image loading & How to add lazy load to images

2.1. Install and configure Jetpack Boost

2.2. Install and configure Jetpack

  • Enable Lazy Image Loading
  • Enable site accelerator
  • Speed up image load times
  • Enable Lazy Loading for images

2.3. Install and configure Shotpixel

  1. Sign up 
  2. Input API key
  3. Configure
  4. Convert all JPEG, PNG or GIF to WebP and AVIF
  5. Convert the next generation images (WebP and AVIF) into the front-end pages by using the <picture> tag instead of <img>, independent from generating them through the plugin
  6. Compatible with WP Retina 2x – all retina images are compressed automatically
  7. CMYK to RGB conversion
  8. Can run ShortPixel on multiple websites or on a multisite with a single API Key
  9. Bulk optimize all images in Media Library with one click
  10. Option to deactivate auto-optimizing on upload for images
  11. Integration with CloudFlare, by API Key or a Token
  12. Uploaded images can be automatically optimized in Media Library.

2..4. Install and Configure WebP Express

 Install and Configure WebP Express
  1. HTML, replacing image tags with picture tags
  2. HTML, replacing image URLs so all points to webp
  3. Cache Enabler, the same as above can be achieved, but with page caching
  4. Much faster load time for images in browsers that supports webp
  5. Better ranking in Google searches
  6. Less bandwidth consumption

Install and configure Imagify Plugin


Question: How can I measure the impact of Imagify on speed score?

Answer: We can use GTMetrix/Google PageSpeed to test the following metrics before and after the image optimization:

Total Page Size (GTMetrix), Optimize images (GTMetrix), Serve images in next-gen formats (PageSpeed Insights) and Efficiently encode images (PageSpeed Insights)

Questions: I am operating as ecommerce website developed by WordPress. I have imported 857 products. All product has one image.  Sometimes I delete some products and sometimes I add some products. But I don’t delete image. So now I have 857 products. But in media library I found around 2463 images. Will unused image slow/affect my website?

Answer: Yes . These unused images will cause load on your website slow down the website functionality.
As you keep on uploading the images, the website keeps on building up the CPU usage, cache and other processes, until it reaches its peak and breaks down. (S5)

Answer: Unsued images should not be affecting your site in terms of performance as those are not being used. They are, however, using the allocated disk. (dp)

Question: Which image format is better for website? E.g.JPG/PNG/WebP

Answer: WebP format is best as it dies not consume much resource but resolution is not that great! (S5) I’d say WebP. (dp)

Question: You are talking about Will this plugin convert JPG/PNG to WebP format? I have jetpack so will  Jetpack does not work as Lazy load since it has option.    

Question: What is the best image conversion plugin?

My recommendation would be to follow the steps in an article like this one . We uses a HTTP Proxy Cache so I think you can do the conversion using the suggested plugin in that above article.


Configure WebP

How To Install SSL Certificate in cPanel /Hosting Server for Website.

How To Install SSL Certificate in cPanel for WordPress Website

What is SSL

SSL means Secure Sockets Layer. It is a protocol that protects communication on the internet. SSL is used for securing communication between a web browser & a web server. Website address will be from HTTP to HTTPS.

What is SSL Certificates

A website needs SSL certificate in order to keep user data secure, verifying ownership of the website, prevent the attackers from creating a fake version of the site and gain user trust.

Why SSL Certificates Use

Companies and organizations need to install SSL certificates to their websites to secure online transactions and keep their customer information private and secure. We recommend that you use SSL when you set up your email account in an email application as well as in online payment services to protect your data

Types of SSL Certificates

PositiveSSL: 1 domain, Domain Validation, It means before an SSL certificate can be issued, the certificate applicant needs to confirm their domain ownership rights. This is called domain control validation (DCV), Basic HTTPS, Comodo SSL, Low assurance, Great for Personal, Pricing: 3$

PositiveSSL Wildcard : Unlimited subdomains, Domain Validation, Basic HTTPS, Comodo SSL, Low assurance, High and Law means, the level of the assurance mostly depends on the certificate validation type, the amount of the information the certificate applicant provides to the Certificate Authority (Comodo, now Sectigo). The deeper is the certificate validation process performed by Comodo (now Sectigo), the higher is the assurance, Great for Personal, Pricing: 38$

Essential SSL : Domain (DV), Single Domain, Great for Personal, Encryption (up to 256-bit), Pricing: 13$

EV SSL: 1 domain, Extended Validation, Company name in browser, Comodo SSL, Very high assurance, Great for Business, Encryption (up to 256-bit), Pricing: 39$

PremiumSSL Wildcard : Unlimited subdomains, Organization Validation, Company name in SSL, Comodo SSL, High assurance, Great for Personal, Great for Personal, Encryption (up to 256-bit), Pricing: 112$

Instant SSL : 1 domain, Organization Validation, Company name in SSL, Comodo SSL, High assurance, Great for Business, Encryption (up to 256-bit), Pricing: $15

PositiveSSL Multi Domain : 3-100 domain seats, Domain Validation, Basic HTTPS, Comodo SSL, Low assurance, Great for Personal, Encryption (up to 256-bit), Pricing: $16

EV Multi Domain SSL : 3-100 domain seats, Extended Validation, Company name in browser, This means, that in the address bar, clickable padlock, you can see company details in certificate properties (for OV and EV certificates)., Comodo SSL, Very high assurance, Great for Business, Pricing: $69

Unified Communication : 3-100 domain seats, Organization Validation, Company name in SSL, Comodo SSL, High assurance, Great for Business, Encryption (up to 256-bit), Pricing: $44

Self-Signed : Self-signed certificate to secure  Local IP addresses. It is encrypted but there is no verification by a trusted party that it is handled by the correct source

TOP 20 SSL Certificates Providers/ Authority

Sectigo/ Comodo: Comodo is the former name of Sectigo and is one of the certificate authorities that issue SSL certificates

SLProviderTypeURL (Copy and Paste to your Browser)

How to generate a key and CSR

To configure server to use SSL, you must have an SSL certificate. To obtain the SSL certificate, complete the steps:

Set the OpenSSL configuration environment variable
Generate a key file.
Create a Certificate Signing Request
Send the CSR to a certificate authority (CA) to obtain an SSL certificate.
Use the key and certificate to configure Tableau Server to use SSL.
Configure a certificate for multiple domain names

SSL Management

SSL installation process via hosting provider is given below –

  • At first contact / chat with SSL service provider
  • Then they will make an invoice
  • Then make payment
  • Then need to create an email address in the domain
  • Thank you
  • You have entered the correct Domain Control Validation code. Your certificate will now be issued and emailed to you shortly. Please close this window now.


Q: Are you offering free SSL? So who is your SSL service provider? And which certificate are you providing in hosting package?

Question: How to Check SSL Active or Not?

Answer: Go to the link and input your website and check. www.

After inputting website below information will come to screen

These results were cached from July 13, 2020, 3:35 am PST to conserve server resources.
If you are diagnosing a certificate installation problem, you can get uncached results by clicking here. resolves to

 Server Type: Apache

 The certificate should be trusted by all major web browsers (all the correct intermediate certificates are installed).

 The certificate was issued by Let's Encrypt.

Write review of Let’s Encrypt

 The certificate will expire in 58 days. Remind me

 The hostname ( is correctly listed in the certificate.

 Common name:

Valid from June 11, 2020 to September 9, 2020
Serial Number: 04711e80e12d4d977884iooce29d0888d7b58d86e97f56
Signature Algorithm: sha25ttg56Wit888hRSAE8888ncryption
Issuer: Let’s Encrypt Authority X3

 Common name: Let's Encrypt Authority X3

Organization: Let’s Encrypt
Location: US
Valid from March 17, 2016 to March 17, 2021
Serial Number: 0a01tyu4142000001ooppiiuuy5385736a0b8oop5eca708
Signature Algorithm: sha2uio56WithRSAE7uioncopiryption
Issuer: DST Root CSA X3

Question: How to check mix content of http and https in a website

Answer: User below URL to check URL:

Question: Where is the file of user.ini

Answer: I have renamed the .user.ini file that fixed the issue ! It is in cpanel – File manager – Doc Root: /home1/bab/

Question: We have purchase host & SSL from If we transfer our hosting to you as VPS hosting, should we use existing SSL purchase from
