by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 22, 2021 | RMG Document
First Aid Item Control Sheet
- Small Sterilized Dressings -,
- Medium Sized Sterilized Dressings
- Large Size Sterilized Dressings
- 1/2 Oz. Packet Sterilized Cotton Wool
- 2 Oz. Bot. of 2% Al. Soln.. of Iodine
- 2 Oz. Bottle of Rectified Spirit
- Roll of Adhesive Plaster
- Tourniquet
- Pair of Scissors
- Analgesic Tablets
- Roller Bandage1” (Sterilized)
- Roller Bandage 3”
- Roller Bandage 4”
- Supratole(Burn Dressing )
- Cotton
- Tourniquet
- Povisep Cream
- Savlon Cream
- Sil cream
- Scissor
- First aid leaflet
- Leucoplast ( Micropor)
- Sterilized Gauze
- Triangle Bandage
- Splint
- Liquid Savlon
- Tooth forceps
- Artery forceps
- Hand Gloves
- Ointments for Burns
- Surgical Antiseptic, like Savlon
- Roller Bandages 4” Wide
- Roller Bandages 6” Wide
- Roll of Adhesive Plaster
- Triangular Bandages
- Packets of Safety Pins
Location of Box
- Security Gate Beside of Security Desk
- Knitting Section in front of printing press room
- Cutting section beside of Male Toilet
- Finishing section beside of spot removing Room
- Sewing-1 beside of Needle man’s desk
- Sewing-1 line-A South side
- Sewing-1 beside of 2 no. Exit
- Sewing-1 beside of Production Manager’s Room
- Sewing-2 Line-A South Side
- Sewing – 2 Beside of Female Toilet
- Dining Hall Beside of Canteen Room
- Sample Section Beside of Technical Manager’s Desk
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 22, 2021 | RMG Document
Management Review Meeting Minutes
PURPOSE: To ensure periodic review of effectiveness, adequacy and suitability of Quality Management System of Auto Garment Ltd . In each garment factory environment there are employees and management. Both management and employees often fail to exercise effective communication. Therefore, on many occasions tension is created between management and employees and among employees themselves. The following exercise is a “whisper” exercise based on workplace gossip and aims to enable participants to learn the principles of effective communication.
RESPONSIBILITY: Management Representative shall coordinate management review meeting, which will be chaired by the Chairman. The facilitator motivates the participants and divides them into 2 groups. The participants are separated so that they sit on the chairs at the opposite ends of the classroom out of audio range of each other.
- Review the quality management system once in a quarter.
- Ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of Quality Management System.
- Assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality management system, including quality policy and quality objectives.
- Quality Management System (QMS) shall be reviewed at least once in a
- Quarter by arranging the management review meeting.
- Chairman shall preside over the meeting.
- Chairman , General Manager and all department heads shall attend the management review meeting.
- Review shall consist of well-structured and comprehensive evaluations that includes:
- Results of internal, customer and third party audit
- Customer feedback. The facilitator should ensure that gender split is even. The facilitator has to ensure that chairs are placed at opposite sides of classroom at least one meter apart from each other. The chairs have to be placed in a straight line.
- Process performance and product conformity
- Status of corrective and preventive actions
- Follow up actions from previous management reviews
- Planned changes that could affect quality management system
- Recommendations from improvement
- Continuing suitability and adequacy of the Quality Policy
- Observations, conclusions and recommendations reached as a result of review and evaluation shall be documented as Meeting Minutes and circulated for necessary action by the Management Representative to all participants.
- Minutes shall include any decisions and actions related to:
- Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
- Improvement of product related to customer requirements
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 22, 2021 | QC QA
Quality System Procedure
PURPOSE: To define management responsibility of Auto Garment Ltd
SCOPE: Applies to Quality Management System (QMS) adopted by Auto Garment Ltd
RESPONSIBILITY: Managing Director is responsible for declaring Quality Policy and ensuring responsibility, and authority for the persons who manage, perform and verify work-affecting quality and shall ensure adequate resources for implementing Quality System. Managing Director is also responsible for business plan and internal communication. Managing Director, General Manager and Managers are responsible for setting quality objectives of their area in line with the quality policy and business plan.
- Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements
- Establishing quality policy and quality objectives
- Ensuring availability of resources
- Determine and meet customer requirements to enhance customer satisfaction
- Planning of quality management system
- Define and communicate responsibility and authority of the employees
- Appoint Management Representative with required responsibility and authority
- Establish internal communication process.
Quality Policy
- Quality Policy shall be prepared and declared by the Managing Director.
- Management Representative shall ensure that the Quality Policy is
- circulated, understood and followed throughout the organization. This
- shall be achieved by posting the Quality Policy at prominent locations,
- and discussing it on appropriate occasions.
- In every management review meeting, this Quality Policy shall be
- reviewed for continuing suitability and updated if required.
Internal Communication
At least once a year a Quality Awareness Meeting will be arranged for all employees of the company. the meeting Managing Director shall inform responsibilities and duties of the employees to achieve quality objectives, impact of meeting or not meeting customer, statutory and regulatory requirements. Time to time notice will be circulated on the above issues if needed.
Organization Chart
Managing Director shall clearly establish an overall organizational structure in the form of organization chart (Organogram). In this organization chart, functions related to quality management system, reporting and communication channel shall be defined.
- Review impact internal communication once a year.
- Review Quality Policy in every management review meeting for continuing suitability.
- Review achievement of Business Plan at the end of every year.
- Review achievement of departmental quality objectives at a frequency defined n the departmental objectives. Achievement of company objectives shall reviewed at the end of every year.
- Review resource requirement in every management review meeting.
- Maintain appropriate records of review.
Responsibility And Authority
- Responsibility and authority delegated to each position shall be
- explicitly defined and clearly established in Job Description.
- Responsibility, and authority to act shall be sufficient to attain the
- assigned quality objectives with the desired efficiency.
- Employees shall perform their jobs according to prescribed Job
- Descriptions. They should effectively contribute to improvement of
- policies and results by carrying put assigned jobs properly.
- The Job Description will be defined in documented fashion for all levels.
- All employees who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality shall be given responsibility and authority to raise and resolve problems that concerns the fulfillment of the organization’s policies and objectives.
Managing Director shall determine and provide in a timely Manner resources needed to establish and maintain the Quality Management System and achieve Business Plan. These resources will
– human resources and specialized skills
– adequate and suitable environment
– information necessary for control of processes and to ensure
conformity of product
– inspection, measuring and test equipment
– any other equipment, machinery or resource as deemed necessary
Quality Objectives:
- Managing Director shall define quality objective of the company in
- Quality Policy.
- Strategy to achieve this quality objective will be deployed among relevant department.
- Department heads shall prepare their strategy to achieve the company quality objective based on deployed strategy of the company.
- Quality Management System Planning
- Quality Management System shall be planned in the form of Business Plan.
- Managing Director shall prepare Yearly Business Plan at the last quarter every year.
- This plan shall be updated by Managing Director, if needed, after review in each management review meeting.
Management Representative
- Managing Director shall appoint a Management Representative
- Management Representative shall perform his regular departmental
- activities in addition to his responsibilities as Management
- Representative.
- Management Representative shall have authority to ensure that the
- requirements of ISO 9001:2008 standards are implemented and
- maintained.
- Management Representative will report to the Managing Director
- on the performance of the quality management system, including needs
- for improvement in every month.
- Management Representative is also responsible for ensuring awareness
- of customer requirements throughout the organization.
- He will also be responsible for maintaining liaison with external parties
- on matters relating to Quality Management System such as Registrar, Consultant, Calibration source, etc.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 22, 2021 | Compliance
Compliance and HR Meeting Minutes
- The honorable GM, HR & Compliance, initiates the meeting expressing his heartiest thanks to all present in the meeting.
- Giving emphasis on the present working situation of the factory, the honourable GM, HR & Compliance, says “From the month of January, we will get Buyers’ orders of work. And in the arena of our works, every Buyer is very important for our factory. We have to bring vast change in our attitude or behavior in order to attract or hold the buyers. We have to learn from our errors/faults. We have to well-organize all the orders of work which we will get from now onwards & prepare these for shipment.”
- He also says that from we will start recruitment procedure. According to him, the HR & Compliance and production team have to work combindly in order to make the recruitment procedure fair & disciplined. The following issues must be followed in the recruitment procedure :
- The skilled & competent employees must be recruited.
- Undisciplined or aggressive employee must be discarded.
- We must maintain or follow neutrality in the procedure of recruitment.
- We must be flexible as more as possible in the matter of documents required at the time of recruitment & evaluate these papers properly.
- We also have to give importance on ensuring rules, regulations and discipline in work places. We must realize the importance of our helping hands. We can inspire one by focusing his/her good sides. In this regard, counseling or motivation can be a good method.
- We must be aware to ensure a friendly working environment. We have to sustain the positive or constructive sides of our factory. For this purpose, the HR & Compliance and production personnel should be co-operative and maintain regular communication.
- We have to maintain such a working handling policy so that we can be able to lessen workers’ grievance.
- Those who are in leadership must be industrious & punctual.
- There should be balance & combination in every work.
- At the end of the meeting, the honourable GM, HR & Compliance, expresses his deep thanks & gratitude to all and declares the conclusion of the meeting.
by Engr Kh Mashiur Rahman | Mar 22, 2021 | RMG Document
Employee’s Training
Purpose & Scope: To identify the training needs and provided training to employees in order to ensure that they are able to perform the jobs effectively
Responsibilities: The MR & EMR is responsible for directing the activities relating to this work instruction. And DMR is responsible to associate MR & EMR.
- Training Need Identification:
- Training Related Matter mainly controlled by the Human Resource Department of the Organization. That department does monthly Training session as well as daily training session. And also the department Heads are responsible to identify the training needs of employees working in their respective departments. Manager HRM & EMR is responsible to identify the training needs of the department heads.
- Training needs can also be identified on as and when required basis e.g. on identification of a relevant external course, procurement of new machine etc.
- The skills and competency for every job is evaluated on yearly basis, the gaps identified in employee’s abilities can be used as source of identifying training needs.
- Training needs are identified on Training Record Form of each employee.
- Training Planning
- The training needs are reviewed by the MR & EMR based on the needs identified a Training Plan is prepared.
- For in-house training the trainers are nominated by the MR & EMR and these are identified on the Training Plan.
- If required the in-house and external courses from reputable agencies are also organized.
- The trainees evaluate the training imparted and the effectiveness is reviewed in Management review meetings.
- Orientation Training
- When a new employee joins the company the relevant department head is responsible to prepare an orientation program based on the job requirements.
- The MR & EMR approves the orientation program and the details are recorded on the Training Record Form.
- Training Records
- The training records of the employees are updated on completion of the training and filed in relevant employee’s personal file.
- These files are maintained and updated by the deputy MR & EMR.