Ahiba Short description
When cotton is dyed in gray state it is important to evaluate the wetting property of an auxiliary used as dispersing agent or colloid protective in order to determine if the product can be used without the addition of another wetting product. This test will show the wetting and penetration properties of the DPA when dyeing gray cotton. We sale Asset Management Group Wise Allotment Software
Material and machinery
Substrate : Cotton in gray state,
10 gr. , Article Nr. 3034 (B)
Dyeing recipe 4,0 % Cibacron Navy F-G (A)
3,0 g/l Lyoprint RG (A)
20 g/l Glauber’s salt (A)
2,5 ml/l Caustic soda 30 % (D)
1,2 g/l soda ash (C)
Auxiliary 0 – 1 – 2 – 4 g/l of the tested product
Machinery AHIBA
Water de-ionized or distillate water ( soft water )
Liquor ratio 1 : 40
Dyeing procedure Process 1b, Pattern card 3170

Finishing rinsing 5 min. cold
5 min. hot (80 – 90 ° C)
soaping 2 g/l Eriopon CRN
10 min. at the boil
rinsing 5 min. cold
Evaluation The penetration of the dyeing as well as the surface levelness are compared and rated :
Penetration note Surface levelness
good 5 level
medium 3 slightly unlevel
insufficient 1 unlevel
Enclosure : one page for registration
The philosophy of “Digital Bangladesh” comprises ensuring people’s democracy and rights, transparency, accountability, establishing justice and ensuring delivery of government services in each door through maximum use of technology-with the ultimate goal to improve the daily lifestyle of general people. Government’s “Digital Bangladesh” includes all classes of people and does not discriminate people in terms of technology. Hence, government have emphasized on the four elements of “Digital Bangladesh Vision” which are human resource development, people involvement, civil services and use of information technology in business.
The government has to realize that Digital Bangladesh is a vision that can be turned into reality only through joint efforts by all sectors — if they think that it is something that the government will deliver to the people on their own, they will start from the wrong premise and Digital Bangladesh may always remain nothing more than a politician’s game of words and hollow promises.