Air Tray Dryer Unit
Air tray dryer unit: should be able to investigate convection drying of solids on 4 corrosion resistant plates in a drying channel by air flow velocity via adjustable fan speed. It should have air heating with controlled heaters as well as sensors for measurement of humidity and temperature of solid samples before & after the completion of drying process. It should also be provided with digital weighing balance for measuring the overall change of weight during drying process. This unit should preferably be supplied with following specifications
Air Tray Dryer Unit specifications:
- Drying channel length: 2340mm (with fan), internal dimensions= 350x350mm
- Fan power: less than 100W, Max. output= 700m3/h, max. speed >900
- Heater power: 6000W (with adjustable temperature limiter)
- Balance measuring range: 0 to 10000g, resolution= 0.1g,
- Measuring ranges: Air humidity: 2 to 98% R.F., temperature= 0 to 100°C, flow velocity= 0 to 7Sm/c
Social Standard Evaluation for Factory
- The factory has at least two exit & stairways for safe evacuation of the workers in case of emergency.
- The staircases are at least 45 inches in width and allow a direct evacuation towards the outside of the factory building.
- Does the factory have adequate number of fire extinguishers at each factory floor?
- Are all fire extinguishers inspected and tested regularly and ready to use at all times?
- Are fire alarm bells installed and audible from each corner of the factory?
- Are fire drill conducted regularly and document those records?
- Are workers trained on fire fighting and the use of fire fighting equipments?
- Is fire fighting equipments adequate in numbers and maintained properly?
- Is any fire exit and escape route blocked or locked?
- Are exits and fire exits identified with signs or indicator lamps?
- Are the aisles properly marked with visible colors?
- Are the aisles reasonably wide for easy movement of employees and goods?
- Are adequate emergency lights installed at each factory floor?
- Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as goggles,
- Are adequate numbers of fully equipped first aid boxes provided in the production floors?
- Are the workers trained on first aid?
- Is there a qualified Nurse appointed by the factory?
- Is potable water accessible and adequate at each factory floor?
- Water Pump Check List
- Are toilets private and segregated for men and women?
- Are evacuation plans posted in local language and clearly to be seen?
- Are there any loose or broken electric cables or installation in the factory?
- Does the factory arrange health and safety training for new and existing workers?
- Is there a proper dining space for the workers and adequately furnished?
- Is there a child care facility in the factory?
- Is there a treatment/doctor room?
- End of Tray Dryer
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