Industrial Engineer Job Description – Head of IE
Ensure that all budgeted positions in the area filled with proper trained and equipped Engineers with technique. Ensure all relevant area of the manufacturing management receive proper support from industrial engineering. Participating in product development process to ensure effective start up of new styles. Assistant the managers in critical areas with work method, evaluate with tools , that will help to perform the line. Monitoring daily routing work of industrial engineering officer’s and production accounting. The other responsibility are listed below –
- Finalize the operation bulletins, line targets, line balancing build up , for the new styles.
- Close Follow up “ change over plan and COT “ for new styles.
- Train operators for particular operation as needed for specific steps.
- Continue to look for opportunity to implement work aids to reduce steps , time and cost
- Ensure the department in management is consistency looking for method to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency
- Labor utilization and line balancing follow up.
- Method study activities in cutting ,sewing, finishing
- Setting of Standard Minute Value for new operations.
- Confirming of Standard Minute Value and line target.
- Pre planning of man, machine and attachment requirements
- Monitoring & execute of commando operator.
Industrial Engineer Job Description – Industrial Engineer
- Preparing the operation bulletin and line lay out for every new style.
- Work place designing.
- Analyze individual operators performance.
- Time- study, capacity study, production study follow up.
- Monitoring line score sheets by hourly basis.
- Training operators eff follow up.
- Commando operators efficiency follow ( production card )
- Unskilled operator’s performance follow up.
- Line feeding with sewing technician and Line Supervisors.(COT)
- Making folder and attachment Requirement.
- Making micro mc requirement
- Line balancing.
- Op skill analysis board update daily basic ( on 8.30 am)
- Ensure every sewing op having skill card with pictures
- Operator Skill card Update when required
Industrial Engineering in Garment Industry – Machine Requirement
- Every Last week of the month need to update the Machine & Man power requirement for next 3 months after review the update planning,
- Machine availability & inventory will be update by Maintenance Manager.
- Machine Shortage /surplus will discuss with Maintenance manager and will make the final MC requirement for approval, ( if required to rent )
- Manpower shortage will be address to the Factory Manager/ GM and industrial engineering Manager
- Cutting Sewing & Finishing manpower requirement need to submit for approval.
- Final approval will be taken by MD.

Industrial Engineering In Garment Industry – Daily Report
- Making the daily Line efficiency, Factory Efficiency ,Production status , Loss time reports.
- Daily making Supervisors performance chart
- Making Factory Hourly Production monitoring chart and must show to MD/GM/Factory Manager

Industrial Engineer Job Description – Factory Workers
Ensure to balance the skill in each sewing lines and factory workers grading, this will help to get operator skill ( history ) with their height archived target. This data will helps to HR to upgrade the operators in end of the year factory workers Skill analysis card

- Every operators are having individual skill card and slot to keep/her card in each line
- This skill card will update operator skill operation wise by industrial engineering team
- Each operator picture required to paste on the card
- Operator required to sign on skill card to confirm his/her achieved high target
- 09 lines will be 09 clouds card
- This card will use as KPI to evaluate each operator performance at the end of the year
- line Supervisor is fully responsible to keep these card safe
- If any operator achieved his/her operation highest target ( than before) ,this needs to update in back of the skill card
- When factory workers up grade been done, dates to be written on the back of the skill card with op signature
Execute Of Commando Factory Workers Concept:
To balance the daily absenteeism/new style changeover/critical operations/machine breakdown. We are having 6 teams (1 team leader with 5 commando operators) and all factory workers will report to the GM and follow up by IE manager, each team leader are fully responsible to fill the “ pro card “ for each commando operators and daily required to get this card sign from IE Manager.
IE Procedure:
Help to production people for manpower balancing
- Be present by 7.55 AM in the sewing floor.
- Check line wise manpower.
- Try to balance within the line & discuss with seniors & supervisor/APM.
- If not possible to balance within the line, then line balance within the section but must discuss with seniors before balance.
- If not possible to balance the line within the section, then R& D Officer discuss with seniors & others section R& D Officer & APM for balancing line.
- If not possible to balance the line properly, you try to balance output area of the particular line to get the output of first hour and inform it to R & D manager within 9.00 AM.
- Must observe the capacity & quality of new operator, if running operator absent.
Procedure of making Miss-use manpower report
- Find out “Operator works as a helper” daily basis.
- Make miss-use manpower report.
- Miss-use manpower report sends to production manager.
- Put star mark when operator works as a helper continuous basis (above 3 days).
- Discuss with production people about reducing “Miss-use manpower” (daily/ weekly basis).
Procedure of making Un-authorized manpower report
- Find out “Un-authorized manpower / idle manpower” daily basis.
- Make Un-authorized manpower report.
- Un-authorized manpower report sends to production manager.
- Discuss with production people about reducing Un-authorized manpower.
- Try to make Zero Un-authorized manpower & it’s considering KPI of RND officers.
Check plan, input, washing status etc.
- Check production plans (If plan not clear then must discuss with RND manager).
- Check input status (If input are not available according to sewing demand then need root cause against that problem).
- Check washing status.
- Collect data about shipment schedule, difficulties against shipment.
Meeting preparation
- Set daily work plan according to JD & practical situation.
- Set plan for performing weekly & monthly task according to your JD which is given by RND manager.
- Noted problem, if you faced any problem or difficulties at sewing floor.
Attend IE meeting & approve your daily jobs
- Attend IE meeting with daily work plan.
- Approve your daily work plan by IE manager according to job load.
- Analyze previous day efficiency report.
- Collect efficiency ticket & provide to supervisor as soon as possible.
NPT report collect & SQDC board follow up.
- NPT report collect form supervisor & ensure signature of all responsible personnel.
- Manage production, quality & maintenance responsible personnel for fill up visual (SQDC) board. Check accuracy of visual board.
- Discuss with senior floor management about the importance of SQDC, about sustainability, discuss & take action for improving efficiency, reducing DHU, reducing NPT, reducing hazard.
Hourly output monitoring (Individual operation) & Bottleneck management
- Check hourly production sheet according to their capacity (at least 2 times/ day).
- Identify the actual bottle neck operation.
- Perform basic work study (workplace engineering, motion study, motivation, etc.)
- Find out line wise deviation between target & production.
- Create check points for production monitoring.
- Perform production study, if actual production is bellow than capacity.
- Find out root cause, if actual output is bellow than target.
- Firstly discuss with supervisor about this issue, then discuss with APM & IE manager then finally discuss with factory manager sir.
Calculate accurate NPT from sewing floor
- Help to supervisor for calculate accurate NPT.
- Provide on the job training to supervisor about NPT calculation system, importance for NPT calculation with documentation.
- NPT data analysis & conduct meeting with supervisor & APM for reducing NPT.
Attend Evening meeting
- Discuss about daily achievement & share with others people.
- Learn from seniors (Layout, Operation standardization, Method study)
- Discuss about next day plan
Make skill matrix
- Make skill matrix (collect operator picture & operation capacity).
- Skill matrix update weekly basis.
- Skill matrix provides to supervisor monthly basis & visualize skill matrix monthly basis with record.
Perform capacity study & Make capacity graph & line balancing through capacity study
- Perform capacity study, if allocated quantity is above than 4000 pieces but sometimes it depends on FM & IE
- 1st capacity study perform within 2nd
- Identify below capacity operation.
- Perform basic work study (Do the critical examination, develop material handling, reduce motion or share motion with nearest operation, etc.)
- If motion reducing not possible, then try to balance with other operation.
- Introducing new system to Supervisor, QC, APM & AQM.
- Make capacity graph & submit to supervisor, APM & visualize.
- Capacity graph updated, when you make change anything & again capacity graph submit to supervisor, APM & again update visual board.
Perform production study
- After check capacity, if production is not up to the target level, it demands to do the production study.
- Identify ineffective time & try to eliminate it.
- If operator could achieve the production target, needs to get the signatures from operator & supervisor.
- Fill up hourly sheet according to production of production study.
- If production is not up to the target level then try to balance with others operations.
- Give one copy of production study sheet to production manager.
- Record of production study sheet for future reference.
Style change over record & analyze the way of reducing style changeover
- Ensure Approved layout & flow chart copy sent to mechanics, production & quality department before feeding the line.
- Allocate manpower with name & pin according to skill matrix.
- Before line feeding RND officer must collect layout, flow chart, work instruction & measurement chart.
- Define layout start time & date.
- Write down machine preparation time & quality achieves time.
- Perform basic work study (practice RFT, Material handling, Method, check estimated SMV, Right operator right place, individual efficiency, workplace engineering)
- If operational time taken more than standard then write down root cause behind excess time.
- If needed, to change any operation in the layout should be informed to the immediate senior of the IE
Check layout paper & make flow chart
- Collect production plan from planner.
- Collect sample from sample department as planned.
- Collect operation breakdown & layout paper with SMV.
- Check the layout paper according to skill matrix & actual floor situation.
- If found any discrepancy, it needs discussion with the seniors & select the most suitable way to do layout.
- Confirm the layout with discuss with production technical & finally confirm by IE manager with signature.
- Send it to mechanics, production & quality department ASAP.
- Compile a copy of the layout in the IE department for reference.
- Make flow chart according to approved layout.
Perform PP meeting
- You must collect layout paper before attend PP meeting.
- Collect work instruction & measurement sheet from PP meeting & discuss about CTQ point.
Make Video library
- Identify bottleneck operation & operation to be developed.
- Record all present details (by video, drawing, capacity, production study, hourly production sheet).
- Do the critical examination.
- Develop the operation by engineering the workplace & improving motion.
- Compare it with existing methods.
- Introducing new method to supervisor & APM.
- Establish the new methods.
- Maintain it by regular routine checkup.
- Ensure the quality level up to the standard.
- Calculate financial advantage of this operation standardization.
- Take video for department for future reference.
Provide training to supervisor & worker
- Provide on the job training to supervisor & worker monthly basis.
- Provide off the job training to supervisor & worker.
- Training topics (off the job) must be approved by FM, HR & RND manager.
- Documentation (take picture & attendance).
Worker assessment & record
- Take informal viva about work experience, operational knowledge, observe attitude etc.
- Verifying operation name which is fill up by supervisor.
- Take cycle time.
- Define grade according to company policy.
- Send to production in charge for salary negotiation.
Audit 5S & make presentation
- Audit sewing floor according to audit check list (3rd Week of every month)
- Take picture, if found any discrepancy.
- Make presentation by inserting picture at define presentation format.
- Monthly present to supervisor & top management & give award to good supervisor according to 5S score.
Special jobs:
- LPR update daily basis (8.30 to 9.30)
- Make efficiency report by taking data from LPR, DHU & others report.
- Report to RND manager(hard copy) within 9.30 am
- Report to FM (hard copy) & mail to RND manager within 10.00 am.
Combine miss-use & un-authorized manpower report. (Anna)
- Report to FM (hard copy) & RND manager (Hard copy & mail) within 11.30 am.
- Report (hard copy) to all production managers by respective floor RND in-charge.
- Make proposal for reducing miss-use & unauthorized manpower.
Miss-use manpower report (Individual floor IE in charge responsible)
- Analysis miss-use manpower report (report to HR department when any operator or helper miss-use from 10 days) & report to RND manager of 1st week of every month.
- Action taken against miss-use manpower with Production & HRD department.
- Record all documents for future reference.
Un-authorized manpower report (Individual floor IE in charge responsible)
- Summarized un-authorized (idle) manpower report monthly basis & report to IE Manager according to department policy.
SQDC board (Individual floor IE in charge responsible)
- Ensure SQDC board completely fills up according to policy.
- Take picture of SQDC board monthly basis & record for future reference.
Hourly output monitoring/ Bottleneck management (Individual floor IE in charge responsible).
- Fill up hourly output monitoring sheet by supervisor/IE
- Fill up others relevant information according to policy.
- Take picture of hourly output monitoring sheet & record for future reference.
Skill matrix (Individual floor IE in charge responsible)
- Visualize skill matrix to sewing floor & provide to supervisor monthly basis.
- Record of all monthly updated skill matrixes for future reference.
Capacity study/graph (Individual floor IE in charge responsible).
- Record all capacity (1st graph, 2nd graph…) sequentially.
- Compare capacity improvement & productivity gap.
Production study (Individual floor IE in charge responsible).
- Record production study status.
- Take picture of hourly production sheet when you mention the improvement after performing production study.
Supervisor assessment
- Assess supervisor monthly basis.
- Visualize best supervisor to visual board.
- Give award to best supervisor according to assessment.
- Take picture of visual board & record all others relevant documents for future reference.
LPR update
- LPR update daily basis (8.30 to 9.30).
- Make efficiency report by taking data from LPR, DHU & others report.
- Report to RND manager (hard copy) within 9.30 am.
- Report to FM (hard copy) & mail to RND manager within 10.00 am.
- Make monthly production summary report according to department format.
NPT report make
- Make NPT report daily basis.
- Summarize NPT report for weekly & monthly presentation.
- Update NPT database.
Video presentation makes for standard operation.
- Make awareness & help for operation standardization
- Collect video & practically check the procedure of operation standardization.
- Make video presentation according to defined format & update database.
- Arrange monthly presentation.
CSR activities
- Update blood donate status.
- Internship data update.
5S Audit (Individual floor IE in charge)
- Audit sewing floor according to audit check list (3rd Week of every month)
- Take picture, if found any discrepancy.
- Make presentation by inserting picture at define presentation format.
- Monthly present to supervisor & top management & give award to good supervisor according to 5S score.
Training (Individual floor IE in charge)
- Provide on the job training to supervisor & worker monthly basis.
- Provide off the job training to supervisor & worker (How to calculate NPT, Efficiency, Productivity, Balancing technique, Layout paper, SMV, Operation chart, Motion reducing technique etc.).
- Training topics (off the job) must be approved by FM, HR & RND manager.
- Documentation (take picture & attendance).
Factory Workers Training & Up Date For The Special Operations.
- Make sure to Monitor the skill level of the line for special operation,
- Need to highlight in advance for the training in critical operations
- These training needs to start at least 15 days before new style Input.
- Those factory workers daily monitoring required till new style comes to the line.
Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web:, Please contact us by submitting a comment below on Leave a Reply box, Cell: +88 017 92 52 53 54