TV License Renew
TV License Renew Date: 09th February’2019
Central License Office
Bangladesh Television
Rampura, Dhaka.
Subject: Renewal of T.V Commercial License.
Dear Sir,
We are enclosing herewith a list of our 143 (One Hundrade Forty three) showrooms & 1(One) Assembly plant of Auto Industries Ltd. for Issuing T.V Commercial license for the year 2019
A pay order for Tk=192,000.00 (One Lac Ninety Tow Thousand Only) No. 04987694675 Dt. 27.01.2019 of Bank Asia, Scotia Branch, Dhaka infavour of Bangladesh Television is enclosed for the purpose.
Your kind co-operation in the matter will be highly appreciated.
Thanking your,
Sincerely your,
Jaber Hossen
Auto Industries Ltd.
- 1 (One) Pay Order for Tk=192,000.00
- List of Showrooms of Auto Industries Ltd.