Biomass Stove Boiler Matter Emission Control Technologies

Biomass Stove Boiler Matter Emission Control Technologies

Biomass Stove Boiler

Biomass Stove Boiler – There are different types of pollution and emission control technologies in boilers industries. Allying acquired process expertise on years of experience and continuous research and development of biomass boiler.  Emission control technologies solve daily many critical separation problems all around the world from the most distinct industrial fields.  In many cases, cyclone systems serve the double purpose of complying with emission limits while recovering more product in a direct and aseptic fashion. The research group emission control system is in the frontline of cyclone design optimization and particle agglomeration modeling.  A state of the art computer program was developed with the objective to predict the capture of sub micrometric and nanometric particles, usually agglomerated in larger particles

Particulate Filters:

Particulate filters of matter emission control is a typical problem in industries that operate boilers. Complying with emission limits, avoiding the escape of particles to downstream processes or purifying ambient air are the main motivations for clients to reduce particulate matter emissions. Particulate filters holds an extensive particle size distribution database from very different industrial dusts analyzed in ACS  pilot systems.This information allied with computer simulation give very confident efficiency estimations for new powders under operating conditions reported by clients. Dust samples which collection efficiency is very difficult to estimate can be further tested on a pilot station

Application Fields of Emission Control System:

  • Biomass and Coal Boilers
  • Fuel Oil Boilers
  • Drying Processes
  • Clinker Cooler Air Dedusting
  • Air Caption and
  • Dedusting
  • High Temperature
  • Separation Processes
  • Water Tube Boiler

Air Pollution and its Control:

Traditionally, and since the first patented was issued in 1886, cyclones have been designed to reduced air pollution and its control and improved by empirical means. Due to the difficulty of having a good prediction method due in part to the complexity of the modeling (since these kinds of equipment handle with multiphase and highly turbulent flows) and considering the overwhelming number of prototypes that would have to be built in order to explore the effect of changing dimension ratios on cyclone performance, it is no wonder that hundreds of so called high efficiency cyclone geometries have appeared, despite this efficiency haven’t been in fact optimized.

Air Pollution and its Control
Air Pollution

A numerical problem was then set up, with the objective of increasing collection to the maximum possible value, while keeping the pressure drop at reasonable levels. The major output from this numerical optimization problem was a completely new set of geometries, called and patented as Hurricane. The factory owners should know how to reduce air pollution from boiler industry.

Biomass Boiler a EH Case Study: 

An electrostatic ReCyclone system was installed in a 2 MW straw fired boiler in 2010.The ReCyclone EH ways to prevent air pollution and reducing particulate matter emissions with a particularly fine distribution (median particle size 14 μm with 10 % < 1 μm) to less than 30 mg/Nm3, avoiding the use of multicyclones and bag filters.Straw fired boilers are very demanding for bag filters, implying frequent filter element replacing, apart from problems in the boiler start-up.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Prevention Policy:

Applicable for: This policy is applicable for all the factories of Auto Group which are operating at different locations.

Objective: The objective of this policy is to have a clear guide line on how the company will take care of its operation so that the Greenhouse Gas Emission could be prevented or kept at possible lowest level.

Basis: To comply with the Environmental Law of Bangladesh and also to save and protect the surrounding environment for the future generation, it requires adopting some rules and regulations and practice them. That’s why the policy has been prepared through which we will be able to take care of this matter.

Policy: The company will make the list of its operation and sort out which of those can cause greenhouse gas emission.

  • Machineries and operations which emit less or no greenhouse gas will be switched to or brought into use gradually to ensure healthier environment.
  • Company will use only such vehicles that have been converted to gas operation
  • Company will also use gas operated boilers in all of its factories
  • To make healthier surrounding tree plantation program will be arranged by the Auto Group both inside and out of its premises.

Regulations and Procedures: The machineries that can emit such gases will be gone through rigorous maintenance process to reduce the emission.

  • Operations that can emit such gases will be upgraded or switched to modified processes through consulting with the specialists.
  • There will be environmental specialists who will check emission levels and report on them.

Responsible Parties: Environmental Health & Safety Officers (EHS Officers) will be responsible for implementing this policy. Besides the EHS Officers other departments like Maintenance, Compliance and Welfare Departments will be also responsible for executing this policy.

Exceptions: There will be no exception of this policy unless, switching to machineries and processes requires too much investment which might hamper the financial stability of the business.

Communication & Implementation: Policy will be published in the policy book and circulated among all the department heads and section heads. Policies will be written in employee hand book, which is provided. Regular counseling and training program will also be done through microphone and policies may also be put up in different notice boards

Feedback & Control: EHS Officers will play key role through generating various types of reports on hazardous machineries and operations and will also come up with solutions of such problems. Besides the EHS Officers the Maintenance, Compliance and Welfare Departments will be also responsible

Efficiency Air Pollution Facts:

air Pollution Facts Types of Pollution
Pollution Facts
  • Expected emissions (mg/Nm3):< 30
  • Efficiency (%):97 Approx.
  • Pressure drop (mm w. g.): 150
  • Fuel: Straw
  • Power (MW):2
  • Design flow rate (m3/h): 7,200
  • Temperature (ºC): 180
  • Inlet concentration (g/Nm3): up to 1
Engr. Mizanur Rahman, Mizan, Managing Director, R.S. Traders, Ex. Manager plant Partex Rotor Mills Ltd. Amber Group, Email: