Price Quotation for Electrical Goods

Price Quotation for Electrical Goods

Price Quotation for Electrical Goods


Dealer: B.R.B Cable, BBS Cable, Paradise Cable, MK, Lrand, ABB

  All Kinds of Electric Goods Supplier, Retailer, Wholesaler & Manufacturer

334/2 A, Road, Electric Market, Shop No: 333, Dhaka-1100.

Mobile: 01710-999931, 01739777774 PH:


Ref: ………………..     

Date: 26.12.2018

The Manager (Purchase)

AS Group (A.L.)        

Attention: Manager (Purchase)

P.O No-18333826+18333812

Subject: Price Quotation for Electrical Goods.

Description Brand/Origin Quantity Price
630A MCCB TP Circuit Breaker Adjustable (01 Year Warranty) ABB,Italy 01Pcs 35,500.00
100A MCCB TP Circuit Breaker Adjustable (01 Year Warranty) ABB,Italy 01Pcs 5250.00
125A MCCB TP Circuit Breaker Adjustable (01 Year Warranty) ABB,Italy 01Pcs 6850.00
50A MCCB TP Circuit Breaker Adjustable (01 Year Warranty) ABB,Italy 01Pcs 5250.00
20A MCB DP Circuit Breaker ABB,Germany 01Pcs 950.00
40A MCB DP Circuit Breaker ABB,Germany 01Pcs 950.00
(1.6-2.5)A. Motor Protection Circuit Breaker Schneider,France 01Pcs 2250.00

Terms & Condition

      1. Delivery: Within one week after submitted work order.

      2. Offer Validity: 01 days

      3. Payment: A/C payee cheque favor of A.P.K Enterprise within 30days.

     4. without Vat

    Thanks & Best Regards

Electrical Hazard Assessment & Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

Electrical Hazard Assessment & Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

Electrical Hazard Assessment

COMPONENT INSPECTION/TESTING, Check cable connections , Clean terminals , Check power supply voltage , Test charge current Check panel lamp, Check load current and other hazard substance 

Finding details of non-compliance


and hazardous issues

Recommended Corrective Actions. (NORMAL, EMERGENCY & RETURN)
In the fabrics store have found electric wiring by PVC Flexible pipe, which is not allowed.Any electric wiring should not applicable in fabrics ware house. So should be replaced with Search light.
LOADED TRANSFER TEST. Some energy lights are not protected with proper way in fabric store.
 Search Light should be installed in fabrics ware house and removed energy light immediately.
ENERGIZE AND TEST SYSTEMA safety net is needed for the exhaust fan in the toilet.
Safety net should be ensured with exhaust fan for all floor
One part of the ceiling is open. It needs to be covered as there are some loose wires on that part.Ceiling setup should be proper way
From the beginning of iron section to heat seal section in a straight line, there are some wires covered with flexible pipe.Those should be put in a tray
The main electric line cable is old in the iron section. It has been quite damaged.It is serious type of hazardous issues, so It should be re-setup with new cables asap.
The cable trays in heat seal section are not safe as they have caused short circuit before. One tray was replaced with flexible pipe which is also not safer. They all need replacement. Need to setup power bas-bar system like as 2nd floor (sewing) for more safety.
The cable trays of sewing floor 1 & 2 are not safer. For better safety they need to be replaced shortly.Need to setup power bas-bar system like as 2nd floor (sewing) for more safety.
Brocken one shutter of exhaust fan at the end of sewing line-9.Should be repaired
Found more dust all the cable trays & channels.Need to check all the cable trays & channels periodically with also maintain check list and records.
Main line from substation goes through in the drain line that requires regular cleaning in the drain so that drain water cannot over flow and damage the line.Should have clean always
Iron section steam out line is open, it noncompliance.



Steam line need to be rearranged
An SDB board in the left side of stair-3 and outside gas room is at risk as it is under open roof and experiences all climatic changes. It needs proper sheltering so that it cannot not cause any harm.



Should be covered properly.
Boiler room found hazardous conditions. So need to be organized.Should be re-organized properly
IPS Battery is openNeed to covered immediately
The main line cables go out from the sub-station through a drain line which is opened.Should be covered properly
The main electric cable line goes through the all floor via fabrics store with improper way.



Should be covered proper way
During floor visit we found in roof top Idle Compressor room as a shade which is not allow.




Roof top should be always free


During factory visit we found in Gas cylinder in open space besides the boiler room, which is hazardous.

Need to be placed under shade