Non Dot Drug Test by Security of a Factory

Non Dot Drug Test by Security of a Factory

Non Dot Drug Test

Non Dot Drug Test – AUTO will operate a random drug and alcohol testing policy on the project. No employee shall be permitted to enter the site under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. In the event that site security appears seriously threatened by circumstances outside, an extra session of the safety committee meeting shall be held to take most appropriate measures to cope with the situation. We sale Chemical Inventory Management System

The event is such as the following, but not limited to;

  • If any body does not obey the company’s drug rules he will be caught and hand over to the administration for legal action. Repeatable robbery of materials by organized group
  • Unreasonable requirements or obstruction by local personnel in organizations
  • For prevention of drug (alcoholic drug or which may addicted by Heroine, Gaza, Morphine, Pathedrine etc.) in use security personnel will check the body of suspected persons. Organized claim from 10eC’l1 residents
  • Security personnel should be very much conscious to prohibit carrying or having of drugs inside the factory premises. Organized strike by labor
  • Unusual weather such as typhoon, heavy rain, flooding of river, etc
  • The possession or consumption of any drugs, other than for medicinal purposes, or any alcoholic liquor on site is strictly prohibited.
  • Partner/Subcontractor employees shall accept the right of AUTO and/or the Company to refuse admittance to or eviction from site if they are believed to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.
  • The security guards will randomly select any employee entering the site and conduct breathalyser tests in a controlled environment (i.e. guard room) there shall be no exclusions made for the AUTO /Company/Partner and Subcontractor personnel.
  • Any employee reporting for work, at work during duty hours, or on call-out duty, who has concentrations of any alcohol as documented by testing are in violation of this policy and are subject to suspension or termination.
  • According to the management decision whole premises of the factory should be kept drug free. In order to ensure all drivers/operators comply with AUTO polity and procedures, AUTO shall adopt a computerized gate system which shall have a gate specifically designated for drivers/operators ingress and egress from the site. Driver/Operator 1.0. Cards will not permit them access at any other gate.
  • All vehicles entering and leaving the site may be subject to search by the security guards at the gate.
  • Random searches of personnel may, as necessary be carried out by the guards at the gate to ensure that nothing leave the site without a duly authorized permit. However, the statutory rights of all individuals are to be respected and in no way infringed.
  • In case any person refuses to submit to a search, his supervisor and the respective Partner/Subcontractor, if applicable, shall be notified and required to attend to the gate, where the person will again be requested to allow for the search. Where such a request is again refused by the individual, the Security Manager/Administration Manager may notify the local police authorities of the situation, requesting their attendance at the site and possible further actions.
  • All Partner/Subcontractor drivers/operators entering the site shall be required to pass through AUTO security check “Porta-Cabin” to be breathalysed daily, prior to entering their designated gate.
  • Delivery truck drivers shall be periodically tested however their vehicle shall be subject to search upon every ingress and egress from the site.


Non Dot Drug Test -Materials including equipment and tools shall not be allowed to carry out from the construction site without a material pass issued and signed authorized person of the AUTO . Waste shall not be taken out of the site without waste manifest. The security guards at the gate shall check material passes and waste anifests against contents in the vehicle.