What is Draw Frame Machine? How To Framing Textile Fibre

What is Draw Frame Machine? How To Framing Textile Fibre

Draw Frame Machine

Draw frame machine of spinning is used to transform the sliver coming from the carding into draw nsliver in cotton spinning mill. The draw frame improves the uniformity of fibers by drafting and doubling and straightens the crimped, curled and hooked fibers. The operation of draw frame is blended, doubled and leveled.

Types of Draw Frame

Generally draw frame machine can be categorized as

  • Non Autoleveller Draw Frame
  • Autoleveller Draw Frame

The non auto draw frame is novel pre-assembled machine that is designed for producing silver from different types of raw materials like cotton, man made fiber and blending material which is unmatched quality at highest delivery speed.

On the other hand autolevelling with high production machines are always the basic functions of autoleveller draw frame.

Specifications of Draw Frame for Textile Framing

Specification of draw frame is described below-

Specifications NameSpecifications Value
Product CategorySpinning
Machine CategoryDraw Frame
Product NameDraw Frame Machine
Product ModelAccording to Manufacturer
Product ClassNew
Brand/ManufacturerAccording to Manufacturer
Agent In BangladeshNo/Yes
Power220v, 5.5KW
Production Capacity1500 Set/Sets per Month
Delivery Number2 holes
Maxmium Output Speed800m/min
Total Drafting Mutiple4-14 times
Drafting Style:5 over 4 with pressure bar
Feeding Sliver Number:6-8 pcs
Fiber Length:15-76mm
Output Can DimensionΦ350,Φ400,Φ450,
Dimension (L*W*H)2490x1000x2110 mm
DescriptionDrawing frame absorbe the advanced techniques, technical drawing and adopted mechanical integration design for textile framing

Feature of Draw Framing Textiles Machine

Feature of draw framing textiles machine is given below-

  • Draw framing has pressure bar to curve drafting in cotton spinning mill
  • It has closed oil bath gear box
  • Textile fibre drafting easy to adjust
  • Microprocessor is installed in this machine.
  • It is found in draw frame shop
  • This machine shows how to draw framing textiles fibre
textile framing
Draw Frame

Draw frame feature

  • Draw frame with a short term Auto leveller is a must.
  • No of doubling should not be less than 7 & total draft also should be more than 7.
  • U% should be around 1.5 to 1.8.
  • 1 meter C.V% (from Uster Evenness Testing machine) should be less than 0.6.
  • Top roller lapping should be almost nil.
  • If group creeling is used, all sliver piecings from creel should not enter tongue & groove roller at same time.
  • No sliver should be removed from machine after tongue & groove roller (is meant for sensing feed variation) for any reason as draft correction is be done according to tongue & groove roller sensing & there is a time lag between sensing & correction.
  • Top rollers should be checked by operators at least once in a shift.
  • Top rollers should be checked by operators, whenever there is a lapping.
  • Top roller buffing should be done once in 20 days(maximum 30 days).
  • If top roller eccentricity is more than 0.05mm, it should be buffed.
  • Top roller eccentricity should be zero after buffing.
  • Diameter variation between top rollers should be less than 0.1mm.
  • Sliver test should be conducted at least once in 15 days & A% should be less than 0.8.
  • The delivery speed should be around 400 to 500 meters per minute depending on make of machine.
  • Whenever there is a top roller lapping, min 10m of sliver should be removed from can.
  • Creel breaks should be as low as possible & it need to be pieced properly. Trials are done to see yarn made out of piecing. Piecings should not be too thick & high twisted.

Application of Combined Draw Frame and Lap Former Machine

Some are new draw frame and lap former machine combined. Being the preparation device of cotton combing, it makes the pre-doubled silvers further draft and double to blend into sheet and deliver out in cotton layer.  In this way, the straightness and parallelization of fibers are improved and the with standard specification, weight and density is wound to be ready for comber.  This machine is suitable for spinning cotton fiber with length under 60mm. IT is used to spin medium and high – count yarn below 100Ne.

Technical Level of the Fiber Drawing Machine

  • Breake the traditional form of transmission, achieve uninterrupted fall lap
  • Reduce energy consumption, reduce running cost
  • High Speed up to 160m/min
  • High efficiency, large lap dia up to 650mm and length up to 400m
  • Reduce lap joint
  • Reduce the number of lap change
  • High quality of internal and external pressure evenly, for textile fibre evenness can reach 0.1%

How To Framing Textile Fibre

Textile Fibre

Textile Fibre has been used for the commercial manufacture of heavy textile yarns and fabrics for over 150 years. Manufacturing industries were initially located at Dundee in Britain, but mills have since been set up in many other countries, some of which grow jute themselves, and in fact it once became a worldwide industry. Demand for jute goods reached a peak between the two world wars, but since then the industry has experienced a strong competition from bulk handling, paper sacks, and from the production of synthetic polymers such as polypropylene. Extrusion as a film, followed by slitting into tapes for weaving on modern highspeed loom, provides a means of producing alternative materials having similar characteristics to those of jute goods and be marketed at a lower cost. The result of this competition is that the demand for jute goods is declining slowly but steadily, and unless some firm corrective action are taken, the future of the jute manufacturing industry will a matter of grave concern, especially to the jute growing countries such as Bangladesh and India, where both fibre production and manufacturing are sources of substantial employment.For the long term stable demand for jute goods, some technological innovations are essential. The industry cannot afford to stand still, as it does the competitors would take advantage of new technology, as and when it becomes available. During the first few years, jute-spinning systems have been greatly improved, both in productivity and in the levelness of the spun yarn.

In contrast, agriculture research has had little impact on the development of the fibre for spinning, although other aspects of fibre production might have benefited. I t is basically by improving the quality of fibre that the potential of the jute industry as a textile supplier can be enhanced
This work deals with ” fibres-on machinery” research and how the interaction of fibres and spinning system determines the physical characteristics of the spun yarn. This requires the knowledge of the parameters that determine the spinning performance and the quality of fibre, and how to measure and evaluate these. In the spinning mill, grading the fibre based on spinning quality, is distinct
from that of commercial classification and should be done by making the best use of what is available. The experimental works to be described here are based largely on the studies made in Dundee, at the former British Jute Trade Research Association. Some of the works have been published, but much of it have had only limited circulation. The objective is to present a view of the fundamental principals of grading Textile Fibre for spinning performance.
The cheapness of jute fibres in fact, act as an incentive in favour of taking it to the textile usages predominantly served by cotton, wool etc. the question naturally arises as to why the large scale production of jute fabric suitable for clothing and furnishing materials has not yet met with much success. This may be due to the fact that grows mainly in Asia, particularly in Bangladesh and India, which are far away from the centers of technological advancement and also probably due to some limitations of Textile Fibre as it is to
function straight way as substitute of or in blend with other textile fibres. In the development of new uses of jute as with any other materials considerations should be given to its basic or inherent characters.

Limitations of jute fibre

In case of cotton, wool etc, each fibre has an well defined entity called staple length, but Textile Fibre has no such natural length and consists of a large number of tiny bits of bast cells in bundles arranged end to end along the filament length. These cells are embedded in amorphous cementing materials which are of compositions much different from the cells themselves. Thus its heterogeneity and composite nature makes jute filaments fundamentally different from the unicellouse fibres like cotton. The fibre individuals of widely different lengths ranging from a few millimeters to about half a meter can be extracted from a jute yarn. This wide distribution of lengths unlike that of cotton, wool etc is not natural but produced from the meshy complex by the artificial conditions of mechanical processing. The failure to estimate the length characteristics prior to processing puts a great handicap to the practical means of fibre control and to precise panning of production. The incidence of short fibres and fibre friction are responsible for the typical irregularity of jute yarn. I f the divergence in lengths could be narrowed down and very short fibres could be eliminated, the irregularity would then be minimized to a large extend.

The problems of irregularity and haireness of jute yarn are yet to be overcome. Recently, a new idea of cutting the long jute staples of some inches has been conceived so as to achieve uniform feed at the carding syage for eventual production of more uniform yarn. Such yarn, if in sufficient quantity could be manufactured would go into making of materials like upholstery, furnishing
materials, decorative fabrics etc. in the industrial scale. One of the main hurdles to establish a market for these fabrics is their colour reversion on exposure to sunlight. Improved techniques for bleaching dyeing and printing of jute materials are under extensive studies and aim to achieve a reasonable degree of light fastness is being made. The use of deep shades maching with the change of light fastness is being made. The use of deep shades machining with the change of fibre colour has met with good success already.

Jute in union and in blend

In these union fabrics the cotton or rayon yarns constitute the warp threads while jute yarn is used as filling thread. The weaving pattern is designed so as to give a facing more of the warp threads than the weft ones. Such materials used as furnishing fabrics present a good look and hang well. Some finishing treatments are necessary to provide a smooth finish to the cloth. To eliminate the protruding fibres from the surface of the fabric, it is cropped or signed then passed through a sizing material or a suitable chemical resin and finally calendered. The alternative means of using jute for making cloth is to blend it with some other fibre. Not much work has been done so farin the field of jute blend. Rigorous investigations in finding out right proportion without impairing the mechanical performances should be made. In the tropical countries like that of ours cotton clothing is extensively used, general demand to replace cotton with jute is due to obvious reasons of meeting shortage of cloths. Some attempts to produce fine thread of more jute and less cotton in blend have been made, but as the two fibres have different physical characters the yarn consequently becomes of poor quality and strength. The coarse and stiff jute fibres oppose cohesion with twist and tend to spring out of the yarn resulting in thick and thin places and hairiness of the yarn. Jute filaments although are cut into short staples before processing, but the cotton equally efficiently. The conventional wool wool processing machinery are not also entirely suitable for jute but those used for producing worsted type materials may be adopted for jute after modifications.

In order to use jute for various clothing applications, attempts were made previously to modify the fibre properties with chemical treatment Textile Fibre when treated with strong alkali, becomes softer and darker in colour and assumes the characteristics crimped appearance like wool. This process of chemical modification is called woolenisation and resulting fibre can be blended with wool to make blankets, wrapers, scarves etc. may be used as knitting wool substitute. Alkali treatment removes some of the constituents which contribute to the stiffness of jute and imparts to it better stretching properties, although in the process fibre loses a considerable part of its strength. This loss in strength may be made up by treating the fibre again with some crosslinking reagent which will reinforce the lost strength but maintain its suppleness and improve the dye fastness. In order to blend with cotton, the jute staples are required to be modified into finer, more pliable and suitable for fast dyeing. In the fibre laboratories various improved bleaching techniques and reasonable light fastness have been developed. Studies to be made as to how far they are suitable for jute. Important factors, that to be taken into consideration in case of clothing materials are their wash and wear ability. Further, consumer markets these days are cost technological aspects of jute should be closely studied and the cost structure of jute materials need to be supported by actual facts and figures of their performances. The present trend is such that market for jute goods although expanding generally, is changing in pattern. T hus, not only the existing products need be improved to keep abreast of modern conditions but new and novel manufactures of jute must also be devi sed to sati sfy the trend of changing demands. In the development of new uses for jute, attention must be given to its basic or inherent properties that are benef icial but of which, the full advantage has not yet been taken. High intrinsic strength and low extendibi l i ty are among such characteri stics both of which can successfully contribute to the device of certain industrial end uses as for example in the f ield of rigid plastic laminates. Similarly coated jute fabrics and jute reinforcements of fer considerable potentials for increasing jute utilization. Jute can find its usage in these areas comparatively easily.

In conclusion, it may be mentioned that much has been said recently in the press about new jute cloth but i t is immaterial whether we cal l the jute cloth as ” Jutex” , ” Jutton” , ” JR I -tex” or “Nu-Jute” . I t is essential that intensive research work and close collaborative ef forts are necessary to attribute the qual i ties of a texti le f ibre to jute. Careful pretreatment and special chemical f ini shes of jute are to be made to achieve performance characteri stics of a novel yarn and fabric texture. Successful commercial utilization of new findings will depend on their ability to compare with other materi al s in actual use and economically also. This article about textile fibre and  Draw Frame Machine.

[1] Md. Ferdus Alam, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Southeast University, Cell # 1723300700,  Email: ferdus.j@gmail.com