Disaster Recovery Guideline 10 – Point Core Plan

Disaster Recovery Guideline 10 – Point Core Plan

Disaster Recovery Guideline


The purpose of this guide is to establish a core/basic outline of planning for and reacting to a disaster. It provides a means for authorized personnel to find the right information quickly and to adjust to the disaster.

The 10-Point Core Plan obviously does not address all aspects of the management, but is intended to provide:

  • A guide for interim management of operations in the event of a disaster.
  • A definition of responsibilities for those involved in the recovery of the disaster.
  • A foundation for the development of a formal Disaster Management Program.


  • To protect the people who work in or visit your location(s).
  • To protect corporate assets located in your location(s).
  • To resume business and service as quickly and effectively as possible.


The following checklists are intended to help you consider some essential of a core/basic emergency plan. The checklists correspond to the functions outlined below:

1. Direction and Control6. Shelter
2. Communications7. Emergency Services
3. Alerting and Warning8. Emergency Information
4. Facility Shutdowns9. Supporting Material
5. Evacuation10. Administrative and Logistics

The Core Plan

The ten points listed below must be considered as you develop your plans. You may adapt or combine them to meet [CLIENT] specific requirements. The following checklist will help [CLIENT] to review and evaluate the current state of emergency planning relevant to your operations and to identify planning gaps and weaknesses.

1.Direction and Control

Your emergency plan must provide for a coordinator (and alternate coordinators) that will exercise direction and control during an emergency. The coordinator is responsible for:

  • Directing the operations of the emergency team members.
  • Coordinating all emergency activities.
  • Gathering and analyzing information needed for emergency decisions.

Your plans for central direction and control should also designate alternative locations for an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and/or subordinate command posts.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Someone who is in charge of each emergency or disaster situation1 
  An EOC and the on-the-scene command post, and identity of personnel assigned to the EOC during an emergency.2 
  An alternative EOC in case the primary EOC is unable to function.2,3 
  The criteria for ordering an evacuation of the facility.4 
  Identity of the individual responsible for issuing evacuation orders and explain how orders will be announced.4 
  Established lines of succession to ensure continuous leadership, authority and responsibility in key positions.1,4 
  Logistical support (food, water, lighting, fuel, etc.) for the emergency operations teams.5X
  Staff and means to activate the emergency teams quickly. X
  Assignments for operations and administrative support for emergency response activities. X
  Clear and concise summary of the emergency functions, direction and control relationships, and communication systems.6 
  Procedures to protect essential personnel, equipment and records during a disaster.7-11 
  Assigned staff to monitor and report the effects of the disaster. X
  1. Communications

Communications between the coordinator and the emergency teams is essential. Your Emergency Plan must therefore provide for establishing, maintaining and securing a backup for all means of communication.

Key personnel must understand all communications procedures. These procedures that are part of daily operating systems are likely to work best in an emergency. Equipment must be regularly maintained and the staff must know how to adapt these systems during the emergency period.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Methods of communication between the Coordinator and the response teams and between the Coordinator and other company locations, adjacent firms and local government emergency services (fire, police, medical, etc.).12 
  Detailed communication requirements for the emergency response organizations and warning systems. X
  Use of two-way radio communications between the coordinator and the response teams. X
  Method to allow the response team members and their alternates to obtain and use communication equipment. X
  Means to recall the communications staff on short notice using lists that contain the name and telephone #’s of each person13,14 
  Additional telephone services during an emergency.15,16 
  Key telephone numbers of emergency assistance organizations.17 
  1. Alerting and Warning

During an emergency, the Coordinator will need procedures to alert all response staff and other employees to anticipated hazards. Warning may arrive by:

  • Switchboard operator, Public Address System, or word-of-mouth reports.
  • Alarm devices activated by smoke or heat detectors, sprinkler systems, etc.
  • Announcements from the Weather Service or local authorities.

These warning systems, in turn, depend on communication systems to alert all employees and to request assistance from police or fire departments.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  How to respond to warnings from the Weather Service and local government when hazards threaten your facility. X
  How to warn employees of an emergency, including the hearing impaired or non-English speakers. X
  Warning systems used to alert employees of danger (e.g., alarms, paging systems, smoke detectors and word-of-mouth). X
  An alternative warning system to backup the primary system. X
  Defined responsibilities of departments and personnel and described warning activation procedures. X
  Warning local government and nearby facilities of on-site disasters that might spread outside your facility.17X
  Requesting emergency assistance from local government (fire, police, medical, etc.).17X
  Alerting key officials on a 24-hour basis using call-down procedures. (i.e., starting from top of list to bottom).17X
  Testing the warning system regularly to ensure proper operation. X
  1. Facility Shutdown

Your Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) must offer guidelines on when and how to shutdown your facility. This involves developing criteria for making the decision to stop operations and elaborating procedures for shutting down equipment, utilities and the entire facility.

This function also includes establishing emergency protection measures and damage control and assessment techniques.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Conditions under which a shutdown must be considered or must occur. X
  Identity of who makes the decision to shutdown equipment, utilities or the whole facility.1 
  Someone who is responsible for carrying out a shutdown. (Assign specific roles for shutting off equipment and utilities and for checking automatic shutoffs. Assign backup roles for each individual’s assignment. Require reports of shutdown completion to Coordinator).1 
  A prearranged order or signal to initiate shutdown procedures.1 
  A comprehensive procedure for ran emergency shutdown. X
  Diagrams that show all turnoff valve & switch equipment locations. X
  Shutdown instructions posted on or near the control panels, valves, switches and operating mechanisms of all equipment. X
  Trained personnel to implement the emergency shutdown procedures. X
  Designated personnel to close doors and windows, tie down or move equipment and supplies to shelter areas, and barricade doors and windows. X
  Assigned personnel to meet and direct the emergency response units as they arrive at your facility. X
  Identifying and protecting valuable tools, instructions, machinery, materials and information.9,10X
  Protecting equipment and material stored outside. X
  Test shutdown procedures. X
  1. Evacuation

The goal of evacuation is to move people and resources (equipment, supplies and inventory) away from threatened areas. Successful evacuation depends on sufficient warning of an impending disaster.

In planning for an emergency, you must establish clear and detailed procedures for carrying out complete or partial evacuation from buildings or from an entire neighborhood. Neighborhood evacuations require coordination with all elements of your Disaster Management program, as well as with government authorities in the communities affected.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  The conditions under which an evacuation should be ordered. X
  Evacuation procedures that avoid other hazards, e.g., fallen high voltage wires. X
  Coordinating the site and area of evacuations with local government. X
  Identity of individuals responsible for ordering an evacuation and establish lines of succession for carrying out evacuation.1 
  Conditions under which it would be safe to complete a shutdown before ordering a general evacuation. X
  A means of alerting and communication systems for signaling impending or immediate evacuation.4 
  Procedures that use search and rescue teams to evacuate personnel when alarms are inoperative. X
  Evacuation routes on maps. X
  Evacuation routes throughout the company so that each employee has two escape options. X
  Adequate lighting for evacuation in stairwells and corridors during a power outage. X
  Training for all personnel to follow the evacuation routes, routines and check-in procedures for site evacuations. X
  Assistance for handicapped employees during an evacuation. X
  Ensuring that non-English speakers understand warning signals and know where to evacuate the workplace. X
  Identity of public or company re-assembly areas that will shelter evacuees from adverse weather, hazardous materials, etc.2 
  Assigned responsibility to emergency staff for ensuring that all personnel have been evacuated.1 
  A roll-call to ensure that all employees have been evacuated. X
  A means to identify missing persons. X
  A status report of the facility and any missing persons to company and civil authorities following an evacuation. X
  A method to have vital records removed from the site.10X
  Identity of critical equipment to be evacuated and explain how and by whom it will be moved. X
  Test evacuation procedures for all facilities. X
  Maintaining and updating the evacuation plan regularly.18 
  1. Shelter

In some situations, evacuation of the effected site may not be possible. Under these conditions, an EOP considers how to provide shelter for employees and visitors. Your Plan should describe the conditions under which people would be placed in shelters and the criteria for making this decision. The Plan should describe the capacity of on-site shelters and identify public shelter facilities that local emergency management officials have allocated for company employees.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Identity of existing shelter space on company property or off-site.2 
  Means to inform employees of shelter locations X
  Directions for moving to shelter in an orderly manner. X
  Assigned corridor, floor and building wardens to assist the movement of employees to shelter. X
  Who will decide when evacuees can leave the shelters.1 
  1. Emergency Services

Implementation of an emergency response depends on the availability of trained personnel. Providing the following emergency services internally, if possible, allows for a faster response time from individuals familiar with company facilities.

  • Security
  • Fire fighting
  • Rescue
  • Medical and health
  • Engineering support

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Current notification lists or call trees for each emergency response team.13 
  Advising employees of the risks associated with handling hazardous materials and of best methods of protection. X
  A list of the appropriate equipment, instructions, antidotes and protective clothing for response teams.5 
  Ensuring that the response team know when and how to use emergency equipment. X
  Procedures for the response team members to check for contamination and dispose of contaminated clothing. X
  Operating procedures for each response team that describes how will accomplish its assigned tasks and how it will deal with hazards. X
  A method to report casualties, damage assessment and evacuation status to the EOC. X
  Directing and coordinating the actions of the emergency response team during emergency operations.5 
  Security services to:


Ø  Control traffic

Ø  Protect critical resources

Ø  Protect property in damaged areas

  Fire rescue teams deployed in the event of an emergency.17X
  Fire control equipment where it will be accessible despite the effects of hazards. X
  Team members are alert to dangers during emergencies. X
  Emergency stations for screening casualties, administering first aid, making identification and casualty records and arranging for transportation to medical facilities. X
  Emergency medical support.14X
  Adequate emergency medical supplies.5X
  A resource list that identifies the source, location and availability of earth-moving equipment, dump trucks, fuel, etc., to support emergency and recovery operations. X
  An adequate water supply after a facility shutdown for drinking, fire fighting and sanitation. X
  1. Emergency Information

In developing your Plan, consider how to increase the employees’ awareness of hazards and how to advise employees about appropriate actions before, during and after an emergency. Effective collection and dissemination of information will help to focus emergency action and minimize confusion. Your Emergency Plan should also establish procedures and responsibility for dealing with the media.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Assigned responsibility for ensuring that all employees understand the warning signals, receive instructions on what to do in an emergency and know how to reach disaster stations or shelters.19X
  Written emergency guidance materials distributed to employees. Care should be taken for the visually handicapped and non-English speakers. X
  Posted safety tips, locations of fire exits, evacuation routes, etc., on bulletin boards and other prominent areas. X
  Emergency activities on the agenda of regularly held meetings of the supervisory staff. X
  Briefing all new employees on the Emergency Plan and the roles they will be expected to assume. X
  Scheduled general training in safety measures for all employees and specific training for response teams. X
  A designated information office to act as the official point of contact during an emergency and a spokesperson for all contact with the media.1 
  Procedures for authenticating and verifying all information received and for controlling rumors.1 
  1. Supporting Materials

Your Emergency Plan will be much more helpful if you supplement it with the following information:

  • Floor plans and maps (site and street) that indicate the location of manpower and equipment.
  • Assignment charts (simple organizational charts) that show the names, titles, addresses and phone numbers of key emergency personnel. These charts should also indicate the responsibilities of each person during an emergency.
  • Call-up lists contain the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the people responsible for emergency operations. Alternates should be named in case the primary personnel are not available.
  • List of local resources that provide additional labor, equipment and supplies.
  • Mutual aid agreements that indicate companies willing to assist during emergencies.
  • A glossary that defines the terms. The plan should use words that mean the same thing to everyone.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Building floor plans, site plans of buildings and grounds, street maps and other plans or maps that would be useful. X
  Charts that show the names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of key personnel in the emergency organization.1 
  Call-up lists of key personnel and their alternates for activating the Plan.13,14 
  Lists of mutual aid agreements with other companies, including names and numbers of contacts.12X
  Glossary of Terms. X
  1. Administration and Logistics

Emergency Plans require approval from senior management and agreement from departments that will be providing services during an emergency.

Senior management should also direct that testing and updating of the Plan be done on a regular basis, and/or changes occur with personnel or facilities.

Your plan should include:

YesNoDescriptionForm AttachedSelf-Design
  Written concurrence from all company departments assigned emergency responsibilities. X
  Approval and support from the CEO of the company.20 
  The approval date.20 
  The name of the office (or individual) that is responsible for maintaining and updating the plan and for ensuring that changes to the plan are published and distributed.18 
  An index or table of contents that organizes the emergency information by topic. X
  Provisions for testing the plan by drills and exercises and for identifying deficiencies. X
  A list of the basic emergency resources available, by source and quantity (e.g., lighting, first-aid and medical supplies, fire fighting equipment, etc.).5 
  Provisions for training response staff to carry out emergency functions.19 
  Provisions for conducting a review after an emergency to determine whether revisions are necessary for improvement. X



Anyone on premises will call security (or other) to report fire or other situations. Follow department emergency procedures to evacuate personnel, secure the area, or perform other duties as required by the nature of the situation.

Once immediate danger from the emergency is under control, security must telephone or otherwise notify the Senior Executive Management with preliminary assessment of the damage. The Senior Executive Management will notify the Disaster Recovery Coordinator or alternate, with instructions. If an interruption of services has occurred or will occur as a result of emergency, the Disaster Recovery Coordinator telephones the Disaster Recovery Team Members to meet at a designated location (see Form II for meeting sites). The team members notify their key personnel to standby for activation of the recovery plan. The Senior Executive Management is to be kept informed of the situation by the Corporate Disaster Recovery Coordinator.

  • Notify outside emergency services
  • Direct facility shutdown

The flow chart below will delineate the chain of command:

This working draft should be reviewed and approved by Corporate Counsel and Senior Management.




0 – 48 Hours After Disaster

The Disaster Recovery Team will convene in one of the following locations based on the scope of the disaster and its effect on the corporation:

Location No. 1
Location No. 2
Location No. 3





Facility to be selected form the following alternatives:

  1. Lease Warehouse Space:


  1. Lease Office Space:


  1. Etc.




The Coordinator [__________________________________] will determine if and to what extent an evacuation will take place. In the event of the Coordinator’s absence, the below listed personnel, in order listed, have the authority to order such evacuation.


Procedures to Effect Evacuation:

The Coordinator (or the designee) will announce the evacuation procedures via the methods:

[CLIENT] to fill in this portion with those procedures that will allow for safe and efficient evacuation.




We are subject to regional disaster such as [events] and will be prepared by storing emergency supplies. We will also contact our local emergency management agency, (sheriff, American Red Cross, etc.) for specific recommendations.

We have developed the following list in anticipation of [the event].

Have on hand the basic materials:

  1. Heavy duty plastic bags
  2. Supply of plastic sheeting or tarps
  3. Masking or duct tape to secure plastic
  4. Battery radios AM/FM
  5. Battery lights
  6. Spare batteries
  7. Large ice chests
  8. Rope
  9. Bottled water
  10. Non perishable food
  11. Can and bottle openers
  12. Toilet paper
  13. Paper plates, cups, napkins and plastic forks, knives, spoons
  14. First Aid Kit
  15. Flashlights



Duties and Responsibilities

In order to carry out our plan effectively and efficiently, we will assign responsibilities to individuals for the vital components of our Plan. The following assignment are:

Appoint a safety project coordinator and committee 
Appoint an emergency planning coordinator & committee 
Work with the emergency committee to design an emergency plan 
Provide support and promotion for the plan 
Urge company-wide awareness of the plan 
Appoint an emergency action team 

Safety & Emergency Coordinators

Become familiar with all rules and procedures of the plan 

Safety committee will:

  • establish and enforce safety rules;
  • maintain and inspect facilities regularly; and
  • train and inform supervisors and employees.

Emergency committee will:

  • assume command in an emergency;
  • coordinate the activities of outside agencies; fire, police, medical services, security services, maintenance and repair teams, emergency and salvage teams;
  • communicate with management; and
  • contact media.

Emergency Planning Committee

Review and update emergency plan regularly 
Review potential emergency situations 
Work with the general safety committee 
Emergency Action TeamIndividual(s)
Participate in emergency procedural training 
Evacuate personnel 
Protect property 
Respond to directions of a team leader 
Corporate Disaster Recovery CoordinatorIndividual(s)
Authorized to take actions necessary to recover processing capability 
Directs activities of Disaster Recovery Team 
Informs President of the Disaster Recovery Team’s progress 
Software CoordinatorIndividual(s)
Restores operating system and related software as needed 
Coordinates activities with Hardware Coordinator 

Operations Coordinator

Restores operating procedures after recovery installation 
Established processing schedules at recovery site 
Directs activities of security to ensure that minimum physical and data security needs are met 
Directs activities of off-site storage 

New Facility Coordinator

Directs efforts of rebuilding or replacing data processing installation 
Directs efforts of Hardware Coordinator 
Hardware CoordinatorIndividual(s)
Obtains replacement hardware and supervises its installation at interim site and new site. Work with Software Coordinator in site preparation. 
Facilities CoordinatorIndividual(s)
Prepares control center (and backup site as needed) with utilities, supplies, furniture and office equipment. 
Directs activities of Communications and Transportation Coordinator to meet needs of establishing telephone communications and transportation between the control center. 
Communication CoordinatorIndividual(s)
Ensure that required telephone service is provided to the new location, backup sites, backup storage facility and at the site being restored to normal operations. Ensure that data communications facilities are provided for input to and from the backup site. 
Notify the team members of the progress and status of communications arrangement. 
Ensure that the team, primary and backup sites are providing the required level of protection. 
Initiate action to upgrade communications when appropriate. 
Insurance CoordinatorIndividual(s)
Lists and photographs damage and records cost for insurance claims. 
Contracts with salvage organization to save whatever possible. 
Security OfficerIndividual(s)

The person assigned responsibility for facility security in disaster situation would generally be the same person who is normally responsible for facility security. Special concerns of the Security Officer in a time of disaster would be:

  • Preventing access to the premises by unauthorized personnel
  • Assisting police in security operations
  • Clearing access for emergency vehicles
  • Protecting vital records
  • Protecting essential equipment (e.g., computers)
Medical ResponseIndividual(s)

If the company employs an Occupational health Physician or an Occupational Health Nurse, the Disaster Planning Committee should work with these health professionals in developing this section of the plan.

A nurse or doctor already on site at the time of the disaster occurrence can begin providing emergency care or take charge of injury management before outside medical emergency teams arrive. Medical personnel can be expected to assume these types of responsibilities:

  • Provide emergency medical care
Medical ResponseIndividual(s)
Coordinate and direct activities of auxiliary first-aid personnel 
Assess injured persons to assure that the most seriously injured are given priority care when paramedics or other emergency medical assistance arrives. 
Determine identity of all injured persons and their destination for medical treatment. Record and convey this information to the Communications Director. 
Assist outside emergency medical personnel. 
Medical ResponseIndividual(s)
Record the condition of injured persons and the treatment given before leaving the site and send a copy of this information with the person to the hospital. 
Provide status information to the communications Director for dissemination to the families of the injured and to the media. 

Where no medical personnel are on site, and especially when medical emergency response from the outside is delayed for any length of time, first-aid trained members of the Emergency Response Team would be expected to assume many of these duties. Their main limitations would be in the level of emergency care they could provide and in assessing the severity of injuries.

Restoration Team Members are Responsible for:Individual(s)
Determining specific damage to each asset. 
Determining team and cost to repair, replace, rebuild or upgrade equipment and facilities. 
Initiate site cleanup operations, perform repairs/replacement actions. 
Testing primary site readiness. 
Assisting with conversion from backup to primary site. 

The team managers must be familiar with operations within their respective areas to effect continued operation. The plan is not a mechanical checklist and does not address every eventuality that could occur but relies heavily on the skills of team members and other employees that may be involved. It will be up to each individual to determine how best to effect recovery and resume normal operations relaying that information to the Coordinator.

Communications/Public Relations

One person is usually assigned to coordinate or direct communications efforts, but in most cases more than one person is needed to carry out these responsibilities. Some of the activities assigned to communications personnel are:

Activating alarms or warning systems for evacuation. 
Calling outside emergency services (e.g., fire/police) and directing them to the proper locations on arrival. 
Notifying key personnel in the company. 
Handling incoming and outgoing calls. 
Notifying and dealing with family members of injured workers. 
Providing information to the press, radio and TV reporters. 
Maintaining communication between key personnel on site. 
Determining whether all personnel have been accounted for and informing emergency response personnel of those believed to be missing. 



 Critical Personnel

This list identifies critical personnel. Personnel are listed by function, job title, and the number of people required.

Critical Disaster Response (first 10 hours)
FunctionJob TitleNo. Required
Immediate Disaster Response (first 72 hours)
FunctionJob TitleNo. Required
Initial Recovery Period (3 days to 6 days)
FunctionJob TitleNo. Required
Extended Recovery Period (6 weeks to 18 months)
FunctionJob TitleNo. Required




This list documents the work environment we will require to restore our operations.

No. of people required:Critical 10 hrs.Immediate 72 hrs.Initial 3 day-6 weekExtended 6 wk-18 mo
7 A.M. – 5 P.M.    
Other hours    
No. of workstations:    
Describe unusual requirements that cannot be met with standard office furniture:
Describe critical space requirements (sq. ft.) for special equipment:
Describe critical environmental requirements (e.g., air conditioning):
Describe special location requirements (e.g., the need to locate one function adjacent to another or to locate people within a department adjacent to others):



 Office/Communication Equipment

The list of office and communication equipment will be needed to restore all operations.

                                                Critical              Immediate         Initial                 Extended

                                                10 hrs.                72 hrs.                3day-6wk          6wk-18mo

Telephones                             (Quantity)          (Quantity)          (Quantity)          (Quantity)

Standard                                  ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

Special                                     ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________


Standard                                  ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

Special                                     ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________


4 Function                               ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

Special                                     ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

Microfiche Readers

Fiche 4″ x 6″                            ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

Roll Film                                 ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

Personal Computers

Make & Model                        ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

FORM IX (con’t)


Office/Communication Equipment (con’t)

                                                Critical              Immediate         Initial                 Extended

                                                10 hrs.                72 hrs.                3day-6wk          6wk-18mo

Printers                                  (Quantity)          (Quantity)          (Quantity)          (Quantity)

Make & Model                        ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

CRT/Video Terminals

Make & Model                        ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

___________     ___________     ___________     ____________


Program Name                        ___________     ___________     ___________     ____________

___________     ___________     ___________     ____________



 Vital Infrmation

After a disaster, we will require retrieval of information that has been identified in advance as “vital” and safeguarded at an off-site location.

This form will identify vital information, explain how to retrieve it, and develop a strategy for ensuring that this information is always current.

  1. dentify vital information (use one form for each category of information, e.g., accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger).
  2. Information Description/Document Name:
  3. Information media:


Microfilm – 4×6 fiche             

Microfilm – 16mm roll film                


Magnetic tape             


  1. Retrieval equipment:

Microfilm Reader – fiche                    

Microfilm Reader – roll                       







 Raw Stock and Supplies

In order to continue operations after a loss, we must have raw stock and supplies necessary to produce our finished product. This section addresses the issues that affect replenishing raw stock and supplies after a loss.

In addition to the information requested in this section, we give special consideration to:

  • alternative sources for suppliers with only one location in case of a loss on their property;
  • other manufacturers or suppliers who participate in the actual processing of our product (i.e., subcontractors who assemble or refine your product); and
  • expert buyers needed to make very specialized high tech purchases.




Between [client] and Other [client] Locations and Business Firms

After a disaster, normal communication channels may not exist. Some divisions may have to resume immediate contact with specific persons or organizations (internal and/or external). List these contacts, the regular means of communication, and the time frame in which the communication must be resumed.


































In the event a damaging magnitude occurs while you are at home, please do the following:

  • Wait from one to three days depending on damage before trying to telephone the office.
  • If you can’t reach the office, attempt to call [ ] or the Command Center at [       ].
  • Tune into [local radio station-call numbers/letters] which are [client] official news announcement stations.
  • If you are a member of the emergency response team or the salvage team, attempt to call the office at [ ] or the Command Center at [        ].
  • A copy of everyone’s home numbers is in the “Emergency Plan” and when service is available, everyone will be contacted.
  • A copy of all employee phone numbers is also in the appendix [option].

Employee Notification

This list identifies the coordinators who will notify employees of a disaster and tell them when they are to report for work. The list also identifies the employees to be contacted.

Division CoordinatorWork PhoneHome Phone
Back-up CoordinatorWork PhoneHome Phone
EmployeesWork PhoneHome Phone



Vendor Notification

This list of vendors should be notified if our company is severely affected by a disaster. We want to tell them about the recovery locations and changes in scheduled deliveries, etc.




 Emergency Assistance Organizations

After a disaster, normal communication channels may not exist. Some divisions may have to resume immediate contact with specific persons or organizations (internal and/or external). List these contacts, the regular means of communication, and the time frame in which the communication must be resumed.

Fire Department  
Police Department  
Highway Patrol  
County Building Inspector  
Red Cross Disaster Unit  
Office of Emergency Services  
State Disaster Assistance Division  



The Emergency Plan is to be maintained by the Disaster Recovery Coordinator. Any changes, additions, deletions, etc., are to be sent to the Coordinator.

Any change, addition, etc. (with the exception of telephone numbers and addresses) will be updated and distributed on a monthly basis.

Review of the Emergency Plan will be made every six months, unless otherwise indicated by the revision date.



A variety of training needs are identified in connection with executing an effective disaster recovery plan. The training should be provided by persons who have expertise in the specific area. For example, someone outside the company might be used to provide first-aid/CPR instruction or for training in the use of emergency respirators. Other training needs can usually be met by using persons within the company.

Special training needs are identified as:

  • General – involving all employees such as:

–           Knowing evacuation plans;

–           Knowing how to reach their disaster station or shelter;

–           Recognizing alarm signals;

–           Knowing how to report emergencies;

–           Knowing what type of emergencies could occur.

  • Special – involving only certain persons assigned to special or high risk tasks such as:

–           Emergency Response Team Members;

–           Medical response personnel, including first-aiders;

–           Communications personnel;

–           Command positions.

Once the plan is completed and “tested”, the company will be in a better position to cope with a disaster situation. Any failures of the system, identified during the test, should be reviewed and changes made.

The plan should never be allowed to become obsolete or ineffective. Changes in a facility, such as growth in size, change in operations and additions or deletions or hazardous materials, can cause the plan to become obsolete. Loss of key personnel, lack of ongoing management support or an influx of new employees can damage the effectiveness of the best plan.

To maintain a viable plan, the plan should be reviewed and updated at least twice a year to reflect changes in the facility, facility personnel, the community and its resources, and the law. Telephone numbers will be updated monthly.


A degree of risk exists in everything we do in life. [Client] is committed to providing a safe working environment policy and protecting employees, property, customers, and suppliers through ongoing loss prevention and managing potential disasters. To this end, [client] has assigned the development, implementation and administration of corporate safety and security procedures referred to as our Disaster Management Program. Guidelines and assistance will be provided by specified department(s) or individual(s).

anywhere or anytime, from the responsibility of being alert to unsafe conditions and taking timely action to correct them.

Creating and maintaining a safe working environment also requires the interest and cooperation of every employee throughout the [company]. The observation of safety and security procedures must be an integral part of our daily working hours.

As a [top manufacturer/developer] of [name products and/or services] in the [U.S., Canada, and throughout the world,] we will do everything in our power to retain our market position and image.

Name [President, Chairman and/or CEO]

Company Name


This working draft should be reviewed and approved by Corporate Counsel and Senior Management.