What is Digital TDS Meter Online ?
Digital TDS Meter
- Digital TDS Meter -Switch ON the instrument , wait till its warm up
- Adjust the temperature setting knob to room temperature
- Set the check value as 1 .000
- Wash the electrode by DM water
- Dip the electrode 3000 PPM TDS calibration solution.
- Adjust the reading to 3000 by using calibration knob of digital tds meter online
- Rotate the knob to cell constant
- Note the cell constant reading of tds meter online
- Before going to check the sample , cross check the cell constant
- Using the range knob we can measure the sample.
- Instrument in stand by time rotate the switch to check position
- Prepare 3000 PPM solution weakly once using sodium chloride or KCl
Prepation Of 3000 Ppm Solution
- Dry the Nacl or KCl AR grade in the oven at 105’C for 1 hr
- Cool & Weigh accurately 3 gm and dissolved in 1000 ml of DM water
- Check the 3000 PPM solution in evaporation method using oven
- Conformed TDS value used to calibrate the instrument
Total Solids Determination -TS
- Weigh the weight of china dish and note as W1-gm
- Take 10 ml of sample in china dish
- Set 102 ‘ C in oven and switch on the oven & recirculation fan
- Kept the sample in the oven for 1½hours at 102 ‘ C
- After 1½ hours take away the sample from oven and kept in desiccators
- For ½ hour allow to cool room temperature of Digital tds meter
- Note the final weight of china dish W2-gm
- Calculate the weight of solid W = W2 – W1
TOTAL SOLIDS = weight of solid W x 1000 x1000 PPM
- Volume of the sample
Total Dissolved Solids Determination-TDS
- Weigh the weight of china dish and note as W1-gm
- Take 50ml of sample in a clean beaker and filter this sample by using what man NO 1 filter paper.
- Discord first 10 ml of filtrate, then collect the filtrate in the beaker
- Take 10 ml of filtered sample in pre -weighed china dish
- Set 102 ‘ C in oven and switch on the oven & recirculation fan
- Kept the sample in the oven for 1½hours at 102 ‘ C
- After 1½ hours take away the sample from oven and kept in desiccators
- For ½ hour allow to cool room temperature
- Note the final weight of china dish W2-gm
- Calculate the weight of solid W = W2 – W1
TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS = weight of solid W x 1000 x1000 PPM
Volume of the sample
Total Suspended Solids Determination -TSS
Determination Of MLSS / TSS
- Weigh the weight of What man 41 filter paper note as W1-gm
- Take 25 ml of aeration sample in a measuring cylinder
- Filter this sample by using what man 41 filter paper.
- Take the filter paper carefully and placed in china dish
- This sample Kept in the oven for 1½hours at 102 ‘ C
- Set 102 ‘ C in oven and switch on the recalculating fan
- After 1.5 hours take away the sample from oven and kept in desiccators
- For ½ hour allow to cool room temperature
- Note the final weight of filter paper W2-gm
- Calculate the weight solid W = W2 – W1
MLSS – Mg/Lt = weight of solid W x 1000 x1000
Volume of the sample
NOTE for Digital TDS Meter
Volume of sample is 100 ml
MLSS – Mixed liquor suspended solids
Determination Of Mlvss Using Muffle Furnace
- Residues obtained in mixed liquor suspended solids, and note the weight of filter paper W2-gm.
- Place the filter paper with residue in crucible
- Ignite the residue in muffle furnace for 1 hour at temperature of
- 500-550’ c
- After 1hour take away the sample from furnace and kept in desiccators
- For ½ hour allow to cool room temperature
- Note the final weight W3-gm
- INNERT Mg/Lt = W2 – W3 x 1000 x 1000
Volume of sample
Digital TDS Meter -Volume of sample is 100 ml. MLVSS – Mixed liquor Volatile suspended solids