What is Digital Sewing Machine? Sewing Machine Maintenance

What is Digital Sewing Machine? Sewing Machine Maintenance

Digital Sewing Machine

Digital Sewing machine is a discovery of digital technology which is used in garments industry.  These machines are programmable machines with digit / digits allow the user to create pieces of design to make their own clothes faster and better than the old style machines. Today’s modern technology and computerized sewing design the  user can be producing artistic needlework in short time by this type of digital electronics

Digital Technology for Computerized Sewing Machine:

The automatic MCD unit of auto sewing machine, complete with sewing machine, is made for sewing the fronts of shirts.
It distinguishes itself for easy to use and the quality of the final product. During stitching, the system aligns the fabric for perfect stitching. The fabric then passed under a heated puller to eliminate wrinkles in the front strip.

Brother Digital Sewing Machine is Digital Technology
Auto Sewing Machine

The machine is surrounded with automatic thread cutting and stacking,  sewing and conveying speed are adjusted electronically of the system. The stitch length can vary from a minimum of 0.9 to a maximum of 35 mm, the sewn stitches are counted electronically using a PLC program.

Benefits of Digital Sewing Machine: 

  1. Anybody can create their own designs with today’s computerized sewing machine.
  2. By using computerized sewing software of computerized sewing machine enables the user to create patterns from a simple chain stitch.
  3. Auto sewing machines of lockstitch can help the business person compete in today’s clothing market.
  4. Garments that would have taken weeks to finish before the auto sewing machine can now be done in a matter of hours
  5. Auto sewing machines offer the user many options to turn around on projects.
  6. Computerized Sewing Machine have built in digitizer
  7. It is also called Computerized Sewing Machine

SOP for Sewing Machine Maintenance:

Maintenance department is headed by maintenance manager. All the maintenance mechanics and other supporting staffs of maintenance department report to the maintenance manager.

Maintenance management system: Machines and spare parts inventory are maintained in this software system. Machinery and spare parts movement between the factories of Lenny are entered in this software and after the entry an auto generated delivery Chelan is created by the software for documentation purpose. In this system we are able to track machinery locations and the complete history of the each and individual machines. In this system we are able to analyze consumption of spare parts and inventory.

Machinery maintenance (Preventive maintenance)

  1. Periodical sewing machine maintenance
  2. Weekly sewing machine maintenance
  3. Daily sewing machine maintenance (Product safety machine special checkup)

Periodical maintenance: Preventive maintenance is very important activities of the maintenance department. This preventive maintenance activity helps in avoiding the unexpected machine breakdowns and it increases the life of the machines. Preventive maintenance was been done as per the schedule made by the maintenance head. Schedule plan will cover whole Lenny in 40 to 45 days.

Weekly maintenance: One line of one factory machines will be checked by the respective line mechanic , in this way we will complete one factory in one week. This rive is called as the maintenance drive. In the maintenance drive , all the machines are been check completely and the  problems found was been rectified immediately and faulty operators are been counseled and trained in maintenance drive.

Daily maintenance: (Product safety machine special checkup): In the daily maintenance the product safety machines like BTN attach , button hole , eyelet hole , snap attach are specially checked by the trained finishing mechanics.

Hang Tag Machine Needle, Hand Needle and Plastic Stapler Needle Control:

  • Needle control policy covers the needle being used in hang tag attach machine and plastic stapler machine.
  • There is only one central position to receive and issue needles to floor, that is maintenance store.
  • Transaction is maintained though software and needles are issued on replaced basis or when all parts are produced to central store.
  • All broken and replaced needles policy are secured in sharp tool control box maintained in central maintenance store.
  • After 06 months the needles are buried in Needle Grave yard.

Used Needle Control:

  • The physically used needle should match our account whatever we issue in the production floor.
  • All the use needle should be keep in our record & maintain the quantity

Needle Accessories Storage

  • From now on a new needle will be issued only when complete parts of a single needle will be submitted.
  • Operators are not getting new needle until complete parts are deposited.
  • Needle issuers at the store have been given strict warning to strictly follow needle control policy/ broken needle policy.
  • As we have seen number of findings regarding needle control issue, we have decided to arrange some refresher training session where all the store staffs will be trained to avoid needle control related problems in future.
  • Respective sewing line manager has been given warning regarding this issue.
  • Actually needle control register is not fake rather some unintentional mistakes of store a store keeper made it look like this. However from now on we will be more careful.
  • Now no garment is passed in final packing area without being metal checked and related register is being maintained strictly.
  • Cutting section has been reorganized and excessive fabric have been moved from dumping situation.
  • Idle cutting machines have been moved away and kept in a separate place.
  • From now on we will keep and lay fabric according to individual color in cutting section.
  • All sorts of carton/ table have been moved to keep path obstacle free.
  • Respective operator was given warning regarding keeping body after stitching.
  • We feel sorry for that. Respective line manager, line chief and supervisor were given strict warning that no future negligence will be tolerated regarding keeping body on the floor.
  • We have checked the whole floor and got rid of all kinds of unauthorized blade or metal movement.
  • Actually we never run production without exhibiting approved sample in the line however in all the Buyer lines we have made approved sample available which is hanged on the line.
  • Accessories storage area has been reorganized and store in-charge has been given proper instruction to avoid any kind of inconsistency between stock register and original balance.
  • Any kind of prohibited chemical has been absolutely banned from spot removing section and respective supervisor has been warned about this matter.
  • There is no back log in packing area now. Finished goods are now properly kept on the rack according to color, style and whatever needed.

Metal Detection Control:

  • Metal detection machine should be calibration two time morning & evening before start the production & keep the proper record
  • Metal detection procedure shall be applicable to kids and JAPAN shipments unless it is specifically mentioned by buyer.
  • Metal detection machine will be keep metal free zone area.
  • Detector must be use 1.2 mm card with the 9 points method.
  • All the garment should be checked detector machine before ship the garments, if found any garment not passed in our detector machine this garments should be kept & log as evidence in Red Box properly.
  • During calibration, if calibration is failed, since we have track of each carton identification, we are able to call back the goods passed through machine in last hour and all garments in those identified cartons needs to be checked 100%

Sewing Machine Maintenance – Needle Detector  :

  • Detector should be calibrated every 1 year & this record should be keep.
  • Maintenance in charge cleaning record should be keep detector machine area.
  • Maintenance should be keep maintenance card.