What is Laboratory Gensity Meter? Pre-Preg line Description

What is Laboratory Gensity Meter? Pre-Preg line Description

Laboratory density meter

  • Laboratory density meter Capacity: 200-300 gm
  • Measurement Range: 0.1 to 3.0 g/cm3
  • Operating Temperature: 10 – 40 °C
  • Readability: 0.1 mg Repeatability 0.1 mg Response Time: 2-3 sec Automatic Calibration. REad more about What is Viscometer? How Viscosity Test Machine Works?

Pre-preg line

  • For prepreg formation for fiber reinforced thermosetting polymers
  • Materials: carbon/epoxy, glass/polyester etc.
  • Creel capacity: 300 or higher
  • Max Width of Prepreg: up to 800 mm or higher Process speed: 0 – 5 m/min or higher
  • Process Temperature: 40 -250 °C
  • Heating Media: Thermal Oil or similar Cooling Media: Water or similar


Yes, certification can be denied, revoked or reclassified if the production facility does not fully satisfy the requirements of compliance with the WRAP Principles. The Independent Monitors are to verify that the production facility is in compliance with the WRAP Principles and Procedures before a Certification will be granted. The Independent Monitor will review its evaluation with the plant management and submit its findings to the Certification Board and/or explain what corrective action(s) must be undertaken by the facility, if necessary, for management practices to demonstrate full adoption, deployment and monitoring of the WRAP Principles. Only when this is verified through the onsite evaluation will a facility be able to request certification. Plant management has six months from the date that WRAP confirms receipt of application, to put the plant into compliance and make a written request for Certification. After six months elapse and the factory has not been certified it must initiate the process  all over.

                 Certification is valid for one year only. Certified Facilities may be subject to unscheduled follow-up evaluations during the one year term of certification. The number and frequency of unscheduled follow-up visits will be determined exclusively by the Certification Board, including plant performance and  original certification process. Risk-based production facilities will receive mandatory unscheduled follow-up visit(s) during the term of Certification. Any facility can have its certification revoked or placed risk-based status if it is not found to be systematically in compliance with adoption, deployment and monitoring of the WRAP Principles.

Before a Request for Certification is filed with WRAP, the production facility must satisfy the compliance requirements verified with an evaluation by one of the accredited Independent Monitors.