CRM Contact Management System for Merchandiser

CRM Contact Management System for Merchandiser

CRM Contact Management System Presentation

CRM Contact Management System Presentation >> Innovative Techniques of Digital Marketing to Grow & Sustain RMG Business

We install all types of CRM Contact Management System and CRM Integration. According to customer requirements we refer it in different solution providers. We also suggest free plugin for the customers. Please contact us by submitting a comment below on Leave a Reply box`. For any query please Contact Us.

Summery of CRM Software

Buyer List, Buyer Company List, Entering Buyer and Company information (Name, Email, Phone, Owner, Life Stage, Date, Address, Source etc) Merchandiser List, Merchandiser Activities Log with Buyer, Merchandiser Task Log,  Merchandiser Notes management log, Merchandiser Schedule Log with Buyer, Contact Status (Customer, Leads, Opportunity, Subscriber), Dashboard of CRM where represent Number of Contact Status, Contact Group (e.g. Tesco Group, H&M Group, All buyers of Tesco will show in Tesco Group), Search Facility, Activity Report where number of schedules, notes and tasks of Merchandiser  will show. Admin/ Head of Dept. can assign contacts to any merchandiser, All types of Email notification

CRM Module

Now we will discuss the best CRM software in the market. It is free of cost. After purchasing some extension it will be more featured. We are the authorized affiliate partner of WPERP. All tyme we can provide you 20% to 50% discount if purchase through us. Purchase through this link. We also provide 3 more software with this e.g. Customer Sypport System, Online Chat System etc.


Installation Configuration and Customization by
Khondakar Mashiur Rahman
Cell# 01817043086
Contact Us

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1. Features of CRM

Summery of features are mentioned below-

  • Remote monitoring system
  • CRM system is useful to identify potential customers
  • Contact Management
  • Categories Contact
  • Customer /buyer, lead, subscriber management
  • Restore facility of deleted contact, company, buyer etc
  • Notes Management
  • Task Management
  • Schedule Management
  • Note, Email, Task, Log Activity and Schedule wise Activity Filtering
  • Merchandiser and buyer wise Activity filtering
  • If a merchandiser leaves from a company a new merchandiser can start from his incomplete stat
  • When a merchandiser leaves, all sales information (email, task, notes, meeting, schedule) will remain save in CRM database
  • Can integrate with buyer/buying office Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
  • No additional software engineer / programmer requires to maintain it
  • Training manual is enough to operate this software

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2. Definition of CRM & Contact

CRM: CRM means Customer Relationship Management System which allow businesses to improve sales and service levels by analyzing a wider range of data.

Contact: A contact is a software program that enables merchandiser to easily store and find contacts information buyer such as names, buyer name, email, addresses and buyer telephone numbers etc.

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User/ Role Category

There are 3 types of Role into CRM. Two role are shown below

  • CRM Agent ( Sales Executive /Merchandiser)
  • CRM Manager (Manager)
  • CRM Admin (IT)

CRM Agent: An Agent is Merchandiser in RMG company. He is core user of this software. At first he will input his employee details in his profile. After that Agent will initiate all types of sales activities

CRM Manager: CRM Manager is Boss of CRM Agent

CRM Admin: CRM Admin can managed everything in this software.

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User Access Metric

CRM Manager and CRM Agents role management is shown in a table. Another Role is IT Administrator who can do everything.

Agent/ Merchandiser Create, Edit, DeleteXXY
Contact Group View, Create, Edit, DeleteViewYY
Contact Assign under a GroupOwnYY
Contact View, Create, Edit, DeleteOwnYY
Assigned Contact under Company DeleteXXX
Contact Assign to Other Agents XYY
Contact Assign under a CompanyYYY
Company Assign under a ContactYYY
Company Assign to Other AgentsXYY
Company View, Create, Edit, Delete XXY
Assigned Company under Contact DeleteXXX
Schedule/Log CreateYYY
Schedule/Log ViewOwnYY
Schedule/Log Edit , DeleteXXX
Schedule Assign To Other AgentsXYY
Save Note on Contact & CompanyOwnYY
Save Note Edit & DeleteOwnYY
Task Assign on Contact & CompanyYYY
Task Edit & DeleteOwnYY
Export All Contact InformationXXY
Export All Company InformationXXY
Export All Agent InformationXXY
View All ReportsOwnYY

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3. Sales Forecast Stages

We will introduce with some marketing sales stages concept that need to understand during the software operations

  1. Subscriber/ Flower
  2. Lead
  3. Opportunity
  4. Customer / Buyer

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3.1. Subscriber/ Flower

A subscriber/flower is a contact or person who engages with your company. They have shown interest in you and your product or content.

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3.2. Lead

A lead is a set of useful contact information of a buyer, that could convert into future sale. Generally a lead will be a buyer who is looking for purchasing a product that is offered by you. A lead is reached out to a RMG company through signup by providing his information. It is one way communication.

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3.3. Opportunity

Opportunity is a lead that has proven and going to fit for your products and progressing forward a decision by having a continuous conversation with a merchandiser. Or opportunity is stat when a sales contact or work order or quotation is signed between merchandiser and lead. It is two way communication.

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3.4. Customer/ Buyer

A customer/buyer is someone who has already purchased products from you.

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4. Menu of CRM Integration

Menu of CRM Integration
  1. Overview
  2. Contact Groups
  3. Contacts Creation
  4. Companies
  5. Schedules
  6. Activities
  7. Reports

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4.1. Overview / CRM Dashboard

Clicking on Overview Menu summery stat report will shows of all menus activities. Number of Customers, Leads, Opportunities and Subscribers is shown here. Schedule, Schedule logs Schedule calendar, Total Email and Added Company is also shown here

CRM Dashboard Report Contacts & Companies

CRM Dashboard Other Report

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4.2. Contact Group

Clicking on Contact Group Menu Manager will create different type of contact group. Some Example is given below –

  • Knit Group
  • Woven Group
  • Denim Group
  • Top Group
  • Bottom Group
  • Tesco Group
  • Radhamoni Group
  • Zara Group

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4.3. Contact Creation

Manager & Merchandiser both can crate contacts under a Contact Group

Contact adding process: At first go to Dashboard -> Click on CRM -> Clicks on Contacts -> Then click Add New Contact

Add Contact

Add Advance information of a Contact: Now click on check box. A new form will open and enter information like below screen

Advance Contact Entry

After entering all contact it will look like below screen

All Contact Entry

Under a Contact you can view some sub menus. Five Sub menus working process are similar to company sub menu. Five sub menu of company are described in section of 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3 and 4.4.5

  1. Task
  2. New Note
  3. Schedule
  4. Email
  5. Log Activity

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4.4. Company

Manager and Merchandiser both can add company / Buying House .

Company Adding Process : During adding a company you need input following information

  • Company Name: Apparel Buying House Ltd
  • Email:
  • Phone Number: 01817043086
  • Life Stage:Lead/Customer/Other
  • Contact Owner:
  • Mobile: 01817043086
  • Website: www.
  • Fax Number: +89804333333
  • Address 1: Hemayetpur
  • Address 2: Savar, Dhaka
  • City: Dhaka
  • Country: Bangladesh
  • Province / State: Dhaka
  • Post Code/Zip Code: 1340
  • Contact Group: Select any group from above group

Under a company you can view some sub menu. Below Sub Menu of a Contact will dispaly

  1. Task
  2. New Note
  3. Schedule
  4. Email
  5. Log Activity
  6. Tag

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4.4.1. Task

Task feature is available under contact also. At fist click on Contact / Company Menu > Click View under selected contact of company. Then click on View Button. Now Manager & Merchandiser can assign Task under contact and company.

Task Management

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4.4.2. New Note

New Note feature is available under contact also. At fist click on Company/ Contact Menu > click View under selected of company or contact. Then click on View Button. Now Manager & Merchandiser can save Note under contact and company

Save note

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4.4.4. Email

Email feature is available under contact also. This is email correspondence under CRM software instead of outlook, edora etc.

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4.4.5. Log Activity

Log Activity feature is available under contact also. Users can view all activities of a Contact and Company. Here is filter option exist. Please see below screenshot to understand better

Log Activity

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4.4.6. Tag

Tags are unique identifiers that can be added to Contacts and Companies in CRM that lets you easily sort, filter, segment and target contacts with campaigns

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4.5. Schedule

Schedule is very important menu of CRM The below information require to complete a schedule. Please not that your can create two types of schedules. A notification email will send if check it.

  1. Future schedule
  2. Logged schedule

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4.5.1 Future Schedule

If you create schedule after today’s date it will be future schedule. To create a schedule you need to input below information-

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is How-to-Add-Schedule.png
  • Enter Schedule Title: Software Meeting
  • Select Assign to Contact: Rahman Sample
  • Start : 2019-12-02 @12.15am
  • End: 2019-12-02 @1:30pm
  • Or you can check All Day
  • Enter your schedule description …. I will discuss with Rahman Sample to sale my leads
  • Set Agent or Manager: Abdullah Al Baky
  • Schedule Type : Meeting
  • Check : Allow notification

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4.5.2. Logged Schedule

If you create schedule before today’s date it will be logged schedule. To create a logged schedule you need to input below information-

 Logged Schedule

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4.6. Activities

Activities is log filtering system of different types of actions among buying office, buyer and merchandiser.

  • By default it will show all activities.
  • Note, Email, Log Activity, Schedule and Task wise filtering
  • Agent / Merchandiser wise filtering
  • Buying Office/ Buyer wise filtering

All Activities


Activities Custom Filter wise

Filter wise activities

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4.8. Reports

There are lot of report exist inside and outside of Report Menu. e.g.

  • Manager and Merchandiser can filter buyer/customer, lead and other stages log
  • Easy to filter activities log
  • Calendar wise schedule report
  • Recently added company report
  • Calendar view schedule report
  • Merchandiser wise, Country wise, Source wise, Group wise, Date Range wise report
  • Graphical Periodic Growth Report of Subscriber, opportunity, Led and Customer
  • Total number of Schedule, notes and task activity report
  • Total number of subscriber, leads, opportunity and customer report
  • Export All contact Information in CSV Format by System Admin
  • Export All company Information in CSV Format by System Admin

Activity Report:

Activity Report
Activity Report

Customer Stages Report:

Customer Report

Growth Report:

Grouth Report

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5. Export Contact Details Admin Report

Export Contact Details: By clicking on Tools Vertical Menu only System Admin can export Contact Name, Email, Phone, Mobile, all other contact information by checked according to below screenshot. After exporting he can filter it in excel according to management requirement

 Export Contact Details Admin Report

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6. Export Company Details Admin Report

Export Company Details: By clicking on Tools Vertical Menu only System Admin can export Company Name, Email, Phone, Mobile, all other company information by checked according to below screenshot. After exporting he can filter it in excel according to management requirement

 Export Company Details Admin Report

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8. Customer Service Ticket Software Integration

For Pro Version Only – Increase CRM contacts and lead and customers by integrating ticket customer support system and respond faster to clients. Here CRM is integrated with zendesk

  • Automatically bring your customers to CRM
  • Brings all tickets of each contact
  • View all tickets in profile of contact
  • View the ticket number, agent, ticket age, subject, and status
  • Dynamically status changes with integrated tickets
  • Review client history and reply faster

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9. Help Scout CRM Integration

For Pro Version Only – Automatically connect customer support contacts with CRM whenever new ticket is created in Help Scout

  • Instantly Sync Help Scout contacts with CRM
  • View CRM details like history, date of creation on Help Scout
  • Make your Help Scout contacts subscriber and leads an opportunity
  • Keep track of the status like open, close, helpdesk reply, user reply  of your tickets through Help Scout Widget
  • To know more about it please visit helpscout . com

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10. Awesome Support Sync

For Pro Version Only – Seamlessly manage your Awesome Support and CRM contacts simultaneously.

  • Import customer support system contacts to CRM
  • Support contacts your opportunity View all tickets and it types
  • View ticket number, created date, timer, subject and status

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11. WooCommerce CRM Integration

For Pro Version Only – Integration with wocommerce plugin and see all data of clients

  • Integrate with all customer order detail
  • Color wise filtering
  • You will get a CRM Tab to get order data
  • Size wise filtering view
  • Easy to view sales data
  • Easy to monitor all records
  • Subscription Management
  • Filter with contacts details
  • Product purchased report

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12. Email Campaign

For Pro Version Only –

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13. Custom Field Builder

For Pro Version Only – This is custom field builder when you can add row and column data entry from according to your requirements

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14. Salesforce Contacts Sync

For Pro Version Only – Salesforce is a cloud computing service online tool of (SaaS) company that helps businesses to manage their customer information efficiently.

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15. Document Manager

For Pro Version Only –

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16. SMS Notification

For Pro Version Only –

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17. Deals

For Pro Version Only –

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18. Hubspot Contacts Sync

For Pro Version Only –

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19. Workflow

For Pro Version Only –

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20. Gravity Forms CRM Sync

For Pro Version Only – Gravity form is one type of contact form. It is an opportunity to crate user by receiving data from your gravity form

  • Design similar data entry form according to contatcs information
  • Mapping entered data into CRM
  • Afer mapping you can see all information into contact list
  • Data transfere instantly

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21. Mailchimp Contacts Sync

For Pro Version Only – In this area you need to be familiar with mailchimp. You can sync mailchimp contacts easily

  • Easy to send CRM contact list to Mailchimp
  • Easy to import mailchimp data into WPERP
  • During transfer admin can choose subscriber
  • Seamless data transfer from mailchimp to ERP and ERP to mailchimp

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Slide 20 to Slide 33 all are Pro version extensions. Anyway you can purchase Slide 20-33 with just $100-$150. The subscriber can purchase the extension one by one. We are the affiliate partner of WPERP.


Jet pack CRM for WordPress Wocommerce Store


  • AKA Mode
  • API
  • Auto-log Events
  • B2B Mode
  • Click2Call
  • Client Files
  • Client Portal
  • Companies
  • Contact Image Mode
  • Contact Logs
  • Contacts
  • CSV Importer
  • Custom Fields
  • Dashboard
  • Developer Ready
  • Dynamic Segments
  • Easy Pay
  • eCommerce Ready
  • Emails
  • Forms
  • Invoices
  • Mail Delivery
  • Mobile Ready
  • Multi Language, Your Currency
  • Multiple WooCommerce Stores
  • Quick Filters
  • Quotes
  • Rebrandr
  • Social Integrations
  • System Emails
  • Tags
  • Tasks
  • Tax Tables
  • Team
  • Tools
  • Transactions
  • Welcome Tour
  • Welcome Wizard
  • WooCommerce
  • WordPress Override Mode
  • Zapier

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