Computerized Inventory Control System Pdf Manual
Inventory Control System
Welcome to inventory control system pdf – the fastest and easiest way to generate stock reports based on international standards. In this software Weighted Average method is followed to generate store ledger. Inventory control system pdf has been developed to fulfill the need of management reporting which the management of any organization will use for decision-making. For to efficient use of ICS, all transactions are classified into following four types -Receive – The transactions that relate to receive of the raw materials/ accessories. Receive return – The transactions that relate to return of already received materials. Issue – Transactions relate to issue of raw materials. Issue return – Transactions relate to return of the already issued raw materials. All of these are treated as inventory control techniques.
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Buttons of Inventory Control System pdf Manual
By pressing this button another screen will appear where you will give some inputs, then search that particular record according to your inputs. The pdf manual of the buttons are described in this article in detail.
Computerized Inventory Control
To start Inventory Control System double click the ICS/ Stock icon located in the windows desktop. System Login. ICS will start with a login screen where the user will enter location code, user id and password. The login screen will look like the following one :

Be careful about the password. It is case sensitive. If you face any problem about the password please contact with the System Administrator because he has the privilege to create new user.
Click on the Login button of computerized inventory control to enter in the system. If the password is correct then the next screen will appear.
Date Screen of Computerized Inventory Control
The screen displays the system date automatically. After selecting the appropriate year the main menu screen will appear.
Main Menu of Computerized Inventory Control
After the year screen, the user will be presented with a main menu screen from where he will be able to select a submenu for the following :
- Coding – for entering donor coding related information.
- Transaction – for entering and receive/ issue data.
- Reports – for generating reports.
- Utility – for some helpful features.
The main menu screen will look like this :
Coding Submenu
Coding Submenu will be look like the following one :

Click on the appropriate button to select entry screen e.g. Item.
Item Coding
Coding screen will be look like the following one :

With the help of this screen Item Code and their name will be entered in the system. The item code has three parts, control code, main code and sub code. The following example will help to understand why three part is required;
01-000-000 Fabric
01-001-000 T/C Fabric Solid
01-001-001 T/C (65/35) Plain
01-001-002 T/C (65/35) Poplin
The control code should be created first, then main code and subcode. The system will not allow creating account code without creating its predecessor.
Note : Only transaction is possible against those accounts whose all parts are non-zero.
Buyer Coding
The buyer coding screen will look like the following one :

To create a new buyer code, click New button then the cursor will automatically go to the code box. User should put a valid code and name. The buyer code created in this screen will help to generate buyer wise report.
Supplier Coding
The supplier coding screen will look like the following one :

This screen will help the user if he/ she wants to create new supplier. To create a new supplier code, click New button then the cursor will automatically go to the code box. User should put a valid code and name. The supplier code created in this screen will help to generate supplier wise report.
Transaction Submenu
Transaction submenu will look like the following one :

From this submenu user can enter receive/ issue transaction, return and also order
The screen will look like the following one : The transaction serial number will be generated automatically. The transaction date will display the current login date, user could change it if necessary. User can enter account code directly or select from the popup by clicking the list button.
User should enter other data according to his need. The quantity available will be displayed automatically as soon as the user entered the item code. User could not issue any item more than it is available.
Return Transaction Screen
The screen will look like the following one :

After receiving or issuing any item if return of this item is required then the entry should be passed through this screen. After entering MRR/ SRR number user should put the return date and return MRR/ SRR number and also the return quantity. The return quantity should not exceed the original receiving or issuing quantity. After entering relevant data user should click the process button.
Order Entry Screen
The screen will look like the following one :

This entry screen is used to enter buyer order. Since the Inventory Control System is based on confirmed order so user should entered order number as well as other information related to order.
Reports Submenu
Reports submenu will look like the following one :

From this menu user will generate the reports. The reports can be displayed in the monitor, can take print out or convert into excel file.
Item List
The screen will look like the following one :

From this screen user can generate item list. Sample item list is attached in Appendix – 1.
Buyer Information
The screen will look like the following one :

Buyer related information could be generated from this screen. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. Sample report is attached in Appendix – 2.
Supplier Information
The screen will look like the following one :

Supplier related information could be generated from this screen. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. Sample report is attached in Appendix – 3.
Buyer Order List
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. Sample report is attached in Appendix – 4.
Stock Ledger of Inventory Control Techniques
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer or excel file.
The default type is ‘All’. For ‘Specific’ user should enter the order number for which he/ she wants to generate the ledger. Sample report is attached in Appendix – 5.
Transaction List – Item wise
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer or excel file. Sample report is attached in Appendix – 6.
Transaction List of Inventory Control Techniques
The screen of Inventory Control Techniques will look like the following one. The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. Sample report is attached in Appendix – 7.
Item Balance of Inventory Control Techniques
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. The sample report is attached in Appendix – 8
Item Summary
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. The sample report is attached in Appendix – 9.
Buyer Item wise Summary
The screen will look like the following one : The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. The sample report is attached in Appendix – 10.
Buyer Order wise Summary
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. The sample report is attached in Appendix – 11.
Transaction Order List
The screen will look like the following one : The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer. The sample report is attached in Appendix – 12.
Receive/ Issue Report
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer or excel file. The sample report is attached in Appendix – 13.
Receive/ Issue Order wise
The screen will look like the following one :

The login date will be displayed automatically. User may change it according to his needs. The output can be sent to monitor or printer or excel file. The sample report is attached in Appendix – 14.
Utility Submenu
The utility submenu will look like the following one :

This submenu is used for some basic setup which will help to automated some process and reports.
Location Coding
The screen will look like the following one : This screen is used to code individual unit.
Reports of Inventory Control Techniques
The attached sample Inventory Control System reports are : Item is an Inventory Control Techniques Appendix – 1
- Buyer List Appendix – 2
- Supplier List Appendix – 3
- Buyer’s Order List Appendix – 4
- Stock Ledger Appendix – 5
- Transaction List Item wise Appendix – 6
- Transaction List Appendix – 7
- Item Balance Appendix – 8
- Item Balance – Summary Appendix – 9
- Buyer Item wise Summary Appendix – 10
- Buyer Order wise Summary Appendix – 11
- Transaction Order List Appendix – 12
- Receive/ Issue Report Appendix – 13
- Receive/ Issue Report Order wise Appendix – 14
Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web: www.autogarment.com, Email: autogarments@gmail.com, Cell: +88 017 92 52 53 54