Cargo Transport Security for a Private Organisation

Cargo Transport Security for a Private Organisation

Cargo Transport

Cargo Transport Security -The factory is located in Chittagong, 300 kilometer away from the port. As a result, finished goods need to be shipped from the factory to the port in covered vans or trucks. The commercial department will inform the Export In Charge or the Store In Charge in advance when a cargo is expected to be shipped out or reach the factory. We sale Online Vehicle Management System Software

  • Only authorized people (workers and stuff) are admissible there. The truck or van carrying the outbound or inbound goods to and from the factory will be checked for integrity prior to loading of cargo. 7 point inspection system will be carried out where front wall, left & right side, floor, roof, doors and undercarriage will be checked. Details of the 7 point inspection system are explained in departmental duties and responsibilities of Cargo Transport Security guards.
  • Under the close observation of the management the authorized personnel will work in shipping area. Two separate seals and locks will be fixed on the doors of the cargo area of the covered van. In times of import, C&F agent and transport representative will place seals and locks on the door and will be opened after arrival in the factory in presence of the store in charge and security personnel. During export, transport representative and Export In Charge in the factory will place the seals that will be opened in presence of the C&F agent and customs authority. Any discrepancies or tampering of the seals must be informed to the commercial department. 
  • The shipping area should be monitored by CC TV. Effective February 2005 verification of candidate references will be required. This will ensure that the employee is providing accurate proof of identity and legitimate candidate references. This will give us an early indication of what type of the character the candidate is. Manager Administration and concerned personnel for hiring new employees will be required to verify with the mentioned reference name either by phone or in person or via mail. The comments of the reference must be included in the personnel file if the candidate is hired.
  • Effective February 2005 local background checks will be conducted on all new employees.  Background checks will be done through local police stations. Manager Administration is required to send a letter to the Officer In Charge of the Police Station as per the given address of the candidate’s hometown to check the information and check his or her previous record.
  • If an employee resigns or is terminated his / her ID card will be seized and collected by the personnel department and will need to be escorted out of the factory by the security. A list of the resigned or terminated employees is provided to the security department by the personnel department to ensure that no one can access the production or storage area without proper identification

Procedural Security:

  • Management will provide security awareness training to the person working in the shipping area.All documentation regarding import and export as stipulated in chapter L will be followed for tracking and ensuring that all information used in clearing of merchandise / cargo is legible, complete, accurate and transparent. 
  • Security personnel will reach to their scheduled post 5 (five) minutes ago and charges to be handed over with all indications. All Inbound and outbound goods are required to be counted or weighted and documented both by receiver or issuer and will be checked by a third authorized person in presence of a security guard. Any discrepancy must be reported to the concerned in charge officer or security officer or general manager immediately. The Security Guard will need to sign and put a designated seal on the receipt of any inbound and outbound materials. A copy of this receipt will be retained with the issuing authority
  • Contracted company carries out transportation and person representing will also need written authorization or identity card to receive or deliver cargo. A copy of the Driver’s License who will be carrying inbound and outbound cargo must also be provided at the time of receiving or delivering of the cargo.
  • No body is entitled to enter or exit without having permission /gate pass from competent admin authority. Any shortages or overages in inbound and outbound cargo must be immediately informed to the commercial department. Commercial department will inform the top management in such cases and with consultation will inform the appropriate authority.
  • After shipment of finished goods must be communicated with the buyer and related information with invoice, packing list will be sent via email.
  • Every security personnel of security department will strictly follow the “chain of command”
  •  At any doubt for a new comer/worker the security personnel will inform the admin authority.
  • The security personnel will perform his duty very consciously and perfectly.
  • The security personnel deserve the right to check surrounding areas of the factory, the bags and parcels of the workers and employees. But they will do it through permission from suspected person.
  • Security personnel can not comment anything regarding production because it does not belong to the security department.All complaints of the buyer or customer will be documented in a file and will be discussed with the concerned authority and actions taken to rectify


C&F agent in presence of the customs authority and transport representative will be weight, count or measure as applicable and as per the import document during import. Upon arrival of the cargo at the factory premises, the store keeper will also count, measure or weight the goods as per the import documents. Any discrepancies will be reported to the commercial department. While exporting, finished cartons will be counted by the Export In Charge, transport company representative and Cargo Transport Security personnel. Any discrepancies will be contacted to the commercial department.