3D Garment Cad System Software

3D Garment Cad System Software

Garment cad system

Garment cad system Key Point: This chapter introduces the function of this system and relationship with the whole Garment CAD System, for reader to get a fundamental conception. We also sale Sample Development Software and Clothing Designer Apps

This system is an important module on the whole Garment CAD, it mainly use the different tools to get a third dimension effect of apparel.

The main function includes that inputting model or fabric images through input equipment (scanner), then you can select suitable model, manage the apparel by layers management from up to down, inside to outside, you can put on or put off the cloths in hominine logic thinking. Each layer, each style or gridding can be saved separately in the right library for usage in after days. Our system is used to realize the following six functions: (1) style outline design; (2) Create gridding; (3) Fabric filling and combination; (4) Shadow & illumination; (5) Abundant decoration library; (6) Convenient layer management

Key Point:

This chapter mainly introduces the using methods of main interface, system toolbar, design toolbar, lighting control toolbar and control panel switch toolbar, thus customer can understand much more clearly.

I   Main interface introduction

The main interface of 3-D Style Design System is made up of toolbars, customer area and some control panels.

System toolbar, with another name called standard toolbar, is used to realize the basic support function, it is the assistant tools during customer’s design. Detailed functions of buttons in system toolbar are as follows:
New Style (Ctrl+N): used to create a new window for design.
Operations: Click this button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+N directly, the default layers are background layer, model layer and first layer only, user have to create a new layer, and design on this new layer.
Open Style (Ctrl+O): used to open saved design, gridding or apparel outline.
Operations: Click this button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+O directly, it appears dialogue box, you can select file type here: style file (.S3d), gridding file (.GRD) or outline file (*.PAT), then select file name, click OK to confirm. Note: when you pitch on apparel outline, if you open gridding file, the gridding will be act on this outline; if you open outline file, system will add this apparel outline into current layer.
(The dialogue box interface is as image 1-17)
Save as: used to save current file with another name or save as another type of file, like BMP, JPG. You can also save the selected gridding or outline into standard gridding library or outline library, for usage in after days.
Operations: here appears “Save as” dialogue box, you can select file type, type in file name, finally click OK to confirm.
Save (Ctrl+S): used to save whole file. Saved file can disengage fabric library, model library, etc. for a separate usage.
Operations: Click on this button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+S directly, if user haven’t ever saved yet, it will appear a dialogue for save file, it asks user to input file name and then click OK to confirm.
Print / Preview (Ctrl+P)
Operations: Click this button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+P, it will appear printer setting dialogue box (as follows), the default setting is original scale and center print

Undo (Ctrl+Z): user can cancel current operation, back to status of last step.
Operations: Click this button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+Z.
Redo (Ctrl+Y): redo the canceled step.
Operations: Click this button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+Y.
Move object (Ctrl+M): used to move single object (gridding, apparel outline, etc.).
Operations: use select tool to select the object, then click this tool button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+M, left key to select this tool and drag object to the right position, release left key to confirm position. If there’s gridding on the apparel outline, and you select gridding dot, you’ll move gridding only; or else, outline and gridding will be moved together. Note: When you move outline, if there’s other outline have the public line with this outline, they will be moved together.
Lock (Ctrl+J): Auto catch and lock dot.
Operations: Click this tool button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+J, turn into lock status (click again will be unlock status), when drawing outline or visible line, if outline is selected, mouse will auto catch the dots on selected outline. After you open lock function, when you draw outline, if the dot is not on the select outline, system will add dot to that line automatically; when you draw visible line, system will auto catch the dots on selected outline or visible line. What’s more, lock tool can assist select tool: when lock tool is close, you can pitch on or adjust gridding dot but you can’t adjust outline dots, in order to prevent customer move outline dots by mistake. When lock tool is open, you can pitch on and adjust both gridding and outline.
Magnifier: magnify partly and whole magnify
Operations: Click this tool button, then click in the customer painting area, whole image will be magnified, 0.5 time per click; press left key and drag to a different position, there would be a read frame, release left key then the image will be magnified partly. Right key to back to screen status of last click. Pressing Ctrl + Right key to back to original status.
Whole move: Move all the objects in customer painting area except background.
Operations: Select this tool, then click any position on the screen as the start point, drag and here display a red beeline, the end of the beeline will be the new start point of the objects.
Delete Tool (Ctrl+D): used to delete apparel outline, gridding or visible line object.
Operations: use select tool to select the object, then the trash can icon will be active (if there’s no object selected, this tool won’t be active). Then you can click on this tool button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+D, after it appears dialogue box, you can click OK to confirm deletion.

III Design Toolbar
Draw Style Outline (Ctro+H): used to define a close area combined with beeline and curve as style outline.
Operations: Click this button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+H, after you select this tool, you can start to draw, pressing Ctrl key and click, the dot will be curve dot, means it will be a curve segment. Every time you click right key, you’ll cancel one dot, if you’d like to call the drawing, press ESC button or double click right key. If you’d like to draw a public line with existing contour line, you need to open lock tool, details of this tool please check Lock Tool above.
Gridding (Ctrl+W): used to endue apparel outline with solid effect, and create decoration.
Operations: Click on tool button or press shortcut keys Ctrl+W, use this tool to click four dots on the screen in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction to create gridding, or you can keep pressing space bar and drag mouse to draw a rectangle gridding. Every corner dot has two control stick in length and breadth, you can adjust the direction and length, thus you can adjust inside gridding tendency to get different fabric effect.
Pitch on and Adjust (Ctrl+A): used to pitch on all the objects (including dot, line, gridding, outline, etc.), and adjust by mouse operations.
A. Operate Gridding Line: if you’d like to select gridding without contour line (like ruching, fastener and belt), just click inside, then you’ll find the trash can icon on the toolbar turn into red, you can press spacebar and decide to display gridding borderline or not (default setting is not display), after you select the object, double click on one of the four borderlines to add section line, you can also double click on the inner gridding line of existing gridding to delete section lines. If the outline is using gridding, you need to select outline, then the gridding will be selected as well.
B. Operate Gridding Dot: when the selected gridding displays borderline and corner dots, double click on this corner dot it will display control stick, adjust its length and direction to control gridding tendency and fabric effect. Keep pressing SHIFT or CTRL button and click dot, gridding will be set into section adjustment status. Gridding concavo-convex adjustment principle: on horizontal section line, except start dot and end dot, more down the dots are, more protruding them display (according to planform principle), on vertical section line, except start dot and end dot, more right side the dots are, more protruding them display (according to Left View).
C. Operate Contour Line: (only when lock tool is open, you can adjust contour dots) move the mouse to contour line (cursor will become pen), click left key to select this contour line, the contour line and dots will turn into red, if there’s gridding, it will display too. You can drag the dots to adjust or double click on the dots to change it’s dot type (curve dot or folding dot). Double click on the contour line to add curve dots.
D. Operate Visible Line: after you select visible line, it will turn into red, you can drag the dots and adjust, double click on the dots, it will appear visible line attribute dialogue box for your modification. When you double click on the line, you’ll add dots to the line. (Note: visible line is a curve made up of a series of dots)
E. Operate Adjoining Side: same as the operation on gridding without contour line.
Reduce tension of gridding node
Operations: after you select the gridding, every time you click this tool button, it will reduce the tension of gridding for one time, means the length of all the control sticks is reduced to half.
Rotate Gridding
Operations: after you select gridding, move your mouse to the gridding dot, the cursor will turn into , keep pressing left key and rotate gridding to a satisfied angle then release. Note: the structure of gridding has sequence, so if the angle is too big will affect gridding effect, here we suggest you use adjust tool to drag gridding dot instead of rotation. You can also rotate according to the gridding center.
Adjoining side (facing) tool: adjoining side means a special gridding which has a public line with visible line or outline (the dots on the public line are same). You can use it to create necklace, lace, shadow, turned-up sleeve, etc.
Operations: if there’s no contour line or visible line selected, you can select this tool and click one side of the visible line or contour line, drag the adjoining side, click to confirm. If there’s contour line or visible line selected, you can just click and drag the adjoining side directly. Here requests the piece together method of fabric should be one of vertical or horizontal piece together.
Community Gridding: community gridding function can make different parts have same shadow and veins tendency, but the fabrics are different.
Operations: click on this tool button and select one outline and one gridding, you can tie these two up. If the outline had a gridding before, now it will be replaced by current one. Note: one gridding can have different outline to share, but one outline only has one gridding.
Fabric Copy: you can use the fabric which you select from apparel or gridding previously to fill in current outline or gridding.
Operations: firstly use select a kind of fabric of apparel or gridding to copy, then use this tool and click on the outline or gridding to fill in.
Imbibe color: mainly used to imbibe the grounding color of bitmap veins, in order to filtrate grounding color, and make the fabric or decoration have a hollowed-out effect.
Operations: after you select apparel outline or decoration gridding, find the right fabric in fabric library or decoration library, use the sucker and imbibe the basic color of the fabric or decoration, in order to throw off the color from the fabric.
Visible line tool: create visible line
Operations: select visible line attribute option in the “Setting” on parameter panel, it appears visible line setting dialogue, you can change the line types through 16 buttons, you can check the line shape in the preview window. If you’ve selected the visible line but close lock tool, you can draw parallel lines. When the lock tool is open, system will catch the dot on visible line automatically.

you’ll set the environment light color when directional lights (left up, right up, left down or right down light) open.
Diffuse reflection light color: click this tool button you’ll see the color selection dialogue box, after you confirm, you can set the diffuse reflection light color when directional lights (left up, right up, left down or right down light) open.
Reflex light color: click this tool button you’ll see the color selection dialogue box, after you confirm, you can set the reflex light color when directional lights (left up, right up, left down or right down light) open.
Left up light: Click this button to turn on a light which shines in 45 degrees direction from left up. Click again to turn off the light.
Right up light: Click this button to turn on a light which shines in 45 degrees direction from right up. Click again to turn off the light.
 Left down light: Click this button to turn on a light which shines in 45 degrees direction from left down. Click again to turn off the light.
Right down light: Click the button to turn on a light which shines in 45 degrees direction from right down. Click again to turn off the light.

V Control Panel Switch Toolbar
The icons list includes: layer, fabric library, decorations library, model library, parameters, and background library. This toolbar is single option choice, you can only select and press one of the tools to display its control panel.

  1. Layer:
    (1) Primary default layers: Background Layer, Model Layer and First Layer. Background layer means the background pic, system default setting is color background, so the background layer is locked. If you’d like to use pic background, you need to select “BACK” in the setting option under Parameters menu, and then pitch on “IMAGE” option in the dialogue box. After this, you can open “Background” control panel to select a suitable pic. First layer means the top layer, this layer is not operable.
    Image 8-1 Layer Control Panel
    (2) Tools Instruction:
    Icons in order: New Layer, Open Layer, Save Layer and Delete Layer. Operation of first two tools is just click on the icon; operation of the left two icons is that you need to select the layer first, then click on the icon.
    A. When system creates a new file, it will create a layer automatically, if user need to add layers, just click on the icon named “New Layer”.
    B. If user want to add an existing layer to current style, you need to click “Open Layer” icon, select the right catalog to open the layer.
    C. If user would like to save the selected layer for usage in later days, you need to save this layer as a separate file, then when you need to use this layer, you just need to open it. Note: if you’d like to have a right preview before you open the layer, you need to hide other layers, zoom out this layer and press “Enter” to save this layer.
    D. If you want to delete a layer, just select it and click on the “Delete Layer” icon.
    (3) Exchange Layers: Sequence of the layers arrays from the bottom up, opacity area of the top layer will cover underlayer. If you’d like to exchange two layers, just click on this layer’s icon and drag to the position above the other layer, then release left key.
    (4) Display or hide layer: We can find the eye icon, if it’s colorized, means this layer is displayed; if it’s gray, means this layer is hided. Click on the eye icon to switch the status between display and hide.
    (5) Preview Layer: if there’re too many layer, and hard to distinguish according to the layer names and find out the layer you need, then you need to get a preview window to check what the layer looks like, whether it has an apparel outline or not. Select this layer, then left click on the shadow (blue part beside the shadow) on the right side of layer control panel, it appears a small preview window, you can check the outline in the layer you selected. If you’d like to check other layers, just click that layer. Right click on the shadow to close the preview window.
  2. Fabric Library Panel:
    (1) Brief introduction: here fabrics are divided into nine types, they are Silk, Woolen, Cotton, Chemical Fibre, Carton, Knitting, Silks and Satins, Oxford Shirting and Lace. Every time displays ten fabrics.
    (2) Fill with fabric: select outline or gridding; double click on the select tool icon to fill in.
    (3) Add fabric: firstly, find ECHO installation directory, default is D:\Des, then find a file folder named “Patten”, there’re nine catalogs from 0 to 8, corresponding with nine types of fabrics. If you’d like to add fabric into one type, you just need to find the right type in the directory, for example, if you want to add a fabric image into “Woolen”, you need to find the directory “D:\Des\Patten\1”, create a new file folder, type in the file name, then copy the fabric image file (file name must be Style.bmp) into this file folder. If you’ve run the system before you add fabric image, you’ll find the new fabric image after you restart your system.

Image 1-9 Fabric Library Panel

  1. Decorations Library Panel
    (1) Brief instruction: here fabrics are divided into eight types, they are Belt, Ruckle, Button, Zip, Shadow, Waist adornments, Stitch, Graphic. Every time displays ten fabrics.
    (2) Fill with decoration: you can regard decorations as fabric to fill in, operations: select outline or gridding, double click on the decorations.
    (3) Import decorations: When there’s no gridding or outline selected, double click on the decorations.
    (4) Add Decoration: firstly find ECHO installation directory, default is D:\Des, then find a file folder named “adornment”, there’re eight catalogs from 0 to 7, corresponding with eight types of decorations. If you’d like to add decoration into one type, you just need to find the right type in the directory, for example, if you want to add a button image into “button”, you need to find the directory “D:\Des\adorment\2”, create a new file folder, type in the file name, then copy the fabric image file (file name must be Adorn.bmp) into this file folder. If you’ve run the system before you add decoration, you’ll find the new fabric image after you restart your system.

Image 1-10 Decorations Library Panel

  1. Model Panel
    (1) Brief introduction: here models are divided into three types, they are Men’s Model, Ladies’ Model, Children. Every time displays six fabrics.
    (2) Select model: before style design, you need to select a suitable model, and then design apparel according to model’s pose and sculpt, operations: double click on the model, if you don’t satisfy current model, just double click on another model.
    (3) Add model: firstly, find ECHO installation directory, default is D:\Des, then find a file folder named “Model”, there’re three catalogs from 0 to 2, corresponding with three types of models. If you’d like to add model into one type, you just need to find the right type in the directory, for example, if you want to add a model image into “Men’s Model”, you need to find the directory “D:\Des\Model\0”, create a new file folder, type in the file name, then copy the fabric image file (file name must be man.bmp) into this file folder. If you’ve run the system before you add model image, you’ll find the new model image after you restart your system.
  2. Parameters Control Panel
    (1) Light Image 1-11 Model Panel
    A. Lamp-house light: on the right of lamp-house light displays the colors of Full Environment Light, Diffuse Reflection Light and Mirror Reflex in turn
    B. Light brightness control: you can click on light icon to turn on or off the lights, when the light is turned on, you can click on the select tool icon, and drag the arrow to different position to adjust the brightness of each light. If you’d like to adjust another light, you have to turn off other lights, make this light turn on, then you can adjust.
    C. Reset button: used to make the light return original status.
    (2) Fabric: referring to the adjustment of fabric parameter, you have to operate after you select the object to fill in (like gridding or outline), if there’re multilayer fabrics, you have to select suitable fabric from the fabric list firstly, you can check the fabric in the preview window on the right of “Dull color”.
    A. Dull Color or Change color: Dull color is used to take out the colorized info, the fabric will be a gray fabric with only black and white. Change color is used to replace one color of the fabric.
    B. Diaphaneity: used to adjust diaphaneity of objects as apparel, decorations (ruckles, belt, button, etc.), visible line and so on. The default diaphaneity is 0 (opacity). The area which this object covered will be displayed by adjusting diaphaneity. For example, by adjusting the coat’s diaphaneity, you can see the underclothes.
    C. Reference Value: used to adjust image’s size. Default is 100 (percent), means original proportion and no magnify. User drags the triangle icon from right to left to shrink fabric image.
    D. Brightness: used to adjust the brightness information of the fabric. Default is 0 (percent), means no increase of fabric’s brightness. User can drags the triangle icon from left to right to increase fabric’s brightness, such as shade of the shadow.
    E. Rotation Angle: used to rotate fabric in a certain angle. Input angle value (0~180), then click on the place out of the input box, you’ll find the fabric is rotated according to this angle.
    F. Offset: when you adjust the fabric or belt, you can adjust the offset on horizontal or vertical direction to adjust the image.
How HPGL or HPGL2 Print Pattern Making Software File?

How HPGL or HPGL2 Print Pattern Making Software File?

 1. HPGL Viewer

A marker requisition form is filled and sent to the CAD department for putting a request for the marker. This form includes the details of the marker that are needed along with the size ratios. The CAD department then releases the marker to the cutting department.The HPGL Viewer software is a printer drivers program to be used specifically for different types of plotters made by various manufactures with the functions of graph browse and plotting as well as plotter parameter setting and correcting. System requirements of Hpgl viewer software: Operating system : Windows XP/Windows 2007/ Windows 2008 and Peripheral port:Parallel port. HPGL program is green software and does not need installation. Any marker program can be started by double click on HPGL.exe printer drivers.

The main interface of hpgl printer drivers will appear as below:

HPGL2 or HPGL Viewer
HPGL2 and HPGL Viewer

2. Menu Description of Hpgl Viewer:

This section describes the program menu items of hpgl software are stated one by one briefly.

2.1. File Menu of Hpgl2 Software:

Open:Read and display hpgl/hpgl2 graphs. Close: Close the hpgl2 image being displayed currently. Plot: Plot the hpgl2 image being displayed currently. Resume  Plot:Similar to “Plot” but continue the plot from the position of last stop. Exit:Stop the program. 

2.2. View Menu of Hpgl Software:

Enlarge:Enlarge the image display scale by one time. Reduce:Reduce the image display scale by one time. Fit:Display the full view of the image. Zoom:Set image display percentage.

2.3. Tools Menu of Hpgl Software:

Auto  Plot : Automatically  monitor  a  designated  directory  to  plot  the  files (including the files added later) in it one by one. History:Check the plot history.

2.4. Language Menu of Hpgl Software:

English:Shift the language of the software to English.Simplified Chinese:Shift the language of the software to simplified Chinese. 

2.5. Configuration Menu of Hpgl Software:

Plot Configuration:Configure the graph-related parameters. Plotter Configuration:Configure the plotter operational parameters.

2.6. Help Menu of Hpgl Software:

User manual:Display this manual. About:Software version and other information.

 3. Plotting Setting in Hpgl File System:

This section describes hpgl file in detail the usage of the hpg12 software functions including the  seven  topics  of  language  setting,  plot  setting,  graph  display,  plotter  setting-up, automatic plot and plotter rectification.

3.1. Setting Language

Click “Language” menu of hpgl file and select the desired language in the three popped-up menus. Click the corresponding submenu.

3.2. Setting Plot:

Click “Configuration” menu “Plot Configuration”. The below dialog box will appear. You can set the plot size and default line thickness in the dialog box. There are three ways to set up the plot size:

Hpgl File System
Hpgl File System

3.2.1. First Way:

The first way is to set the size by the PS instruction of the file. However, not all the graphics files output by the cad software have a PS instruction.

 3.2.2. Second Way:

The second way is to select it automatically by the contents of the file. It will automatically find the coordinates range which all the plot instructions reach and set a rectangular outline border as the frame for displaying and plotting the graph.

3.2.3. Third Way:

The third way is to set the size by the user. In general, you should not select this method because it may cause voids to the graph or waste paper.

3.3. Default line Thickness:

The larger the line thickness you select, the thicker the lines will be and the faster the ink will be consumed. When the plot file is closed, the line thickness setting will be reset to 1 so that the next plot will not be affected.

 4. Displaying An Image

Before this step, make sure you have made proper selection in the step to set the plot. Plot setting usually only needs to be made once. Just some special graphs need plot setting to be redone.

Click “ File” menu than click“Open” to pop up the dialog box and select the graphics file required as shown below:

After image selection, the image can be seen in the main window of the program. The default scale is to fill up the space in Y direction, i.e. the direction of the width because the plot width will remain unchanged in most cases but the length could be very long. To change the image display scale, use the four submenus under “Display” menu. When a new image is opened, the last graph will be closed automatically.

5. Plotter Setting for Pattern Making Software File

Click “Configuration” menu than click “Plotter Configuration”. The below dialog box will appear:

pattern making software
Hpgl2 file system

Plot Configuration contains the setting-up of rectification, translation, interface, memory and plotting behavior.

5.1. Rectification Setting:

This option has been set up by the manufacturer before ex fatory delivery and usually needs no modification. If it really needs a modification, please see “Plotter rectification” in pattern making software chapter.

5.2. Translation Setting:

When the cad software output an image, the coordinates of the image in the direction of width (Y direction on the screen) are relatively far off the origin. In that case, if plotting begins from the origin of the direction of width, the image may not be fully plotted.

The red box shows the space that can be printed out. As per the width of the image, it should have been printed out entirely, but it’s not fully printed out because the cad software outputs the image too far off the origin of the direction of width (the low frame of the red box in the above figure).

Translation setting is to make the settings to translate the image downwards for full printout. There are two ways:

5.3. Automatic Translation:

The program checks the width of the image and the coordinates offset. When the width of the image is inside the plotting range but the coordinates offset is too large, it will automatically translate the image to the place near the bottom before plotting.

5.4. Manual Translation:

The downward translation of the image will be designated by the user. If part of the image can not be seen due to the translation. The software will prompts:

Because manual translation is only needed for a very few plots, the value of manual translation will be rest to 0 whenever the current graph is closed.

5.5. Interface Setting:

Select the interface the hardware needs to connect with the PC. At present, the only mode is to connect through a parallel port.

5.6. Memory Setting:

Usually, 50K to 100K will meet the need (ex-factory configuration is 2M). In case of a large batch plot ( for example, send the plot job to the plotter before going off work and leave the plotter working with the PC not being controlled by a operator), the memory can be set to a larger value.

5.7. Plotting Setting:

This includes the setup to delete the file or not after plotting and the setup for the number of times to plot one graph. The number of plotting times will be reset to 1 when the graphics file is closed so that it will not affect the next plot.

6. Plotting by hpgl plotter

When a graphics file is opened correctly, the plotter will plotting by hpgl plotter out the opened image in the two ways, direct plot and resuming plot.

6.1. Direct Plotting:

Click “File ” menu than click“Plot” to pop up the dialog box which displays the plotting progress as below:

Plotting Setting
Plotting Setting

Click “Cancel” to interrupt the plotting and “Pause” to pause the plotting. When plotting by hpgl plotter is paused, you can click “Resume” to continue the plotting.

If an interruption is man-made or due to ink-out or other reasons, the below dialog box will appear in hpgl plotter screen when trying to re-plot the same file

The plotting interruption distance of hpgl plotter will be automatically filled in at the “Start point”. If required, the value of the start point can also be manually entered. Click “Ok” to continue plotting at the “Start point” and click “cancel” to start the plot from the very beginning.

6.2. Resume Plotting:

Click “File” menu than click“ Resume Plot” to start the function which differs from direct plot in always popping up a dialog box to have the user select the start point even if the plotting has not been interrupted. The user may have to select this function under two situations: The plotting by ploter has been interrupted but the hpg12 program cannot acquire the interruption position (e.g. the PC power is cut off) or the forepart of an image does not need to be plotted.

6.3. Auto Plotting by Pattern Making Software :

The method described above in the section Plotting by ploter can only make one plot each time. The hpg12 software also has the automatic plot function. Click “Tools”menu→“Auto Plot” to pop up the dialog box:

The job list of automatic plotting by ploter will appear when you select a folder. The files in the selected folder will be plotted one by one automatically. Pattern making software support free dxf files.

To bring forward a file in the job list, you have to interrupt the plotting by ploter of the current file, select the file to be brought forward and click on the “Move Forward” button to move it to the top of the job list. Click “Plot”to start.

To interrupt the automatic plotting by ploter click “Cancel”. If a plot is underway, you have to click the “Cancel” button in the plot progress window. The plotter plot automatically with the help of pattern making software

List of Garments CAD – Computer Aided Design Software

List of Garments CAD – Computer Aided Design Software

Garments CAD – Computer Aided Design Software:

Garments CAD – computer aided design of Gerber, Lectra and Catia  is online cad designed for Apparel Industry. We are the largest Garment and Textile ERP software collector in Bangladesh. We sale customized ERP for the factories.  We are agent of all Garment and Textile ERP Software company. We will forward you to the best ERP software company based on your requirements.  We are trouble shooter of fashion industrial software like Willcom, Barudan, Lectra, Gerber, iEcho, Datacolor, Shedomaster, Batch, Qc etc.  For any queries, please Contact Us., Cell# 01792525354. Garments CAD – computer aided design software becomes the best tool for pattern making in garment industry. In garments industry computer aided design Software is used for making patern, marker making, pattern grading, marker making and digitizing manual patterns. A lot of garments CAD – computer aided design software suppliers who have developed the systems for pattern making andcad drawing all over the world. Widely used computer aided design systems and their software modules are listed below.

List of CAD Software:



  • Style Design Module of iECHO
  • Process Design Module of iECHO
  • Pattern Design Module of iECHO
  • Pattern making Module of iECHO
  • Dwg viewer Module of iECHO
  • Pattern software Module of iECHO
  • Grading Module of iECHO
  • Cad drawing Module of iECHO
  • Auto Marking Module of iECHO
  • Data Convert Module of iECHO


  • Catia v6
  • CATIA V6R2013x
  • CATIA v3
  • Catia v4


  • PDS with 3D runway creator for PDS
  • PDS with 3D runway creator for PDS
  • OptiTex Ver 9.03
  • OptiTex Ver 9.1.93
  • OptiTex Ver 9.2


  • Investronica System v7.4.4


  • Gerber AccuMark Professional Edition Version 8.08
  • Gerber AccuMark Professional Edition Version 8.0.3
  • Gerber Pattern Design for MicroMark Version 8.0.3
  • Gerber AccuMark Advanced Edition Version 8.02
  • Gerber AccuMark Professional Edition Version 8.02
  • Gerber planner Version 8.0.0
  • Gerber WinPlot Version 8.0.3
  • Gerber AccuMark Ver 7.62
  • Gerber Accumark Explorer Ver 1.04
  • Gerber Micro Mark Digitizer Version 1.4.7
  • Gerber IMPACT Version 8.0
  • Gerber Made to Measure System Version 8.0.2
  • Lectra Converter Gerber Version 8.0


Lectra for Cad Drawing:

Software is distributed by Lectra and authorized agent all over the world. Some  agent provide freecad training. List of Lectra products which support a lot of CAD file format . Software Evolution is a subscription which gives you access to the latest releases of Lectra’s solutions, allowing you to continually improve your technical performance and to optimize your design environment with each technological innovation. Software Evolution protects your investment over the long term. It provides substantial savings while enabling you to maintain state-of-the-art technology


Gerber for Pattern Making:

Software is distributed by Gerber and authorized agent all over the world. Changes have been made to the Style Converter to make it easier to correct the pieces that have errors during conversion. Styles with warnings or errors can be automatically saved to a new folder during conversion. In addition, a csv file with all of the errors and warnings can be generated. List of Gerber software for pattern making as well as cad drawing:


iECHO for Computer Aided Design:

Software is distributed by iECHO and authorized agent all over the world. List of iECHO products for pattern making as well as cad drawing. Style Design System is one module of ECHO Garment CAD System; the main users are garment designers. Style Design System includes lots of useful libraries, such as style library, fabric library, part library, decoration library you can also scan new design by scanner. Besides, there’re many kinds of painting tools and colors for designers to select and design styles. When you are operating tool, there’s prompt in the below information bar, which helps designers to understand tools better and get better effect.

Catia for Pattern Making : 

Catia software is used for pattern making and other cad drawing management system. There are some freecad, free drawing program is found in online

Optitex Pattern Making :

When using PDS with 3D runway creator for PDS, you can easily drape your patterns on one of the several models included in the software of your own model

Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web: www.autogarment.com, Email: autogarments@gmail.com, Cell: +88 01 7 92 52 53 54
What is a Dxf File? How Plt File Format Works?

What is a Dxf File? How Plt File Format Works?

Plt File Format

CAD Software means Computer Aided Design software which support dxf,  dwf,  dwg,  HPGL2, mrk and plt file format. The design which is created by the help of computer is called CAD.  Most of the IT based companies provide the customers the specific needs of their CAD sectors. Sometimes customers demand customized CAD system as they can convert the file system like pdf to dxf and dwg to pdf.  [2]

Advantages of CAD System: 

  1. Reduction in waste percentage of up to 10%
  2. Reduction in sample making time of camcad
  3. If no seam allowance on the original pattern, double lines may occur on the converted pattern. In this example there is a green straight line and red dashed line on top of each other. Use ”delete line” function to delete the dashed line.
CAD System dwf viewer
Seam allowance
  • Zoom in to see the double lines. If needed move one of the lines to see which one is correct/ not dashed
  • what is a dxf file zoom
  • Visualize all points
  • Use ”decrease point” function
  • If needed – decrease more points manually
  • Some points need to be re-characterized to get the same shape as the original
  • After decreasing points check the pattern carefully
  • After decreasing points Compare the shape with original pattern
  • After decreasing points Zoom in actual area when comparing shape
  • After decreasing points Marry with neighbor pieces to check lines
  • After decreasing points Measure
  • Compare pattern piece with reduced points on top of original pattern piece
  • Zoom in actual area when comparing shape
  • Adjust the line to match original pattern shape exactly
  • Pattern piece with reduced points on top of original pattern piece must have exactly the same shape
  • Use ”marry” function to check that neighbor pieces still have smooth continuous lines when ”sewn together”
  • Dwg to Jpg :

    There are many tyeps of file format found about cad – computer aided design software name as dxf,  dwf,  dwg,  HPGL2, mrk, iba, plt etc. Generally dwg to jpg file conversion is very essential for designers.  All manufacturer have develop their own file format of CAD for the machines. They have developed also common types of file format of CAD as it can be compatible with other machines. Bellow shown some file system with brand. [1]

    dwg to jpg
    DWG View
    .IBAPattern File Lectra
    .MDLPattern File Lectra
    .VETPattern File Lectra
    .PLXMarker File Lectra
    .PLAMarker File Lectra
    .PDSPattern File Optitec
    .TMPPattern and Marker File Gerber Accumark
    .MRKMarker File Optite
    .DSPMarker File Optite
    .HPGLPlot File
    .PLTPlt file format for plot
    .DXFDrawing Exchange Format
    .AAMAAmerican Architectural/ Apparel Manufacturers Association, similar file with DXF

    Lectra file system Machine parameter’s File system:

    This element is used to locate the name and place of a machine parameter’s file system. At User rank, this element cannot be input or modified : the original parameter’s of the plotter will be used (TRAPARAM file system). At Master rank, it is possible to input the name of a machine parameter’s file system to be used, to describe a original machine parameter’s

    Lectra file system Machine parameter’s File system
    Visualise Point

    Lectra file system Garment or Marker Parameter File system:

    This element is used to locate the name and place of a part, garment or marker parameter’s file system . At Master rank, it is possible to input the name of a parameter file system to be used, or to describe it by original in the library parameter’s. At User rank, this element cannot be input . If no original file system name has been described, the original parameter’s of the TRAPARAM file system will be loaded. The operator can modify the value of some parameter’s. If a original file system name has been described at Master rank, the values contained in this file system will be used, and the modifications made by the user in the geometry, text and operating parameter’s will have no effect. The Param.file system line is used to describe the name and place of a parameter file system. The input principle is identical to the one described for the name and place of the machine parameter’s file system. For plotting parts, as soon as a parameter file system is associated to a part to be plotted, it is automatically associated to all lines of the batch.

    Lectra file system Garment or Marker Parameter File system
    Sew Together

    Lectra file system Referenced Text Library:

    This element is used to locate the name and place of the library where are stored the text file systems, which contain the text to be plotted in a part. The name of the file system is referenced in the part file system with the CAD software. A parameter line is used to describe the name and place of the referenced text library. Input directly the access path or double-click on this line to display the selector. A original value can be allocated to this library in the library parameter’s. This element cannot be visualised in the work list.

    Lectra file system Referenced Text Library
    Text Library

    Lectra file system Information File system:

    This element is used to locate the name and place of the “Label” file system to be used. This file system describes the nature and presentation of the informationrmation which will plotted inside each form according to the selected operating mode. These file systems (Part information , Marker information, Garment information) can only be created by a Master rank user. The Information file system line is used to describe the name and place of the label format file system. The input principle is identical to the one described for the name and place of the machine parameter’s file system. A original value can be allocated to this library in the library parameter’s. This element cannot be visualised in the work list.


    HPGL was the primary printer control language used by HP plotters. It later became a standard for almost all plotters.HPGL2 is the extendded version of HPGL [1]

    HPGL File System


    The original HPGL language of CAD did not support the definition of line width. Production of the first inkjet plotters, line width for the pens specified within the HPGL files had to be set at the printer so it would know what line width to print for each pen, a cumbersome and error-prone process. After developing HPGL2, definition of line width was introduced into the language and allowed for elimination of this step. [1]

    HPGL2 File System

    What is a Dxf File? 

    DXF stands for Drawing eXchange Format. It is possible to convert from dxf to pdf.  Since its initial release in 1982, there have been many changes to the DXF file format specifications.

    • IBA and DXF – same shape but more points in DXF
    • DXF more safe for the shape
    • IBA and mdl sometimes need to check for additional information
    • Important to check if there is any text information in other file types
    What is a Dxf File
    DXF File System

    DWG Support HPGL2 : 

    DWG format is a binary file format used for storing two and three dimensional design data and metadata. In addition, DWG vieweris supported non-natively by many other CAD applications. There are some software available in market of dwg to pdf converter, dwg viewer. [1]

    DWG can convet dwg to pdf
    DWG File System

    Dwf Viewer: 

    Design Web Format – DWF is a secure file format of  dwf viewer developed by autodesk for the efficient distribution and communication of rich design data to anyone who needs to view, review, or print design files. [1]

    dwf viewer
    DWF File System

    Plt Viewer: 

    The PLT file format system run by plt viewer which is stands for Auto CAD plotter Document. The Autodesk Auto CAD program uses plt viewer for the vector graphic plotter files created using the specified program.  [1]

    plt viewer with plt file format
    PLT File System
    [1] Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web: www.autogarment.com, Email: autogarments@gmail.com, Cell: +88 017 92 52 53 54
    [2] Md. Shakhawat Hossain Sujan, Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, City University of Bangladesh (4th year)