Barco SedoMaster 6.12 Installation Manual

Barco SedoMaster 6.12 Installation Manual

1. Barco ERP Software for Textile Industry

There are two types of the SedoMaster erp software for textile industry : a server and a client version. The Barco SedoMaster Server application must be installed on the server. The Barco Sedo Master Client application must be installed on each client. You must install SedoMaster Server before you install SedoMaster Client. It’s also recommended that the server application is up and running if you want to install a client application. The SedoMaster Client must not be installed on the server. If the system meets the hardware and software requirements, you can start the either the SedoMaster Server or SedoMaster Client setup. You don’t have to create user accounts on the target system, like was necessary in previous versions. It’s recommended to install CIMnet Diagnostics. This is a separate application that provides means to diagnose the CIMnet network, devices and communicating applications and to troubleshoot CIMnet related problems. A part of the SedoMaster configuration tool of erp software for textile industry is dependant of this application.

 2. Barco Tools of SedoMaster Server

When the SedoMaster Server setup is started, it will do some system checks and pre-installation tasks. This includes the installation of Windows Installer 2.0 if necessary. If the pre-installation tasks have finished, the welcome screen is shown. Click Next to proceed with the installation. The barco tools of shedomaster server are given below-

2.1. Customer Information

Contains information about the user who’s installing the product. Normally you can accept the defaults.

2.2. Choose Destination Location

Default, the setup will install SedoMaster Server to C:\Program Files\Barco\SedoMaster. You can change this folder. If you change the destination disk letter, common files and third party components will also be installed on this disk.

2.3. Select Features

Select the features very important barco tools that you want to install. The features that are grayed out, are features that must be installed. These features can’t be deselected.

2.4. Select Language

Select the language you want the SedoMaster Server application to work in. Barco products canada is default language

2.5. Barco Communicator Previlage

Barco communicator  of SedoMaster Server PC requires an account with Administrator privileges for its operation and a normal user account. Specify the domain, user name and password for the account with Administrator privileges. Default the domain and user name is shown of the user who is currently logged in. You can also specify a new account. If you want to use the local domain, you must specify the computer name or leave the domain field blank.

If the account doesn’t exist, the setup adds the new account of barco communicator to the target system. The user right “Log on as a service” is also added for this account.

The setup also adds a local user account with name: SmUser and password: smsmsm in the Users group 

2.6. Select SQL Server Instance

If a version of SQL Server or MSDE is already installed on the target system, you must select the SQL Server instance you want to use. If no version is present, the setup will skip this question and will install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine.

The setup will create an empty SedoMaster and Calendar database for the selected SQL Server instance. If the SedoMaster or the Calendar databases are already present on the system, they will be re-attached to the SQL Server instance.

2.7. Start Copying Files

If you click Next the setup will start installing the product.

2.8. Monitoring Client Installation

For the installation of the Monitoring Client, a separate setup is started. You can accept the defaults in all cases. The SedoMaster Server setup has already configured a host system (SedoMaster Monitoring) that you can use.

Barco Communicator
Shedo Master Monitoring

2.9. System Changes

  • The x:\Program Files\Barco\SedoMaster folder is shared as “SedoMaster”. This is necessary to allow SedoMaster Client application access the server files.
  • Empty SedoMaster and Calendar databases are created.
  • The SMData ODBC DSN is created.
  • The SedoMaster and Calendar UDL-files are configured to point to the selected database instance.
  • Registration of the DCOM objects and controls.
  • The SQL Server service is started on the target system (only if the setup installs Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine).
  • The SMSvcMan service is added and started.
  • The Event Log wrapping method is changed to “Overwrite Event as Needed” for the System, Security and Application Log.
  • The system performance settings are changed to give the background services a higher priority.

2.10. Modify Textile Software Installation 

When the SedoMaster Server setup is run again on the target system, you can choose to modify, reinstall or remove the textile software.

2.11. Modify Textile Software

If you choose to modify the installation, you can install or remove features.

textile software

2.12. Repair Textile Software

If you choose to repair the installation, all files and/or registry entries are reinstalled. This is only useful if files or registry entries are missing.

2.13. Remove

If you choose to remove the application, all SedoMaster files installed by the setup are removed. All files created after the setup has run remain on the system. If the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine was installed by the setup, it is also removed. However, the SedoMaster and Calendar databases remain on the system. The user accounts created by the setup program are not removed.

The Monitoring Client program remains on the system. If you want to remove the Monitoring Client from the system, choose Change/Remove in the Add/Remove Programs folder from the Control Panel.

 3. SedoMaster Client Textile Management Software 

When the SedoMaster Client textile management software setup is started, it will do some system checks and pre-installation tasks. This includes the installation of Windows Installer 2.0 if necessary. If the pre-installation tasks have finished, the welcome screen is shown. Click Next to proceed textile management software with the installation.

textile management software
Shedo Master Server

3.1. Customer Information

Contains information about the user who’s installing the product. Normally you can accept the defaults.

3.2. Choose Destination Location

Default, the setup will install SedoMaster Client to C:\Program Files\Barco\SedoMaster. You can change this folder. If you change the destination disk letter, common files and third party components will also be installed to this disk.

3.3. Select Features

Select the features you want to install. The Program Files feature is grayed out because it has to be installed.

3.4. Select Language

Select the language you want the SedoMaster Client application to work in.

3.5. Specify System Account

A SedoMaster Client PC requires an account with Administrator privileges and a normal user account (SmUser) for its operation. These accounts must also exist on the server. The normal user account will already exist on the server, because it’s installed by the SedoMaster Server setup. The account with Administrator privileges can vary, so you have to specify this account in the Client setup.

Specify the domain, user name and password for the account with Administrator privileges. Default the domain and user name are shown of the user who is currently logged in. You can also specify a new account. If you want to use the local domain, you must specify the computer name or leave the domain field blank. If the account doesn’t exist, the setup adds the new account to the target system.

The setup also adds the local user account with name: SmUser and password: smsmsm in the Users group of the client PC.

3.6. Specify Server Name

Specify the network name of the SedoMaster Server PC. The SedoMaster Server application has to be available and the shared folder (SedoMaster) of the SedoMaster Server must be connectable from the client PC.

If a message box is shown, saying the SedoMaster share is not accessible, the setup program cannot connect to the server. A possible reason is that the system account specified in the setup does not exist on the server. Another reason can be that the SedoMaster share does not exist on the server or that the server has shut down.

3.7. Start Copying Files

If you click Next the setup will start installing the product.

3.8. SedoMaster Files

No SedoMaster files are copied on the client system. All files are available through the shared folder of the SedoMaster Server PC.

3.9. Common Files and Third Party Components

The following third party components and common files are installed on the target system:

  • VsFlexGrid7L.ocx
  • Crystal Reports 8.0
  • TeeChart5 Pro ActiveX V5.03
  • Visual Basic 6 runtime files.
  • Visual C++ runtime files, including Microsoft Foundation Class runtime files.
  • Microsoft Masked Edit.
  • Microsoft Chart ActiveX Control.
  • MDAC 2.7: components for database access.
  • Calendar Module.
  • Monitoring Client.

3.10. Monitoring Client Installation

For the installation of the Monitoring Client, a separate setup is started. You can accept the defaults in all cases. The SedoMaster Client setup has already configured a host system (SedoMaster Monitoring) that you can use.

3.11. System Changes

Registration of the DCOM objects and controls. After the installation, some DCOM settings have to be changed manually.

  1. Press Windows Start button and choose Run…
  2. Type ‘dcomcnfg’ in this window and press OK.
  3. Select ‘BARCO.REPORTITEMSETUP.1’ in the applications list.
  4. Click Properties… and click the Location tab.
  5. Make sure that only the ‘Run application on the following computer’ checkbox is checked and that name of the SedoMaster Server PC is entered. All other checkboxes must be unchecked.
  6. Press OK.
  7. Select ‘Barco.SedoRequest’ in the applications list.
  8. Click Properties… and click the Location tab.
  9. Make sure that only the ‘Run application on the following computer’ checkbox is checked and that name of the SedoMaster Server PC is entered. All other checkboxes must be unchecked.
  10. Click the Identity tab.
  11. Select ‘This User’ and enter the user and password that must be used to connect to the server.
  12. Press OK.
  13. Go to the Default Security tab and click in the Default Access Permissions group on the Edit Default button.
  14. Add the user Everyone with the Allow Access permission.
  15. Go to the Default Launch tab and click in the Default Launch Permissions group on the Edit Default button.
  16. Add the user Everyone with the Allow Launch permission.
  17. Press OK.

If you’re not sure about the server name or the user name that must be entered in the steps above, you can look at the settings of BarcoSedo.SMBtchHd.

When the SedoMaster Client setup is run again on the target system, you can choose to modify, reinstall or remove the application.

Barco textile management software

3.12. Modify

If you choose to modify the installation, you can install or remove features.

3.13. Repair

If you choose to repair the installation, all files and/or registry entries are reinstalled. This is only useful if files or registry entries are missing.

3.14. Remove

If you choose to remove the application, all SedoMaster files installed by the setup are removed. All files created after the setup has run remain on the system. The user accounts created by the setup program are not removed.

The Monitoring Client program remains on the system. If you want to remove the Monitoring Client from the system, choose Change/Remove in the Add/Remove Programs folder from the Control Panel. Available from internet

Moshiur Rahman SumonBsc Hon’s in Apparel Manufacturing, National Institute of Fashion Technology – NIFT