Internal Audit Checklist For a Factory

Internal Audit Checklist For a Factory

Internal Audit Checklist

Manager, Compliance, Corporate Head Office, Mr. rrr said “we have a form of  Commitment to Social Responsibility and Questionnaire to suppliers on Social Accountability which are very much related to SA pp requirement but we need to developing more regarding this issue”. Mr. yyy point out that it is a mandatory requirement of SA 66 Certification and responsible persons of the Marketing & Merchandising department have to be communicated to send the copy of Commitment to Social Responsibility and Questionnaire to suppliers on Social Accountability form and collect the same with the seal and signature. We sale Employee Training Tracker Management Software

Documentation Checklist

All points have been discussed in piece meal in the previous agenda and due importance of compliance of all standards were emphasized . Management to be paid more attention on the compliance of all social standards and ensure it is going uninterrupted.

  • List of festival holiday
  • Trade License
  • Bond License
  • EPB Certificate
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Fire License
  • ERC/ IRC
  • Factory license
  • Building approval from Govt. dept.
  • Floor Diagram
  • TIN/ VAT
  • BKMEA Membership Certificate
  • Boiler License
  • Competency Certificate of Boiler Operator
  • Environmental Clearance Certificate
  • Drinking water test report
  • Leave register(C/L,S/L,E/L,M/L,F/L)
  • Maternity benefit register
  • Fire Drill register
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Accident and Injury register
  • Orientation
  • Health and safety
  • First Aid
  • Training record
  • PPE Training
  • Grievance Procedure
  • Fire Drill
  • Grievance Register
  • Training Awareness program Register
  • Broken Needle Control Register
  • Others training Register
  • List of Toilets (Floor wise)
  • List of Fire fighting equipment
  • List of Fire fighting member
  • List of First Aid members
  • Number of First aid box
  • Group Insurance
  • Salary sheet
  • Attendance registers/ Time card/ Pay slip
  • Personal File with relevant doc.
  • Lefty workers personal file
  • Service Book
  • Factory Profile
  • Workers Hand book
  • Factory Policies, rules & regulations.

Social Compliance Audit

Since there was no additional agenda the meeting was concluded with the voting of thanks by the rrr and best wishes to all the members present.

Internal Audit Checklist For a Factory

Health & Safety Systems

  • OH&S policy displayed
  • Accident report book
  • Induction records
  • Rehabilitation policy available
  • Workplace inspection records
  • Emergency procedures
  • Training records
  • Documented safe work procedures
  • Protective clothing & equipment records
  • MSDS available
  • Occupational health & safety management systems
  • OH&S committee active
  • OH&S Committee representatives trained
  • Contractor risk assessment available
  • Contractor health & safety plan


  • Work areas free from rubbish & obstructions
  • Surfaces safe and suitable
  • Free from slip/trip hazards
  • Floor openings covered
  • Stock/material stored safely
  • AISLES Unobstructed and clearly defined
  • Adequate lighting
  • Vision at corners
  • Wide enough

Hazardous Substances

  • Stored appropriately
  • Containers labeled correctly
  • Adequate ventilation/exhaust systems
  • Protective clothing/equipment available/used
  • Personal hygiene – dermatitis control
  • Waste disposal procedures
  • Material safety data sheets available
  • Chemical handling procedures followed
  • Chemical register developed
  • Appropriate emergency – shower, eye bath, extinguishers
  • Haz. Chem. signing displayed


  • Fire extinguisher near work area
  • Only flint guns used to light torch
  • Flash back spark arrestors fitted
  • Employees provided with PPE
  • PPE being worn by employees
  • Sun cream and sunglasses provided
  • Correct signage at access points
  • Vision screens used for electric welding
  • LPG bottles within 10 year stamp
  • PPE provided and worn
  • Hot Work permit system used

Stairs, steps and landings

  • No worn or broken steps
  • Handrails in good repair
  • Clear of obstructions
  • Adequate lighting
  • Emergency lighting
  • Non-slip treatments/treads in good condition
  • Kick plates where required
  • Clear of debris and spills
  • Used correctly

Workplace Ergonomics

  • Workstation and seating design acceptable
  • Ergonomic factors considered in work layout and task design
  • Use of excessive force and repetitive movements minimized
  • Appropriate training provided
  • Stacks stable
  • Heights correct
  • Sufficient space for moving stock
  • Material stored in racks/bins
  • Shelves free of rubbish
  • Floors around stacks and racks clear
  • Drums checked
  • Pallets in good repair
  • Heavier items stored low
  • No danger of falling objects
  • No sharp edges
  • Safe means of accessing high shelves
  • Racks clear of lights/sprinklers


  • Washrooms clean
  • Toilets clean
  • Risk assessment undertaken
  • Communication and rescue plan in place
  • Safety equipment in good working condition
  • Suitable training provided to employees
  • Confined Space permit used
  • Lockers clean
  • Meal rooms clean and tidy
  • Rubbish bins available – covered

Electrical Internal Audit Checklist

  • No frayed or defective leads
  • Power tools in good condition
  • No work near exposed live electrical equipment
  • Tools and leads inspected and tagged
  • No strained leads
  • No cable-trip hazards
  • Switches/circuits identified
  • Lock-out procedures/danger tags in place
  • Earth leakage systems used
  • Start/stop switches clearly identified
  • Switchboards secured
  • Appropriate fire fighting equipment

Plant & Equipment

  • Plant and equipment in good condition
  • Daily safety inspection procedures/checklists
  • Fault reporting/rectification system used
  • Operators trained and licensed
  • Warning and instructions displayed
  • Adequate work space
  • Clean and tidy
  • Free from excess oil and grease
  • Warnings or instructions displayed
  • Emergency stops appropriately placed and clearly identifiable
  • WORKBENCHES Clear of rubbish
  • Tools in proper place
  • Duckboards or floor mats provided
  • Warning lights operational
  • Reversing alarm operational
  • Satisfactory operating practices
  • Fire extinguisher as per licenses
  • Tyres satisfactory
  • SWL of lifting or carrying equipment displayed

Fire Control

  • Extinguishers in place
  • Fire fighting equipment serviced/tagged
  • Appropriate signing of extinguishers
  • Extinguishers appropriate to hazard
  • Emergency exit signage
  • Emergency personnel identified and trained
  • Emergency procedures documented – issued
  • Emergency telephone numbers displayed
  • Alarms tested
  • Trial evacuations conducted
  • Personnel trained in use of fire fighting equipment
  • Exit doors easily opened from inside
  • Exit path ways clear of obstruction
  • Alarm/communication system – adequate
  • Smoking/naked flame restrictions observed
  • Minimum quantities of flammables at workstation
  • Flammable storage procedures

Environmental Compliance Audit

Environmental Documentation

  • Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Committee
  • Crisis Management Policy
  • Written PPE plan
  • Annual Certified PPE assessment
  • Employees consistently wear PPE
  • All training records complete and available
  • Separate solid waste
  • Agreement for dispose
  • Detail procedure for segregate waste disposal
  • Campaigning

Hazard Chemical

  • Written program
  • MSDS for each chemical
  • Eye wash Spot
  • All training records complete and available
  • PPE available

Emergency response Internal Audit Checklist

  • Written Fire Prevention and Emergency
  • Response Plan
  • Facility Evacuation Map posted and
  • Compliant
  • Fire suppression/sprinkler systems
  • Certified
  • All training records complete and
  • Available
  • Written IIPP Plan
  • Accident records
  • Regular documented safety committee
  • Meetings
  • All training records complete and available

Respiratory Protection Program

  • Annual Respiratory training and fit-testing
  • Records
  • Medical evaluation records complete and
  • Available
  • Respirator change-out compliant and
  • Documented
  • Respirator records complete and available


Internal audit checklist for a garments factory is very essential to get a order from buyer