What is Diesel Air Compressor? Compressor Check Points
Diesel Air Compressor
Diesel Air Compressor: Upto ?O HP=15KW ( with regulated speed control) Rotary Screw Compressor , Stainless steel Components, Reliable through integarted design
with .811 sepration, oil filter and thermostatic bypass. reduced CO2 emission, easy removal of pnaels and covers 3r
Oil free-rhir:* Meets the 150 air specific standards for processes within the textile industry textile, and electronics industries
Noise Level : Meets the minimum noise level requirements
Ambient operation: Withstand 40-50 QC maximum ambient temperature
Mendatory accessories: air and oil filters, Pressure regulators,
Industrial Case Study
It was Saturday afternoon & like every other day we were working in our desk. We had a meeting with Kajal sir & designing team of. We had known that “Victor Rawlinson” the owner of worlds one of the most renowned importer ‘’David Howard’’, was going to visit auto group for the last time because he was retiring.
We decided to change the whole interior of the building. We decided to make a portrait of victor Rawlinson & change our window display. We also made a plan of designing the banner & changing the beam decoration. We were divided into two groups. We were two members in each group. After two days we got our budget to buy all of our equipment. We collected everything from different places.it was not an easy task.
We started our work. We, two members were working for the portrait & two for the window display. We started our portrait from 2:00 p.m. & it was completed at 10:00 p.m. Sometimes we worked together for window display. R&D department head helped us. We selected the street theme for our window display. We created an environment of U.K. Graffiti Street. We used some props like skate board, helmet, accessories etc. to create proper environment for the display.
The compressor itself should always be under the supervision of a competent person who should be responsible for ensuring that the guards for the V-belt and pulley drive are in place and also for the regular inspection of the necessary hoses and couplings. A check must also be made that the oil feed to the airline is properly topped up. Compressors required adequate ventilation and special provision therefore needs to be made when compressors have to be sited in confined areas.
Air receivers must be marked with their safe working pressure and distinguishing number; they must also be titled with a safety valve, pressure gauge, drain cock and manhole. Air receivers must be cleaned and thoroughly examined at least every 26 months.
All compressed air hoses must be the right size for the tool; if the bore is too small, insufficient power will be supplied. The length of hose should be kept as short as possible: it should be kept free from corrosive materials and leaks and protected from damage by passing traffic. Hoses should conform to OSHA standards.
If work is to be undertaken at some distance from the Diesel Air Compressor, the safest method of ensuring efficiency is to use large bore pipe most of the way, then to fit a shut-off valve where the normal bore feed to the tool begins.
When not in use hoses must be kept clean.
Air Compressor Check points
- Inspection for voltage fluctuation
- Proper earthing condition
- Inspection for damage of Electric contact point
- Check proper functioning all the switch
- Check the reading on display
- Check the set point of maxm & minm Pressure
- Check Oil level
- Check Machine Vibration
- Check oil leakage
- Clean the filter
- Check air filter service indicator
- Replace air filter element
- The condensate is discharged during loading
- Drain condensate
- Check and clean condensate trap
- Re-grease bearings of drive motor as specified
- Check air leakage
- Check correct functioning the safety valve
- Test temperature shut-down function
- Check the function of oil separator
- Check the oil level
- Any abnormal sound
- Any leakage at the valve
- Is the valve operated easily
- Correct Indication
- External cleaning
All connections of Diesel Air Compressor must be properly clamped loose connections can blow off causing the hose to whip back and cause injury. It is also dangerous to over tighten the connections because this can result in the hose being cut causing leakage and loss of power. Safety devices which restrain connectors in the event of a blow-off are available; alternatively, double lock couplers may be used.