What is HIV Aids Policy in the Workplace ?

What is HIV Aids Policy in the Workplace ?

HIV Policy

This hiv policy in the workplace is applicable for all the employees of Auto Group ranging from workers to staff of different level in side of the organization. Auto recognizes the magnitude and severity of the development of hiv aids policy in the workplace epidemic worldwide. Auto is committed to develop safe and co-operative workplace where affected persons are not marginalized or shunned. Even in this age people are not that much aware about the HIV/ AIDS. To make a non-discriminating and harassment free work place along with appropriate awareness and prevention support, this policy has been formulated.

HIV Aids Policy in The Workplace

  • Auto will not and does not discriminate against employees or applicants having, perceived as having, living with or otherwise affected by hiv aids policy in the workplace
  • Company will treat HIV/ AIDS the same as other illnesses in terms of all the existing employee policies and benefits, including health and life insurance, disability benefits and leaves of absence.
  • All employees must adhere to the non-discrimination policy. Employees who refuse to work with, withhold services from, harass or otherwise discriminate against another employee because of his/her having HIV/ AIDS, being perceived as having, living with HIV/ AIDS, or being otherwise affected by hiv aids policy in the workplace, will be subject to discipline and/or other corrective actions.
  • Company will include sessions on HIV presentation awareness programs in its orientation training for workers and staff and will also touch upon the subject in refresher courses
  • Company will ensure that its welfare officers and doctors and nurses are trained in counseling HIV patients or those who are apprehending having been affected.

Regulations & Procedures

  • There will be no questions orally or in any application forms to be filled by applicants, through which it can be identified that the persona may be suffering from HIV/ AIDS.
  • Company will not have any separate category for hiv aids policy in the workplace in any of its formats, for any records needed for providing of any of the company benefits.

Responsible Parties

The Head of HR will be responsible for introduction or modification of this policy and the HR Department and welfare Department will be responsible for implementation of the policy. This is related with first aid policy 


Exceptions to this policy require endorsement by the Head of HR and/ or MD. Hiv policy in the workplace is very essential for the apparel industries.