SWOT Analysis
1 Good relation with general employees -,
2 Can solve problem by open discussion
3 Always dedicated minds for others interest
4 To build up team practice apply various method
5 Tendency to minimize issue own level quickly.
6 Keep silent than unnecessary gossiping or talking.
7 Encourage own team to build up themselves.
8 Practice Stress for success (NLP method)
9 Always give priority to others for any opportunity.
10 Work tendency for self satisfaction not to show others.
1 Good chance to allocate recent HR practice.
2 More interested to gain knowledge about production process & overall organizational area.
3 Practice & study own self to shot out own fault
4 More interested to practice worker’s welfare & compliance issues for future challenges
5 More interested to show my practice as a trainer for all units employees.
6 Vision for future Regency as a ideal institution to others.
1 Same level misunderstand for unknown reason
2 No tendency to focus others fault
3 Uncertain fears for future days
4 Writing capacity more than speech
5 Training need more for IT related works
6 Like to work by negotiation better than practice law
7 Most time belief on others opinion
8 Very anxiously response for any major/minor reason
9 Think each & everybody as a friend
Unannounced Social Compliance Audit
Pls be informed that A Social Compliance Audit will be conducted by one of the new buyer of autoGroup in the facility of Auto Apparels Ltd. on 9th July 2009. All aspects of Quality, Compliance and C-TPAT will be checked during the inspection. A checklist has attached with this mail so that you can clarify the whole.
In view of the same you are requested to keep the factory absolutely ready in all aspects, so as to come out successful in the forthcoming audit. Please inform all concerned of your factory in this regard. All should remain vigilant for the up-coming audit.
Forwarded for your information and necessary action.