Professional Training
Professional Training In Human Development Index (HDI) Bangladesh is at the bottom compare to many south Asian countries. Illiteracy, unemployment and under employment, low productivity, environmental pollutions are very common. Bangladesh, going to be a developing country, has many opportunities to turn its population as human capital from a liability. Bangladesh, with limited natural resources but one of the highest densely populous country, can easily turn into a developed country through the development of human resources as it is already proven by Japan. Read more about Application and Admission Requirements for Study
Generating employment, right people, right time in right place, Bangladesh can control its present rate of population growth as employment is considered as the most effective contraceptive.
Contrary employment provides empowerment as economic independence is the key factor for empowerment. Millions of females are now participating in the decision making process in their respective families due to their employment in readymade garment sector.
For huge population and to capitalize demographic dividend Bangladesh needs to create both self and and safer employment. Employment is not just only the “man behind the machine”. It’s necessary to make those employment worthy. Trained and skilled men in front of the machines are also important. Creation of employment is not the ultimate goal rather it’s a means to achieve the goal of sustainability. Since there is a very close relationship between industrialization and environmental degradation, so protection of environment is a must.
The more we are heading towards industrialized economy our environmental risks are also getting higher. Moreover, we are also affected by other developed and industrialized nations.
Professional Training modern equipment +engineered methods +motivated employees +enlightened management =higher productivity +effective quality control)
1- the system should not only motivate workers to produce more but also to provide better quality
2- the system should be transparent , fair to all, and easy to understand.
3-It should result in a win- win situation for workers as well as for the organization
4-It should not be too complex to operate Professional Training
5- It should be aimed at overall productivity improvement of the plant, rather than performance of certain individuals. Professional Training