Bkash Payment Gateway for Woocommerce
Payment Gateway for Ecommerce Website is very essential for business. You can do it in different ways. Contact us for support 01792525354. We will discuss several option below-
1. WooCommerce Shipping Setting
Shipping Menu has 4 submenu
(1)Shipping zones |(2)Shipping options |(3)Shipping classes |(4)WooCommerce Shipping
1.1. Shipping zones
Shipping Zone has 4 submenu
(1)Shipping zones |(2)Shipping options |(3)Shipping classes |(4)WooCommerce Shipping
1.1. Shipping zones
User can create multiple shipping zones e.g. Anywhere in Bangladesh Zone, Dhaka Zone etc
To create Dhaka Zone. Click Add Shipping Zone. After that input below information in text field
Zone1 name : Dhaka
Zone regions : Select Dhaka District
Click on Flat Rare and set Tax Status: None and Cost: 80
To create another Zone. Click Add Shipping Zone. After that input below information in text field
Zone2 name : Anywhere in Bangladesh Zone
Zone regions : Select All District
Select all district and save according to below screenshot

Shipping methods : User can add 3 types of shipping methods. e.g. Flat Rate, Free Shipping, Local Pickup
Flat Rare: Set Tax Status: Texable/None and Cost: 150
Free Shipping : User can set this method due to multiple reasons given bleow
- N/A
- A Valid free shipping coupon
- A minimum order amount
- A minimum order amount OR a coupon
- A minimum order amount AND a coupon
1.2. Shipping options
In shipping option user can Check/Uncheck below option
Calculations Calculations
- Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page
- Hide shipping costs until an address is entered
Shipping destination
- Default to customer shipping address
- Default to customer billing address
- Force shipping to the customer billing address
Debug mode Debug mode Enable debug mode
- Enable shipping debug mode to show matching shipping zones and to bypass shipping rate cache.
2. SoftTech-IT bKash, Rocket, Nagad Plugin
SoftTech-IT bKash, Rocket, Nagad is a plugin developed by Md Toriqul Mowla Sujan. We can install it free from wordpress plugin directory.
Now go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment . After clicking on Payment Option you can setup

Direct bank transfer: If you Enable & Setup this below information require-
- Enable/Disable: Enable bank transfer
- Title: Direct bank transfer
- Description: Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.
- Instructions: Instruction details
- Account name: Mashiur Rahman
- Account number: 98334400000566
- Bank name: Prime Bank Ltd
- Sort code: 998876
- IBAN: 099887
- BIC / Swift: S9887547
Check payments: If you Enable & Setup this below information require-
- Enable/Disable: Enable Check Payments
- Title: Direct bank transfer
- Description: Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.
- Instructions: Instruction details
Cash on delivery: If you Enable & Setup this below information require-
- Enable/Disable: Enable cash on delivery
- Title: Cash on delivery
- Description: Pay with cash upon delivery.
- Instructions: Pay with cash upon delivery.
- Enable for shipping methods: Flat rate/ District
- Accept for virtual orders: Check/Uncheck on Accept COD if the order is virtual
PayPal Standard – PayPal: SIf you Enable & Setup this below information require-
bKash: If you Enable & Setup this below information require-
- Enable/Disable: bKash Payment
- Title: bKash
- Description: Please complete your bKash payment at first, then fill up the form below.
- Order Status: On hold
- bKash Number: 01717746060
- Agent/Personal: Personal
- Enable bKash Charge: Check/Uncheck- Add 1.85% bKash “Send Money” charge to net price
- Instructions:Thanks for purchasing through bKash. We will check and give you update as soon as possible.
Rocket: If you Enable & Setup this below information require-
- Enable/Disable: Rocket Payment
- Title: Rocket
- Description: Please complete your Rocket Payment at first, then fill up the form below.
- Order Status: On hold
- Rocket Number: 017702666982
- Agent/Personal: Agent
- Enable rocket Charge: Check/Uncheck Add 1.8% Rocket “Send Money” charge to net price
- Instructions: Thanks for purchasing through rocket. We will check and give you update as soon as possible.
Nagad: NIf you Enable & Setup this below information require-
- Enable/Disable: Nagad Payment
- Title: Nagad
- Description: Please complete your Nagad Payment at first, then fill up the form below.
- Order Status: On hold
- Nagad Number: Agent/Personal
- Agent/Personal: Agent
- Enable nagad Charge: Add 1.45% Nagad “Send Money” charge to net price
- Instructions: Thanks for purchasing through nagad. We will check and give you update as soon as possible.
3. Payment Gateway bKash for WC Plugin
Bkash Payment Gateway for Woocommerce is developed by Kapil Paul. This plugin will connect with your online merchant bKash account.
Now go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment >bKash . After clicking on bKash Option you can setup according to below screen
Collect your USERNAME, PASSWORD, APP_KEY and APP_SECRET from bKash. Place this in above field and you are able to collect your payment
NB: Please note that Payment Gateway bKash for WC plugin requires jQuery 3.3.1 . Otherwise bKash script does not work with WordPress default jQuery. So called the jQuery 3.3.1 in checkout only.
4. bKash WordPress Payment Plugin
Bkash Payment Gateway for Woocommerce Plugin develop by themepaw. WPbKash is a solution for bKash merchant payment of WooCommerce WordPress based sites.
Now go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment >bKash >Setup . After clicking on Setup option you can setup according to below screen
bKash: If you Enable & Setup this below information require-
- Enable/Disable: bKash Payment
- Title: bKash Payment
- Description: Pay via bKash: you can pay with your personal bKash account.the form below.
- Instructions: Type your instruction here
- Payment status notice: Payment was not completed. You can still complete your order by paying from here:
Setup your bKash merchant credentials here
After clicking here link in above you will get a setting screen which is filled up below –

5. FAQ
Question: Can I setup my personal bKash account?
Answer: No, This Bkash Payment Gateway for Woocommerce plugin requires Merchant account
Question: What bKash credentials are needed?
Answer: You will need bKash app_key app_secret username & password,
Question: How do I get credentials?
Answer: You may contact with bKash support 16247 Or contact with your bKash Account Manager.
Question: Does this support both production and sandbox mode for testing?
Answer: Yes it does – just use “Enable Test Mode” checkbox to enable disable sandbox. If you are unchecked “Enable Test Mode” then your are in live/production mode and live mode requires your original bkash marchang app_key, app_secret, username and password.
Question: Where can I get support/ talk to other users?
Answer: If you get stuck, you can ask me at 01792525354 or for help in the Plugin Forum.
Tutorials for Bkash Payment Gateway for Woocommerce
Video Description | Video Link |
Merchant Account Connectivity of bKash, Nagad etc. | youtube.com/watch?v=1l3kVQA-XcY |
Shipping Method Bangla | youtube.com/watch?v=BNqsU8QzO50 |
Shipping Method Bangla | youtube.com/watch?v=WU0UmjBAYgk |
I am appreciate. Thanks