Information security program
Information security program -Given the current situation of the country and lack of law and order and consequent concerns regarding safety of our valued employees, personnel, assets, raw materials, bonded warehouse, work area, loading and unloading facility, and upon discussion, the management of AUTO GARMENTS & TEXTILES LTD has decided to implement the following security rules and procedures. We sale electronic document management system …
- Microsoft word, excel, outlook, Adobe, Lotus, MSN, Internet Explorer, Norton or McAfee Anti Virus etc. required softwares are already installed in the system. Employees must not install any software without consulting the IT officer.
- Employees are required to have a basic training on the use of computers. However, for specialized programs the IT officer can be contacted.
- All the personal computers and the information security program therein of the company and factory must be properly password protected. The IT officer will issue a new password every month to all the users and will monitor the user log to ensure that information inside the company is used properly and cannot breached. A register for the issued password will be maintained by IT officer and can only be accessed by authorized person.
- Every department will ensure the safe keeping and guarding of the information contained therein. Shared files can only be accessed by authorized personnel and can only used as read only files by another user other than the author through the network system available and IT officer will monitor the process. If any information other than the related department In Charges is requested, verbal or written confirmation from the Executive Director or Deputy Managing Director will be required.
- The IT officer will periodically train all the employees using computer under the company network system about the usage of different software, firewall utility & functions, disk clean up, security upgrades and authorization or control of information security programand files stored in their computers. A register for training the employees will also be maintained by the IT officer
- The IT officer will upgrade, install or amend different anti virus softwares or firewalls on the computers under the network and will also inform via email or personally check from time to time about any alerts on different viruses or threats to the employees. A register for routine check for the computer and the software installed will also be maintained
- Back up copies of sensitive files must be stored at access proof computers. Files on wages, company accounts, employee information, order schedule, purchase orders, and other price sensitive files should be password protected. Employees dealing with these files will be trained to safe keep the information security programcontained within the said files.
- Anyone found to have violated the above stated policies or abused the system and facility will be held for misconduct. Disciplinary administrative actions will be taken against the guilty in the manner of fine, penalties, demotion or termination depending on the gravity of the offense.
Information security program -Personal computers are provided to executives of merchandizing, production planning, quality control, commercial, accounts, and finance departments for company purposes. Employees are requested to use the PC’s for official purposes only.