DCIMatch Color Analysis Software Manual Installation:
For installing DCIMatch color analysis software you need administrator rights to install this software. If you want to install the software manually than click exe file for sub program. To install DCEMatch go to location dcimatch\english\install.exe. To install MProcess go to location \itmprocess\SetUp\disk1\setup.exe. To install SmartWeigh go to location \smartweigh\SetUp\disk1\setup.exe. To install Color Tools go to location \clrtools\setup.exe. To install Sybase Anywhere go to location\sybase\setup.exe. To instal Sybase Update go to location \sybase\update\setup.exe. Manual and auto installation are the main advantages of lims – laboratory management information system
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DCIMatch Color Analysis Software Auto Installation:
DCIMatch color matching software for textile is given below-
- If the setup program does not start automatically for color matching software for textile , select Run from the Windows start menu then select drive/cdrom where the file is located than click setup
- Then it will open a dialog box, and click OK for installing colour lab software
- To install DCIMatch in the enlglish language you need, click the ‘DCIMatch English’ for installing color lab software program
- Whe the install shield wizard is prepared than press the next button for installing color lab software program.

Please click the link to know the installation procedure of Datacolor Tools 1.0 Software.
Uninstalling DCIMatch Textile Color Software:
When DCIMatch textile color lab software is uninstalled, then folder C:\colorite.res and all its subfolders remain on the system. This behaviour is intended by design. The files in c:\colorite.res are used by colorite and other software which displays accurate colors on the monitor. If you are 100% sure that you do not use the colorite color display any more, then you can simply delete c:\colorite.res and all its
Compact Installation of DCIMatch Colour Lab Software :
The “compact” installation of DCIMatch colour lab software installs all features except:
- Data conversion from datamatch databases
- Demo Database
- Help files
Existing Print Forms in Database printform.db:
This installation installs the latest official version the print forms to your computer. They are contained in file printform.db. If you already had defined your own print forms, then your existing “printform.db” was renamed to “printform.db_11”. Simply rename this file to printform.db to get back your existing forms.
Limitations of Color Matching Software :
Setup does not stop waiting for Acrobat Reader Setup,Setup does not finish properly. If necessary, DCIMatch color matching software setup starts two slave setups: BDE setup and Acrobat reader setup. In both cases it waits for completion of the slave setup, but only up to three minutes.
If the slave setup is not finished within this time, DCIMatch Setup continues,leaving the slave setup open in the background. This may happen, if the user does not answer the prompts of the slave setup.
This behaviour is by design to prevent waiting forever, if a slave setup dies. Please do always watch a running setup and answer the prompts.
Setup fails (many different error messages possible)
It is likely that a virus scanner is installed and running on your system. Please stop all virus scanners while you run any setup program.
Error Message: “colorlab.exe – Entry Point Not Found”
“The procedure entry point ??_U@YAPAXI@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCRT.dll.”when trying to run DCIMatch (NT4.0 only):
Run the DCIMatch color analysis software installation a second time.
This error message appears when DCIMatch is installed on Windows NT 4.0 systems, where no other software had been installed before.
The problem appears, because DCIMatch requires and installs the Microsoft library MSVCRT.dll version 6.1.8637. However, this version is overwritten by Acrobat Reader 4.05 Setup, which installs version 5.00 of the same DLL. NT4.0 SR5 comes with version 4.20.
Error Message “No Driver for Security Key found”
Under yet unknown conditions after a program update you may get an error message “No Driver for Security Key found” and the program stops.
In this case, run DDINST32.EXE in the dcimatch directory (default:
C:\Program Files\Datacolor International\DCIMatch). Click on the [Express] button, then Exit.
Error Message “…An Error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland. Database Engine (error $2501)
Solution of Color Analysis Software Error:
When you get this error, start the program “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE\BDEADMIN.EXE” (it may be in another folder, depending on the language installed on your system). Press Tab “Configuration”
- Double-click on Configuration in the left hand window
- Click in INIT
- Click on SHAREDMEMLOCATION in the right hand window
- enter “0x5bde” in this line (without the double-quotes “)
- Close BDE Administrator after solving color analysis software eror.