Compliance and HR Meeting Minutes
- The honorable GM, HR & Compliance, initiates the meeting expressing his heartiest thanks to all present in the meeting.
- Giving emphasis on the present working situation of the factory, the honourable GM, HR & Compliance, says “From the month of January, we will get Buyers’ orders of work. And in the arena of our works, every Buyer is very important for our factory. We have to bring vast change in our attitude or behavior in order to attract or hold the buyers. We have to learn from our errors/faults. We have to well-organize all the orders of work which we will get from now onwards & prepare these for shipment.”
- He also says that from we will start recruitment procedure. According to him, the HR & Compliance and production team have to work combindly in order to make the recruitment procedure fair & disciplined. The following issues must be followed in the recruitment procedure :
- The skilled & competent employees must be recruited.
- Undisciplined or aggressive employee must be discarded.
- We must maintain or follow neutrality in the procedure of recruitment.
- We must be flexible as more as possible in the matter of documents required at the time of recruitment & evaluate these papers properly.
- We also have to give importance on ensuring rules, regulations and discipline in work places. We must realize the importance of our helping hands. We can inspire one by focusing his/her good sides. In this regard, counseling or motivation can be a good method.
- We must be aware to ensure a friendly working environment. We have to sustain the positive or constructive sides of our factory. For this purpose, the HR & Compliance and production personnel should be co-operative and maintain regular communication.
- We have to maintain such a working handling policy so that we can be able to lessen workers’ grievance.
- Those who are in leadership must be industrious & punctual.
- There should be balance & combination in every work.
- At the end of the meeting, the honourable GM, HR & Compliance, expresses his deep thanks & gratitude to all and declares the conclusion of the meeting.