Chemical Management System

This is the feasibility study of chemical management systems. A standard Textile Ltd is very conscious about chemical management system & application. There is a well-established and well-functioning management team to take all necessary decisions regarding chemicals/dyes. Chemical management system is a vital issue for all textile concerns as product outcome & stakeholders’ well-being are directly associated with it. Respective factory Manager of a model textile oversee the overall chemical management process. We sale e all types Garment ERP software  in cheapest price. E.g. Computerized Inventory Control SystemBilling and Inventory Management Software, Chemical Inventory Management System, All ERP. Please contact us

Objective of Chemical Management System:

The Chemical Management System followed by A model textile. has some common objectives such as- Safe garments production from safe raw materials such as dyes & chemicals. Proper and appropriate use of dye & chemicals. Safe & alternative chemical assessment and application where possible. Occupational hazard minimization and safety of user groups. Chemicals wastes have to be treated or neutralized properly. Resource conservation through implementation of 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle). Following of factory rules & regulations as per legal laws. The above mentioned objectives can be achieved if a Chemical Management procedure is followed properly.

Chemical Procurement:

Whenever a model textile select any chemical for a model textile intended use, at first a model textile assess the possible impacts of those chemicals in the environment. The model textile are very much concerned about the health & safety of the direct user group as well as the well –being of the environment. The main motto of a model textile regarding chemical management system is to use safe chemicals/dyes which are very effective but have lesser impact in the environment.

Most of chemicals of model textiles are imported abiding national/global rules & regulations. a model textile always look for newer innovations in chemical application through model textile continuous Alternative Chemical Assessment. If a model textile ever find any suitable & safer/less hazardous chemical, model textile try the level best to switch to it. For example, a model textile use Avitera SE – the dyestuff of Huntsman and it is marketed by Huntsman under the logo of “Save the Earth”.

Chemical procurement is not just procuring chemicals/dye but ensuring all necessary supporting documents such as RSL (Restricted Substances List) certificate, MRSL (Manufacturer Restricted Substances List) certificate, MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), TDS (Technical Data Sheet), Chemical Label with Hazard Symbols, declaration certificates etc. All these are updated complying with upcoming changes through suppliers/manufacturers.

Chemical Storage:

Chemicals are the direct materials for any textile processing and require lots of chemicals/dyes every day. A model textile Store Department manages the supply & demand of chemicals.  Chemicals/dye are procured them & stored in own storage facility inside the factory premises. Chemical/dyes store is well-ventilated, well-structured and spacious. Store department manages this storage facility coordinating with other departments. The chemical storage procedure includes-

Chemical Unloading:From chemicals purchase to disposal, take good care of the chemical relevant issues to ensure safe chemical application & handling and to avoid evitable accidents. Store department takes all necessary preparations before chemical containing vehicles enter into the factory premises. Trained loaders wear proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and unload chemicals/dyes from the vehicles. Store keeper & supervisors oversee the unloading & loading activities. All necessary precautionary measures are taken when the loaders deal with plastic chemical containers or chemical cartons or sacks where chance of accident is high. They take good care to avoid accident, leakage/accidental spillage. A model textile impart training through HR & compliance department among workers, store-loaders and other personnel who are associated with chemical handling.

Chemical Sorting & Storing: A model textile use Chemical Store just for storing chemicals/dyes. Workers collect chemicals/dyes from Chemical Distribution Center.  Chemicals are loaded/stored in the Storage according to their specific type & property. Follow chemical compatibility chart as much as possible to ensure safe chemical storage. Chemicals are stacked up to certain height keeping consideration of ventilation and for further safety. General entrance into chemical storage area is restricted to avoid unexpected situations. No food or drink is allowed in the store area. Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers & hose reel are set in the store area to control fire hazard. Exhaust fans control the entire ventilation. A model textile partially use secondary containment where necessary to control spillage and avoid accident. Individual MSDS is attached to the chemical container/sack. If any container is missing its own label, a model textile identify & put on appropriate label.

Chemical Distribution: Chemicals/dyes are distributed from Distribution Center. In the distribution center, individual chemicals are kept in individual compartment for better distribution and application as well as accident prevention. Each compartment has its own Chemical label with associated hazard symbol. These compartments are fine engineered and connected to ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) through internal drainage system to avoid spillage & control emergency situations. Workers use chemical pot, bucket to fetch chemical from distribution center. They also use trolley for carrying dye/chemicals. Store keepers look after the distribution center and supervise other people working under them.

Emergency Preparedness: A model textile have adequate precautions & preparedness to face any hostile situation or any kind of hazard like fire incident, spillage etc. A model textile have arrangements like imparting inside-fire fighting training & fir drill programs  among the workers and setting up fire figting equipments like fire eextinguishers, fire alarm system (both-manual & eelectric), hose reel around the whole factory and also in the chemical store & distribution center and to handle with any fire hazard situation. A model textile provide stuffs & workers Fire Fighting Training from Bangladesh Fire Service & Civil Defense (BFSCD) so that workers may help us to face & control any unexpected fire incident. There are First Aid boxes in the distribution center to use in emergency situation. There is also arrangement for Safety Shower & Eye Wash facility so that workers can get immediate treatment when they are badly needed. A model textile also have a medical center run by a full time medical team inside the factory premises so that a model textile can get medical attention whenever need.

MSDS Management: (Material Safety Data Sheet) and the Abstracted/Simplified MSDS are attached to the chemical container to spread knowledge about chemicals/dyes. Abstracted MSDS are simplified in native language so that workers feel easy to go through Abstracted MSDS and can achieve general knowhow about the chemicals they are dealing with. A model textile try very best to keep these MSDS updated through communication with respective suppliers & manufacturers.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): It is mandatory for all user groups to use suitable PPE when they work with chemicals anywhere. All are provided with adequate Personal Protective Equipment. A model textile have set PPE box in the work place so that workers can use PPE very easily. The store keepers and supervisors are well trained so that they can supervise the people working under them. They directly supervise the appropriate chemical handling procedure in the store and distribution center. HR & Compliance people visit the working areas every day and monitor the working condition of the workers. Further steps/corrective actions are taken after their observations to make safe working environment for all.

Empty Drum/container Management: Empty drums/containers are cleaned & washed thoroughly. They are kept in certain place refrained from direct sunlight/rain water. Afterwards theses empty drums are returned to drum purchasers/suppliers. At first, pull off the chemical label and then clean the drum/container properly. Then they are stored under a cover shed as per instructions of local authority.

Proper Application of  Chemicals/dyes:

Dyeing floor workers or the dyeing/ finishing machine operators use chemicals and they come in to the direct contact of chemicals.  They collect chemicals as per dyeing requisition & use them in the machines. That’s why it is mandatory for them to apply PPE whenever they collect chemicals from distribution center and during chemical operation in the work place.

Awareness training regarding safe chemical handling, PPE, Safety precautionary, Abstracted MSDS is provided among these workers once a month to increase their knowledge level so that they can work with chemicals safely. After the training session, their feedbacks are received & further communicated through proper channel so that safe chemical management can be easier. A model textile also participate in the outside training programs and keep ourselves update to comply with new rules & regulations.

Eating/smoking in the work place is strictly forbidden for any one. This rule is for their own goodness. Since drinking water is provided from the factory, they cannot leave any empty water bottle, chemical/dyes pot, container/bucket without exact label. It helps them to avoid accidents/malfunctions.

Chemical Waste Management:

Textile Engineering is a lengthy & complex process which requires differnet dyes & chemicals as well as huge amount of water. There is no alternative of water in textile processing and it is very vital. As a result, huge amount of waste water is generated after the application of different dye/chemicals. This waste water generation cannot be avoided. So, a model textile have established a well-engineered ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) which is running 24 hours to treat the chemical effluent. Records of incoming waste water into the ETP and outgoing treated water from ETP are kept from both side meter reading for further purpose. Lot of sludge is produced during the waste water treatment. Dispose this sludge as per law. A model textile keep them for six months and dispose in own land filling site.

Different wastes like carton, polythene, cut piece fabrics, fabric dust are generated from production processes every day. However, a model textile have a cleaner group who works relentlessly to keep factory premises nit & clean. A model textile provide them training on proper cleaning & waste disposal procedure so that they can work better. This group sorts out the wastes and sends them to store department for proper disposal or further reuse/recycle purpose.

Moreover, work place is monitored time to time by compliance manager & officers to check whether the store people and workers are complying with factory rules & regulations.

Good Practices & Initiatives:

A model textile have been trying very best to be the number one in country regarding Chemical Management, Environmental Health & Safety. This is motto to run business in an environmentally friendly manner. A model textile have taken several initiatives for better Chemical Management & Application. Such as-

Technology Assessment:Technological assessment & advancement can help us to save time, money & resource. re-assess existing processing system if the existing machineries could support lowest Liquor Ratio. New technologies can help us a lot use less chemicals & save environment. Higher-management team always looks for any innovations regarding dyestuff, dye auxiliaries that may help to reduce liquor ratio and skip wash cycle. If any advance technology is found in the market, team tries to figure out the efficiency of that technology and discusses with entrepreneurs about the viability of that technology.

Proper Recording & Metering:  Chemical & water consumption are the basic parameters for evaluating chemical management system efficiency .Chemical & water consumption are properly recorded. A model textile cannot manage chemical & water consumption without measuring. Total consumption and total disposal of chemical & water is recorded. Furthermore, section wise chemical & water consumption record are kept so that assessment and analysis of chemical & water consumption can be done for further development.

Adjusting Liquor Ratio: Changing Liquor Ratio is another way to save chemicals/dye & water during wet processing. Liquor Ratio is adjusted if it can be decreased. Otherwise alternative chemical are adopted, which requires less Liquor ratio. A model textile use Avitera SE -the dyestuff of Huntsman after Technology Assessment, which is marketed by Huntsman under the logo of Save the Earth. A model textile also use third generation Wash off like Dekol RSA (Resource Saving Agent) and Crosscolor BCSR, which help us to save natural resources like water. A model textile always look for better innovations than the available dyestuffs in the market.

Process Re-engineering: Fabric processing is a continuous cycle, which involves a lot of chemicals & dyes. A slight change in the fabric recipe can save a lot of chemical/dyes & water consumption. The production team optimizes the dosage of chemical/auxiliaries by trial and error method. For example, a model textile use a detergent 1gm/liter. Then it is deducted by 10% (.1gm) and some trial batches (by .9gm/liter) are executed. The reports of the batches are reviewed and process designed is redefined. Dosage Optimization of every chemical/dye is done by this way without deteriorating the quality. Existing process design is re-evaluated if any single process step can be skipped to form new process design. Suppose, there is a five minute overflow rinsing in a certain process step; production team reengineer the process step whether it could be possible to eliminate the rinsing by a single filled wash drain cycle and viable for the organization. Same importance is given to both energy consumption and natural resources. Senior Manager continuously generates concepts and monitors the overall dyeing process. Forming new process design cannot be done in a day or month. Continuous efforts are required for this.

Spread of Awareness: Awareness building up can save a lot resources like dyes/chemicals, water, energy etc. Imparting training program helps root level workers to be more conscious about chemical/dyes use and safe chemical handling. Ideas are gathered and shared among workers during training session. Little awareness can help us to avoid serious accidents and loss. A model textile have posted awareness building up posters on environmental health & safety in stores & work places like dyeing & finishing floors where chemical/ dyes are directly handled.  Awareness about chemicals/dyes, safety, safe chemical handling among the workers are developed through training programs which are done punctually.


A model textile is not the best in textile processing business. There are other textile concerns which are far better than us. A model textile always try to adopt with the best in the class.  A model textile are trying to establish & follow a chemical management system that should be efficient, safe and perfect. Every chemical related issues is closely monitored and observed so that a model textile can sort out problems & weakness and develop ourselves further. Chemical management system related issue is openly discussed and shared. Brain storming and new idea sharing is done so that corrective actions can be taken in procedure level. A model textile always consider the health & safety of chemical user groups as well as the well-being of environment & take all relevant, practical & necessary actions to ensure that.

Corrective Actions:

Error is a part of decision or action. Corrective actions must be taken to rectify previous faults or lacking. Slight mistakes or faults in procedure level may hamper total development process. So corrective actions must be implemented properly and regular follow-up is very crucial. Production floors are visited daily. During daily floor visit, try to figure out the present condition of people & place where chemicals/dyes are used. If a model textile find any discrepancies, communicate with concerned people and take all necessary action to solve. A model textile try to get feed backs from root level workers so that can solve any problem from the very beginning.


A model textile have been trying through Chemical Management Team to optimize liquor ratio which requires less water consumption than normal usage. According to E.C.R.’97, water consumption standard for textile processing factories is 100 liter/kg. The model textile factory could reached 220 liter/kg in 2011, 167 liter/kg in 2012. Now it is 135 liter/kg. This trend shows steps towards success in better chemical management system & application. A model textile opt for something much better.


Development is a never ending process and error is a part of it. However, a model textile are striving for the best in textile technology and form an astounding chemical management system. Management team is very much active & eager to comply with any global/local changes in chemical applications, innovations and concerned rules/regulations. A model textile try level best to reach ourselves at the latest update point of chemical management system since chemical management process is overseen by experts who are working in the textile trade with success for a long time. Actually, their continuous efforts made us possible to establish a safe chemical handling environment in concerned factories to do business in an environmentally friendly manner.

Engr. Khondakar Mashiur Rahman, 
Certified Echotech Garment CAD Professional-China, Aptech-India, NCC-UK 
B.Sc. in CIS- London Metropolitan University, 
M.Sc. in ICT-UITS. 
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