BSCI Standard Corrective Action Plan

This is sample doc of garments factory in bangladesh


  • Copy of Appointment letter is not provided to the workers.
  • Service book is not maintained fro the workers who were recruited after January, 2009.
  • Work after 7 pm is not recorded in the time card, which is provided to the workers during audit.
  • Sometimes factory remains open up to 12 am and on weekend day. As a consequence factory’s daily, weekly and monthly overtime hours is exceeding the legal limit.
  • Substitute holiday is not given for weekend day work to the workers.
  • Factory does not asses all the risks to new and expectant mothers and doesn’t ensure that reasonable steps are taken at the work site to remove or reduce any risk to their health and safety.
  • Overhead channels of electric power supply and some electrical switch box in the floors are made up of flammable materials. (Wooden).
  • Doors of emergency exits at finishing section found inward.
  • No system is in place to identify specific risks for health and safety of the employees and prevent recurrence of work accidents.
  • Copy of ID card is not kept for all the workers personal file.
  • Wooden electrical switch boxes found in the factory.
  • Factory does not provide training to the operators about safety regulations and operating procedures of machinery and does not keep records.
  • Though the factory is 8 storied building so as per section 25 Building Construction Rules, 1996 factory should provide lift.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Physical Scope:

AUTO will inspect the entire facility located at the address provided above.

Assessment of additional facilities, locations and/or subcontractors detected

during assessment process, will be subject to proposal revision.

Planning &Preparation

Following acceptance of the terms presented in this document, the evaluation

process is initiated by assigning a Lead Assessor who will conduct the planning

and preparation for the audit using the information provided by you and

information collected by other means. During this process, assessment

instruments are generated and supporting information acquired to enable the

assessment team to reference the Scheme/Code of Conduct Principles and local

laws as well as your company’s own practices.

Evaluation Assessment

The Evaluation Assessment is designed to establish, on a limited sampling

basis, that your company has implemented a Social Accountability Management

System that conforms, and continues to conform, to the elements of the

Scheme/Code of Conduct Principles and will verify that your company has the

tools to monitor and improve management of social aspects and impacts.

In reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of your social accountability

system, the assessors interview personnel in any department or area, and at any

management level, particularly those having responsibilities and authorities

associated with social accountability issues. Group interviews and

questionnaires may also be used to confirm assessment findings and direct the


Results are reported verbally and in writing (preliminary On-site CAP) at the

conclusion of the assessment during the Closing Meeting, and subsequently in a

written report.

Monitoring Stages:

 Opening Meeting with management

 Interview union and other worker representatives (if applicable)

 Visual inspection of the facility

 Confidential interviews with workers

 Review relevant records

 Cross-check and review information gathered

 Additional investigation as necessary to reach conclusions.

 Closing Meeting with management.


  1. Local Labor and Safety Statutes
  2. UN-ILO Ratifications
  3. Scheme/CoC Benchmarks
  4. Internal company policies / regulations

Documents to Employ:

Working Documents / Tools:

  1. Scheme/Brand Monitoring Guidelines
  2. Local Labor and Safety Statutes
  3. Assessment Instrument (Questionnaire)

Report Documents:

  1. Audit Report
  2. Tracking Chart (TC) or Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

* All reporting is confidential and will be only available to the intended party.

Record and Documentation Review:

Minimum Sample Size: As per Scheme/CoC Guidelines

Other Requirements: Licenses, payroll ledgers, time records, personnel files,

Collective Bargaining Agreement (if applicable), employer/employee work

contract, etc.

Any major system weakness or nonconformity to the standard identified during

the Evaluation Assessment must be addressed to the satisfaction of AUTO prior

to certification of your system. Less significant nonconformities do not preclude

certification recommendation providing your company commits to complete,

suitable corrective actions within a defined period. AUTO assessors review these

corrective actions at a later date.

Following the on-site Final Evaluation Assessment, AUTO management

independently reviews the assessment team’s recommendation, along with their

report and all associated documentation. When this review determines that all

requirements have been met, a certification recommendation will be presented to

the WRAP board.

Date or WRAP Initial audits HAVE to be Unannounced. We will provide you

with a four week time window form the moment you inform us you are ready for

our visit. The date for the Follow-Up visit (in case it is necessary) can and will be

coordinated with you.

Reporting Timeline:

7 to 10 business days from the end of the assessment


Gratuity and Transparency

“AUTO” has a very strict policy, which forbids and prohibits the solicitation,

offering or acceptance of any gifts. We define gifts and gratuities to include:

tickets to entertainment events, kickbacks in the form of money or merchandise,

special discounts, discontinued or no-longer used samples, gifts, etc.

During the audit, the organization being audited and its designated

employees/representatives are expected to present true and transparent records

and provide true and transparent answers to the auditor or audit team. The audit

conclusions are based on this happening.

During or after the audit, at any time, should AUTO discover that there has been a

misrepresentation or falsification or employee-coaching for the audit or

compromise in truth and transparency AUTO shall be free to:

  1. Cancel the audit,
  2. Report to authorities like accreditation bodies or related client bodies (like

brands) with whom AUTO is associated for the audit.

  1. Revise the audit conclusion and inform the appropriate

person/organizations connected to the audit

  1. Conduct an un-announced audit at the auditee’s expenditure.
  2. Suspend/withdraw any certificates or reports that may have been issued.
  3. Take whatever action mandated by AUTO’s own procedures or

procedures of bodies or clients associated with it and subscribed to by

AUTO for conduct of audit/s.

A recruitment process with a documentation system that captures new hire’s basic information and profile (e.g. gender, age, a copy of ID, time for joining, department, time for resignation/termination, labor contract information and emergency contacts).
A clear policy on employee termination/suspension/resignation/dismissal management (e.g. clarifying how many days of absence would constitute termination).
You have assigned specific personnel to be responsible for the regular and on-time update of worker name list and relevant worker profile documents.

Example of Employee Demission Policy
Example of Resignation Form
Example of Worker Roaster