wp cli commands for wordpress hosting server management

wp adminOpen /wp-admin/ in a browser.
wp cacheAdds, removes, fetches, and flushes the WP Object Cache object.
wp capAdds, removes, and lists capabilities of a user role.
wp cliReviews current WP-CLI info, checks for updates, or views defined aliases.
wp commentCreates, updates, deletes, and moderates comments.
wp configGenerates and reads the wp-config.php file.
wp coreDownloads, installs, updates, and manages a WordPress installation.
wp cronTests, runs, and deletes WP-Cron events; manages WP-Cron schedules.
wp dbPerforms basic database operations using credentials stored in wp-config.php.
wp dist-archiveCreate a distribution archive based on a project’s .distignore file.
wp embedInspects oEmbed providers, clears embed cache, and more.
wp evalExecutes arbitrary PHP code.
wp eval-fileLoads and executes a PHP file.
wp exportExports WordPress content to a WXR file.
wp findFind WordPress installations on the filesystem.
wp helpGets help on WP-CLI, or on a specific command.
wp i18nProvides internationalization tools for WordPress projects.
wp importImports content from a given WXR file.
wp languageInstalls, activates, and manages language packs.
wp maintenance-modeActivates, deactivates or checks the status of the maintenance mode of a site.
wp mediaImports files as attachments, regenerates thumbnails, or lists registered image sizes.
wp menuLists, creates, assigns, and deletes the active theme’s navigation menus.
wp networkPerform network-wide operations.
wp optionRetrieves and sets site options, including plugin and WordPress settings.
wp packageLists, installs, and removes WP-CLI packages.
wp pluginManages plugins, including installs, activations, and updates.
wp postManages posts, content, and meta.
wp post-typeRetrieves details on the site’s registered post types.
wp profileQuickly identify what’s slow with WordPress.
wp rewriteLists or flushes the site’s rewrite rules, updates the permalink structure.
wp roleManages user roles, including creating new roles and resetting to defaults.
wp scaffoldGenerates code for post types, taxonomies, plugins, child themes, etc.
wp search-replaceSearches/replaces strings in the database.
wp serverLaunches PHP’s built-in web server for a specific WordPress installation.
wp shellOpens an interactive PHP console for running and testing PHP code.
wp sidebarLists registered sidebars.
wp siteCreates, deletes, empties, moderates, and lists one or more sites on a multisite installation.
wp super-adminLists, adds, or removes super admin users on a multisite installation.
wp taxonomyRetrieves information about registered taxonomies.
wp termManages taxonomy terms and term meta, with create, delete, and list commands.
wp themeManages themes, including installs, activations, and updates.
wp transientAdds, gets, and deletes entries in the WordPress Transient Cache.
wp userManages users, along with their roles, capabilities, and meta.
wp widgetManages widgets, including adding and moving them within sidebars.

Basic SSH Linux Commands for Dedicated Web Host Server

Basic SSH Commands for Dedicated Web Host Server

ls: Show directory contents (list the names of files).
cd: Change Directory.
mkdir: Create a new folder (directory).
touch: Create a new file.
rm: Remove a file.
rm -rf * : Remove all files and directories
cat: Show contents of a file.
pwd: Show current directory (full path to where you are right now).

df -h: to check memory

cp: Copy file/folder.

mv public_html ~/shop.cybersecurity.com/ : To copy public_html, go first on this directory/home/dh_ejyi/earth.com/tms/homedir then run above command . Because public_html is exist in /home/dh_ejyi/earth.com/tms/homedir.

mv public_html* ~/shop.cybersecurity.com/ : To copy all files under public_html, go first on this directory/home/dh_ejyi/earth.com/tms/homedir then run above command . Because files of public_html is exist in /home/dh_ejyi/earth.com/tms/homedir.

To move files:
mv /home/dh_9uevtg/ithelpdesk.babylonit.com/ithelpdesk/* /home/dh_9uevtg/ithelpdesk.babylonit.com/

To copy files
cp -r /home/dh_9uevtg/ithelpdesk.babylonit.com/ithelpdesk/* /home/dh_9uevtg/ithelpdesk.babylonit.com/

To Downlad

mysqldump –opt –user=username -p –host=yourMySQLHostname –no-tablespaces dbname > nameofyourbackup.sql

Just replace the variable
username – database username
yourMySQLHostname – database hostname
dbname – database name
nameofyourbackup.sql – SQL file name you want it to be named as

mv: Move file/folder.

grep: Search for a specific phrase in file/lines.
find: Search files and directories.
vi/nano: Text editors.
history: Show last 50 used commands.
clear: Clear the terminal screen.
tar: Create & Unpack compressed archives.
wget: Download files from the internet.
du: Get file size.

cp -rp Halalbajar090421/halal/* Halalbajar090421/ : Copy all files of Halalbajar090421/halal/ into Halalbajar090421/ same like cp -rp shop.cybersecurity-earth.com/Halalbajar090421/* shop.cybers ecurity-earth.com/

zip -r hadisquran.com.zip hadisquran.com: This command will make zip folder in same directory.
unzip filename.zip: Unzip zip file
tar -xvf file_name.tar: Unzip tar file
tar -C /myfolder -xvf file_name.tar: Xtract to another directory

[vps52657]$ mysql -h mysql.ithelpdesk.babylonit.com -u ithelpdeskbabylo -p ithelpdesk_babylonit_com < babyloni_ithelpdeskp.sql

mysql -h mysql.ithelpdesk.babylonit.com -u ithelpdeskbabylo -p dbname < babyloni_ithelpdeskp.sql

Db Import: mysqldump –opt –user=username -p –host=yourMySQLHostname –no-tablespaces dbname > nameofyourbackup.sql

UNIX commands — Working with directorieshelp.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/215465297-UNIX-commands-Working-with-directories
UNIX commands — Working with fileshelp.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/214750848-UNIX-commands-Working-with-files
Import DBhelp.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/221686207
Blue Hostbluehost.com/help/article/ssh-commands

How to Change Custom Fonts in WordPress -English/Arabic/Bangla/Google

How to Change Custom Fonts

Google Fonts Setting

Go to fonts.google.com >> Select Arabic Language>> Select and click on a Font >>Click on font size >> Click on View Selected families box >> It will show code >> Click on Import option button >> Click this code and copy below code

Paste Generate Code of Google Fonts in Additional CSS/Style.css

 @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Amiri+Quran&display=swap');

Go to customize >> Then go to “Additional CSS ” >> and Paste it on “Additional CSS “

Block Wise Font Change in Guttenberg Editor

Generate a class in Additional CSS/Style.css and input CSS font variables to make it enhance. An example is given below-

.paragrahp_fonts {
	line-height: 2.2em;
	font-size: 40px;
	font-family: 'Amiri Quran', serif;

Tricks and Ticks

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Amiri&display=swap');
body{font-family: 'Amiri', serif;}

body {
margin: 0;
font-family:'Amiri', serif !important;

body,td,p{font-family: 'Alkalami', serif;}

body,td,p{font-family: 'Amiri', serif;}

List of Arabic Fonts with code

I have generate some codes below, just copy it and paste it on “Additional CSS” . As a result Arabic Fonts will change globally

Noto Sans Arabic Font *******

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Sans+Arabic&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Noto Sans Arabic', sans-serif;}

12. Noto Naskh Arabic Font *****

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Naskh+Arabic&family=Readex+Pro&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Noto Naskh Arabic', serif;}

Amiri Quran Font ****

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Amiri+Quran&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Amiri Quran', serif;}

El Messiri **

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Amiri+Quran&family=El+Messiri:wght@500&display=swap');;
{font-family: 'El Messiri', sans-serif;}

Lateef Font ***

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lateef&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Lateef', serif;}

Mirza Font ***

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lateef&family=Mirza&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Mirza', cursive;}

Cairo Play Font ***

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Cairo+Play&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Cairo Play', cursive;}

Katibeh Font **

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Katibeh&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Katibeh', cursive;}

Scheherazade New Font ***

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Scheherazade+New&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Scheherazade New', serif;}

Cairo Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Cairo:wght@300;600&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Cairo', sans-serif;}

Tajawal Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Cairo:wght@300;600&family=Tajawal&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Tajawal', sans-serif;}

Mada Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Mada&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Mada', sans-serif;}

Changa Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Changa&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Changa', sans-serif;}

Amiri Font **

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Amiri&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Amiri', serif;}

IBM Plex Sans Arabic Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Amiri:ital,wght@1,700&display=swap')
{font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans Arabic', sans-serif;}


@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Almarai:wght@800&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Almarai', sans-serif;}

Readex Pro Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Readex+Pro&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Readex Pro', sans-serif;}

Markazi Text Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Markazi+Text&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Markazi Text', serif;}

Vazirmatn Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Vazirmatn&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Cairo', sans-serif;}

Baloo Bhaijaan 2 Font

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Baloo+Bhaijaan+2&display=swap');
{font-family: 'Baloo Bhaijaan 2', cursive;}

How to Change Custom Fonts

To add custom fonts in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

  1. Find the font you want to use and download it to your computer.
  2. Upload the font files to your WordPress site. You can do this by going to your WordPress dashboard and navigating to Appearance > Editor > functions.php. Add the following code to the bottom of the file:
@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font Name';
    src: url('path/to/font.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('path/to/font.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

Replace ‘Font Name’ with the name of your font and ‘path/to/font.ttf’ and ‘path/to/font.woff’ with the location of your font files.

  1. Save the file and refresh your site. Your font should now be available to use in your theme.
  2. To use the font in your theme, you will need to add CSS code to your stylesheet. Go to Appearance > Editor > style.css and add the following code:
body {
    font-family: 'Font Name', sans-serif;

Replace ‘Font Name’ with the name of your font.

  1. Save the file and refresh your site. Your font should now be applied to your site.

Custom Web Fonts in Twenty Twenty Three Theme (Method 1)

If you’re using the default Twenty Twenty Three theme in WordPress, here’s how you can set the Arabic font:

  • Choose an Arabic Font: Select the Arabic font you want to use on your WordPress website. You can find Arabic fonts from font websites or perform an online search.
  • Install the Arabic Font: Download the font files to your computer. Typically, fonts come in a zip file format. Extract the font files from the zip folder.
  • Create a Child Theme (Optional): It’s recommended to create a child theme before making any modifications to the Twenty Twenty Three theme. This ensures that your changes won’t be overwritten when the theme is updated. You can follow the WordPress documentation to create a child theme.
  • Upload the Font Files: Connect to your WordPress website using FTP or through the hosting file manager. Navigate to the child theme directory (e.g., wp-content/themes/twentytwentythree-child) and create a new folder named “fonts.” Upload the Arabic font files (e.g., .ttf, .woff) to this “fonts” folder.
  • Edit the Child Theme’s CSS: In the child theme directory, locate the style.css file and open it with a text editor.
  • Add Font-Face CSS Code: Inside the style.css file, add the following CSS code to define the Arabic font face:
@font-face {
  font-family: 'YourFontName';
  src: url('fonts/fontfile.ttf') format('truetype');
  /* Add more src lines if your font has multiple file formats (e.g., .eot, .woff) */
  • Replace ‘YourFontName’ with the desired font name and ‘fonts/fontfile.ttf’ with the relative path to the font file within the child theme’s “fonts” folder.
  • Apply the Arabic Font to the Website: To apply the Arabic font to specific elements, such as headings or paragraphs, you’ll need to target those elements in the CSS. For example:
body {
  font-family: 'YourFontName', sans-serif;
  • Replace ‘YourFontName’ with the font name you specified in the previous step. You can target specific elements by using their corresponding CSS selectors.
  • Save the Changes: Save the style.css file and upload it back to your WordPress website, replacing the existing file.
  • After following these steps, the Arabic font should be applied to your Twenty Twenty Three theme. Remember to clear any caching plugins or CDN caches you may be using to see the font changes take effect.


WordPress Answer >> wordpress.org/support/topic/font-issue-when-switching-to-arabic/
You can change the font of the arabic usign a bit of coding.
Go to Appearance –> Customize –> Additional CSS and add this code :

@import url(‘https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Padauk&display=swap’);
body.translatepress-ar{ font-family:Padauk; } // Use your desired font and language code

Tutorial Links

CSS & Uploadyoutube.com/watch?v=9jArIAJWDog
Google Fonts Manualyoutube.com/watch?v=5YS-65sCK2g

WordPress.com Hosting Plans Premium, Business and eCommerce

WordPress.com Hosting Plans Premium, Business and eCommerce

WordPress.com Hosting Plans Features

Free domain for one yearFree domain for one yearFree domain for one year
Best-in-class hostingBest-in-class hostingBest-in-class hosting
Jetpack essential featuresJetpack advanced featuresJetpack advanced features
Unlimited customer support via emailUnlimited customer support via emailUnlimited customer support via email
Unlimited premium themesUnlimited premium themesUnlimited premium themes
13 GB storage space200 GB storage space200 GB storage space
Remove WordPress.com adsRemove WordPress.com adsRemove WordPress.com ads
Subscriber-only contentSubscriber-only contentSubscriber-only content
Advanced design customizationAdvanced design customizationAdvanced design customization
Live chat supportLive chat supportLive chat support
Pay with PayPalPay with PayPalPay with PayPal
Google Analytics integrationGoogle Analytics integrationGoogle Analytics integration
Advanced social mediaAdvanced social mediaAdvanced social media
Site monetizationSite monetizationSite monetization
VideoPress supportVideoPress supportVideoPress support
SEO toolsSEO tools
Install pluginsInstall plugins
Install themesInstall themes
SFTP, SSH, WP-CLI, and Database accessSFTP, SSH, WP-CLI, and Database access
Remove WordPress.com brandingRemove WordPress.com branding
Accept payments in 60+ countries
Integrations with top shipping carriers
Unlimited products or services
eCommerce marketing tools
Premium customizable starter themes

Purchase & Upgrade Plans

Unlock the power of the Business Plan and gain access to:

  • Using any WordPress plugins and extending the functionality of your website.
  • Uploading any WordPress themes purchased or downloaded elsewhere.
  • Enjoying automated Jetpack backups & one-click website restores.
  • Setting up SFTP and database credentials.

The great news is that you can upgrade today and try the Business Plan risk-free thanks to our 14-day money-back guarantee. Simply click below to upgrade. You’ll only have to pay the difference to the Premium Plan ($40 $22). But it’ll be one month from the date you upgrade, so the Business plan will be till March 13th.

Customer: if i upgrade my plan to one year, what will be pricing ?
Mashiur: Do you want to upgrade to annual premium plan or annual Business plan?

Customer: inform me for both?
Mashiur: For the annual premium plan, you will need to pay US$78.00 for the upgrade (Actual cost is $96) For the annual Business plan, you will need to pay $282 for the upgrade. (Actual cost is $300)

Domain Transfer

Customer: Can I transfer a domain from bluehost to wordpress.com?
Mashiur: We also have a guide here to help you through the process: wordpress.com/support/domains/incoming-domain-transfer/

Customer: www.hadisquran.com domian will expire after 5 years later. So If I transfert it to wordpress.com, will it expire after next 5 years?

Mashiur: Correct! The remaining time from domain registration will also be transferred over to WordPress.com. You might have to pay the transfer fee but not the renewal fee for 5 years. You might have to pay the transfer fee but not the renewal fee for 5 years. You can add the domain to your site and select the option to transfer it through this page: wordpress.com/domains/add/use-my-domain/codegurubd.com This will display the transfer fee.

Hosting Transfer from Old/Existing Hosting to New WordPress Hosting

Customer: How can I upload all files and database after upgrade and during migration from old hosting server to wordpress.com in business plan

Mashiur: There are 4 easy steps for migration which is given below-

(1) Import an entire WordPress site

Mashiur: (1) The best option would be to use the built-in migration tools: You wanting to import from the content you previously had at www.oldsite.com site to WordPress.com? If so, you would need to change the nameservers on oldsite.com to point them back to Old host/Domain controller, so that the content will display on that domain again. Then once you have done that, you will need to install Jetpack on your www.oldsite.com site by following the steps here: jetpack.com/support/getting-started-with-jetpack/
Once you have Jetpack installed on your www.oldsite.com site , you can then use the everything import tool to migrate the content to WordPress.com by following the steps here: wordpress.com/support/import/import-an-entire-wordpress-site/

(1) Step by step process based on above link:

First you need to create a site here and add a Business plan site. I see there is a Jetpack site connected named xyz.com. I also see that the domain xyz.com has been connected to the site codegurubddotcom.wpcomstaging.com. In order to use our import tool to import the content of site, the original site need to have its domain attached, and only after the migration process, the domain can be moved or connect to the WordPress.com site. The original site domain will be used to pull the content. And also note that the site content need to be imported into an existent site here. To proceed, you will first want to remove the domain connection if you added to WordPress.com, as this will interfere with the migration process.

  • Log into your new website in WordPress.com
  • Go to Tools >> Import.
  • Then “I want to import content from:” select WordPress. Then you will get below option to transfer all files
Import FromYour Groovy Site Title
This site
Definition of your-self-hosted-site: It is a site that has uses WordPress to manage the site, but is hosted outside WordPress.comDefinition: This domain are the default domains of the plugin enabled sites
  • Then click continue
  • Now The Importer will check to make sure – Jetpack 7.9 or higher version is installed on the self-hosted site and The WordPress.com site has a plugin-enabled plan (Business plan). If these two criteria is not met, the Everything option will unavailable, and the Content only option will be only choice.
  • The import option Everything will select by default. Click Continue to move to the next screen.
  • You’ll have one more chance to review the source site
  • Clicking Import Everything will overwrite everything on your site including: All posts, pages, comments, media, users and roles Theme, plugins, and settings. We’re moving everything from oldsite.com to newsite.com.
  • You will receive a notification when the import is finished. e.g. Your site has been imported! You finished importing your site. We’ll guide you on the next steps to start growing your site.
  • Once the migration will complete, you can then disconnect Jetpack from the current site (old hosting), and re add the domain connection here on WordPress.com

(2) Import with All in One WP Migration plugin

(2) So if you don’t want to use Jetpack to migrate to WordPress.com, you can also use the All in One WP Migration plugin: wordpress.com/support/import/import-using-all-in-one-migration/
You will need to install that plugin on both your WordPress.com and www.oldsite.com site.

(3) Import a sites content

(3) You can also Export/Import using Tools > Export and Tools > Import. Although that doesn’t include plugins and third-party themes, if you have that content on your www.oldsite.com site then this method isn’t recommended – wordpress.com/support/import/import-a-sites-content/

(4) Import & Export

(4) Import & Export: Your existing content can’t be imported. Unfortunately, your content is on a platform that we don’t yet support. Try Building a new WordPress site instead.

Chat about Import and Export

Mashiur: I can see this site codbd.com has a Business plan.
Customer: So what should I did before start?
Mashiur: You will need another site with a Business plan to migrate logistics-bd.com to it (that is if logistics-bd.com has plugins/custom themes where it is hosted now)

Customer: I want to switch business plan from codbd.com to logistics-bd.com. tell me how
Mashiur: You can switch plans between the sites but please note that once the plan is removed from one site, that site will be reverted. You’ll be unable to add plugins or custom themes to that site. If you want to maintain two sites, you will need to keep the Business plan on both sites. If you move the Business plan on codbd.com to a new site, codbd.com will be reverted.

Customer: I will deleted codbd.com.
Mashiur: Ok. To confirm, you would want to delete the site codbd.com and move the plan to a new site? Yes, I can help with this.First, create the new site like this https://d.pr/v/mAa52d . Let me know when you’re done.Ok. Please create it now so we work on moving the Business plan to it.

Customer: I need not to pay more
Mashiur: I will now move the Business plan from codbd.com to logisticsbd.wordpress.com. Is this ok? logisticsbdcom.wordpress.com is the free site we created. When we add the Business plan to it, you can now migrate the site from https://logistics-bd.com/ to it and then connect the domain logistics-bd.com. I have moved the Business plan to logisticsbdcom.wordpress.com. Now kindly follow this guide https://wordpress.com/support/import/import-an-entire-wordpress-site/ to import the site https://logistics-bd.com/ to it. After migrating the site to it, you can connect the domain logistics-bd.com to logisticsbdcom.wordpress.com using the steps here https://wordpress.com/support/domains/connect-existing-domain/

Customer: when I am going to https://wordpress.com/support/domains/connect-existing-domain/ link it says for charge
Mashiur: You have babylonlogisticsbdcom.wpcomstaging.com site and it has a paid plan already. Connect with https://wordpress.com/support/domains/connect-existing-domain/

Import in progress

We’re moving everything from babylonlogistics-bd.com to babylonlogisticsbdcom.wpcomstaging.com.
Import started Feb 25, 2023 12:35 PM

Backup of babylonlogistics-bd.com completed
Restoring to babylonlogisticsbdcom.wpcomstaging.com

You can safely navigate away from this page if you need to; we’ll send you a notification when it’s done.


  • I have purchased Premium Plan for http://xyz.com/ just 2 hours ago.
  • How can I import my full site from old hosting to new WordPress hosting
  • What is your name server that I can change in domain panel
  • How can I get cPanel
  • How can I connect fileZila. And whats are the login credentials to login wiht ffileZila
  • Can I change existing hosting under a domain to another domain
  • I am using Premium Plan of WordPress.com, so can If I purchase jepack pro plan and active

Error Message: Purchases are currently disabled. Please contact us to re-enable purchases.

Sorry, there was a problem loading the image. Please close this editor and try selecting the image again.

Transfer a Domain to Another WordPress.com Account

Customer: Can u move this business plan into masiur@gmail.com?
Mashiur: Do you want to transfer the logistics-bd.com site and its attached subscriptions to another account? There is another wp account with masiur@gmail.com. First you would need to transfer the domain to the other account using this guide: https://wordpress.com/support/domains/transfer-a-domain-to-another-wordpress-com-account/. Afterwards, contact us so we complete the site transfer for you.

Customer: Is transfer free of charge?
Mashiur: The transfer is free of charge and the coupon should apply there as well.


You can also enable 2Factor authentication. wordpress.com/support/security/two-step-authentication/

CDN of WordPress.com

Customer: do we need cdn like cloudeflare.com. If we add cloudeflare network , will it more faster and secured?
Mashiur: All WordPress.com website uses our built-in CDN by default so you don’t need an additional CDN for your site. But if you want to go for an alternative, Cloudflare is a safe option. You can read more about it here: https://wordpress.com/support/cloudflare-cdn/

Customer: If I add cloudeflare.com, than my site will get 2 CDN network facility. will not it? one cdn is wordpress.com and another one is cloudflare.com
Mashiur: You can use either of the ones. It will add security

Theme & Plugin Upload & Install

Mashiur: Did your previous site had plugins?

Customer: Yes. I have some plugins. I want to import that

Mashiur: If you had plugins you would need a Business plan to be able to use them. Premium plans don’t support third party plugins. You can import only the content through tools\export on your source site. And tools\import on our site

Customer: Can I get jetpack plugin in premium?

Mashiur: The jetpack plugin is included since it’s needed to connect to WP servers, however not all its features are included (for example for backups you would need a business plan)

Customer: Can I purchase Jetpack complete or other custom package in this premium plan?

Mashiur: No, in order to upgrade jetpack or add other plugins you would need to update to business.

In business plan which features of jetpack will cover? Will it cover Jetpack scan and remove malware ?

Mashiur: Jetpack takes care already of security on that aspect you don’t need to worry. However in business you can have regular backups (at least daily), advanced SEO tools, and you can add third party plugins and themes amongst others.On business you would also be able to fully import your site as it is now.

sFTP, SSH Access

Customer: Is WordPress Hosting support cPanel?

Mashiur: Regarding the second question, WordPress don’t use cpanel, you can access all the settings through the dashboard.The business plan for example allow sFTP, SSH, and more control regarding host settings


Customer: Should I change nameserver?

Mashiur: If you want to have your domain pointing to the site with us yes, you would need to change nameservers following these steps. https://wordpress.com/support/domains/change-name-servers/#if-your-domain-is-registered-elsewhere

Customer: Can I active halalbajar.com instead of xyz.com?

Mashiur: Sure! Before you make it primary address for your site, please add WordPress.com name servers for this domain halalbajar.com, Please reach out to your domain registrar and ask them to add the following name servers for this domain: ns1.wordpress.com, ns2.wordpress.com, ns3.wordpress.com

Domain & Subdomain

Customer: How to connect a WordPress.com subdomain to an external site?

Mashiur: You can set it under WordPress.com> My Site> Upgrades> Domains> hdsqrn.com> DNS Record> Manage> +Add a record> Select Record Type A or CNAME> Enter Subdomain Name> Points to wordpress.com/support/domains/connect-subdomain/#connecting-your-subdomain-to-an-external-site

Customer: How many domain can point a business plan hosting?

Mashiur: The plans are linked to a single site. However you can have as many domains as you want pointing to that same site.(edited). However you can’t have “several sites done” and only one active if that’s what you meant.

Customer: Can I create subdomins ? Will all subdomain can get business plan features automatically?

Mashiur: To add subdomain https://wordpress.com/support/domains/connect-subdomain/#adding-a-domain-connection-subscription

We’ve a guide here to help you with this: wordpress.com/support/domains/connect-subdomain/

And here you can see how to connect subdomains https://wordpress.com/support/domains/connect-subdomain/. But as mentioned you can only have one site with a single plan.

Can I delete other sites xyzcom.wordpress.com
Sure! You’ll find the option to delete that site at the bottom of this page: https://wordpress.com/settings/general/xyzcom.wordpress.com

Server Capacity

Customer: How many visitors per month can handle by business plan?
Mashiur: Uf! You won’t exhaust them, trust me on that 🙂 The site’s on WordPress.com are already optimized for speed.

Account / Profile Setting

For “xyz.com”, you can view the primary address here: https://wordpress.com/domains/manage/xyz.com
Log in to your WordPress.com account through this link https://wordpress.com/log-in

Customer: Can I change my email account that I login mashiur@abc.com. change mashiur@abc.com into masiur@gmail.com?
Mashiur: Sure! You can change the email address on this page: https://wordpress.com/me/account
This domain is already mapped to a WordPress.com site.

Customer: How can I transfer site from one account to another
Mashiur: Are you looking to change the site address from babylonlogistics-bd.com to hadisquran.com ?

Hosting Settings

Customer: How can I change A record and other records
Mashiur: For domains which are connected here using name servers, you can follow this step to change the A record: https://d.pr/v/lNmkIY

How to Delete a Site

Click on Switch Site at to top of Dashboard >> Click Manage Sites at the bottom of dashboard >> Select the sites >> Click on three dots … >> Click on setting >> It will show general setting dashboard of a website >> At the bottom click Delete your site permanently button >> Delete site button >> type the website name on text box and click Confirm delete

How to Delete a Domain

Click on switch site from WordPress dashboard >> Select a site >> Click Upgrade >> Click Domain >> Click on Delete >> Remove this domain connection permanently >> Submit and Remove product

When I am going to delete codegb.com it is saying to cancel subscription. Since I have replace codegubd.con into logistics-bd.com, so I should delete the site/domain.

Tutorial Link
Domain of WordPresswordpress.com/support/domains/
Higher Expertswordpress.com/do-it-for-me/?utm_source=happiness&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=he-autoresp