Fabric Relaxation Machine
- Fabric Relaxation Machine should be cleaned before and after use.
- Check the electrical connection before start the machine.
- Check On/Off button and on the machine
- After start the machine on the light switch.
- Fabric should place in correct way in the machine to start the inspection on the machine.
- You should be work carefully to keep away from rolling point.
- To stop the machine during Emergency by putting emergency stop button.
- If you feel any problem of the Relax dryer machine, stop and inform to senior mechanics.
- Donot use the machine and its parts unnecessary.
- Mind it, work savely and maintain safety procedure to avoid accident.
- No procedure for fabric relaxation time established based on fabric content and type
- No internal standard for spreading length/height based on fabric type
- Band knife machines have no safety guards and are not sectioned off from the rest of production
- Cutting knifes do not have cables trailing above the table but rather on the floor
- Accuracy checks of cut pieces top, middle and bottom layer against the master pattern not carried out
- Factory does not do 100% panel inspection on all panels, just on big panels
- Cut panels not stored on rack or trolley (i/o pallet) and not covered
- Some trims and accessories found without cover.
- Fabrics to be stored according to shades as soon as inventory has been done.
- Fabrics to be put into racks instead of pallets. If on pallets sufficient pallets must be provided for all fabric to be stored on pallets.
- Insufficient space in yarn store. Housekeeping not well organised.
- Bin cards on fabric should look smart and be sufficient in size written with capital block letters.
- Inspectors of fabric/yarn are not well trained. Fabric inspection machine or inspection frame with light not available.
- SOP for fabric inspection should be placed in front of the fabric inspection machine.
- Workers should be well trained and aware of the procedure.
- Top and bottom lights to be used during inspection.
- Cuttings on Colour continuity cards should be grouped into shades. Not to have several shades in the same group on the same card.
- Roll numbers need to be written on the fabrics.
- Shrinkage reports (for steam & washing) should be kept with the fabric inspection report. Shrinkage tests are required for all kinds of fabric.
- Accessory inspection is done on less than 10%. No inspection process for polybags & hangers, sewing thread or carelabels.
- SOP for accessory inspection should be displayed and clearly mark accept and reject levels. Workers should be well trained and aware about the procedure.
- Approved trim card with with signature and seal by the merchandiser should be available during accessory inspection.
- Inconsistent inspection process for yarn and raw material inspection. Pass/fail criteria and major/minor defect classification in the inspection process not established.
- Factory does not conduct fibre content verification for yarn. Yarn quality, weight & colour shade also not checked.
- No light box equipment calibration records available. No grey scales available. George light source requirements not known i.e. primary light TL84 / secondary light D65.
- Leftover garments, fabrics, yarns stored together with rejects, should be kept separate. Separate zones are needed for leftover and rejected fabric, leftover and rejected accessories and leftover and rejected garments.
- Inadequate light observed in raw material inspection area. Should be at least 80FC.
- Records & reference swatches for colour continuity checked for each dye lot of yarn need improvement.
- WIP of cutting to be between 1-2 days.
- No fabric relaxation guidelines or equipment available. Essential key properties for yarn, like yarn size, yarn weight, knit ability, torquing, shading, loop distortion, dirty marks, uneven dye, absence of knot and foreign contamination are not checked during yarn inspection.
- Shade bands are not displayed in the workstation. No adequate documentation in place to ensure that shades are separated during spreading in the cutting section. Maintenance card/register for winding machines not maintained.
- No SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) for spreading technique such as height and length based on fabric properties, weight, thickness, stretch and recovery as well as pattern and design or segregation and handling of light colour yarns.
- Length should be no more than 10 mtrs (Woven) and 3 mtrs (Jersey).
- No auto spreading equipment available.
- There should be a manual for cutting techniques (e.g. stripes, checks, height, length etc).
- For check fabrics length should be no more than 10 mtrs.
- Contrast colour strings should not be used to tie bundles to avoid colour transfer.
- Knitting stations found with many different colours mixed in between them, without the workstations being separated by plastic sheets.
- Inadequate lighting in knitting section. Should be 80FC or above.
- Cut parts should be either on racks or trolleys (preferred) or if stored underneath the cutting tables must be kept in poly- or fabric bags.
- Fabric rolls should be kept on pallets by order and shade and not under the cutting table.
- Knitting operators use design chart that is not in local language and weight is not mentioned. Some other written procedures not in local language and without technician’s approval.
- Some operators share a design chart.
- Panels should be inspected 100% not just big panels for example. Reports must be reviewed with percentage of rejection mentioned.
- No 100% inline inspection for knitted panels found with random measurement check and records maintained.
- No SOP established to ensure shade consistency of returned yarns.
- Inadequate lighting found in linking section. Should be at least 80 FC.
- No pre-established standard from interlining supplier available during production.
- Contrast colour strings should not be used to tie bundles to avoid colour transfer.
- Some lamps found not working and fixed with gumtape.
- Lighting must be 60-80FC in all areas. Any inspection areas must be no less than 80FC.
Fabric Relaxation Machine -Poor line balancing or line balancing could not be verified, as not enough work was available during audit.