Garments Management Software ERP
Garments Management Software ERP solution by Extreme with greater agility & business intelligence will achieve the results Very faster. You can visit more ERP. For any queries, please Contact Us.
- Garments Management System
- What is SAP Software? SAP ERP Software for Sale
- Garments Management System ERP Software for Sale
- ERP for Business Solutions for Apparel industries
- Best Embroidery Management Software
- Garments Supply Chain Management in Apparel Industry
The ERP Software system works with combined modules of-
- Module – Purchase Management
- Module -Business Analysis, Reporting & Statements
- Module -Orders & Shipment Management
- Module -Warehouse & Inventory Management
- Module Customer Relationship Management
- Module -Production & Quality Management
- Module -Repair & Maintenance Department
- Module -Software Administration & Security Management
Module – Purchase Management
- Auto generate purchase list
- Supplier Information
- Purchase requisition entry
- Local purchase entry & item receive to stock
- Approval of Purchase requisition
- Purchased items return
- Track items warranty
- Recent purchase record
- Suppliers Payment
- Adjustment Party Balance
- Cheque Payment Processing
- Party Ledger & Credit List
- Upload & Search any Letter of Credit
- Actual Costing Item-wise
- LP related documents
Module – Orders & Shipment Management
- Create contract by Contract No.
- Customer Purchase order creation (PO) against Contract number
- Order scheduling by PO
- Submit materials indent against PO
- PO Purchase order & contract Status Monitoring
- Cancel Purchase order PO, Re-open closed PO- Purchase order
- Delivery Order (for Shipment) against PO Purchase order / Contract No.
- Provision for Invoicing without PO Purchase order (for excess or rejected items)
- Create PI for Export
- Create export LC – LETTER OF CREDIT from PI (with amendment provision)
- Container Loading
- Print Challan by Container
- Money Collection against LC – LETTER OF CREDIT
- Provision For Money Discount , adjustment, Tax, VAT, TDS & VDS
- CaLC – Letter of Credit ulate Cost of Goods sold according to contracts Purchase order -PO
- Item, Date & Party-wise Sales Statements
- Delivered/Pending Contract History
- Collection History
- The Best Customer and Customer Analysis and Reporting.
Module – Customer Relationship Management
- Customer and brands
- Customer information
- Sales representative information
- Country & Zones
- Customer Sales Lead Creation
- Customer Delivery Locations
- Submit Quotation to Customer
- Courier system Tracking
- Garments Sample Requisition
- Sample Submission Result Follow-up
- Document Library:
- Order Confirmed/ Rejected -Deal closed
- Customer complain received log
- Storage of customers’ documents
- Customer Wise Sales-Collection History
- Send occasional Email Greetings to customers
- Customers Historical Data Analysis
- Ledger & Credit List with Customer Financial Summary
Module – Warehouse & Inventory Management
- Main Godown, Production Floor Warehouses Information
- Warehouse Areas in Warehouses
- Stock tracking by Item Quantity & Weight
- Provision for multiple godown Stock
- Stock-in Under LC – LETTER OF CREDIT or Local Purchase
- contract number -Item issue to Production floor
- Current Stock Set/ Adjust Existing Products
- Production floor -Track unused items
- Wrehouses Stock Position for any date
- Godown to godown item transfer
- Current Stock Position by Group, Sub-Group, Category, Grade & Products
- Costing /Stock Valuation
- Date Wise Stock Register (item in/out history)
- Stock by Godown Name
- LC – LETTER OF CREDIT/LP wise product stocking
Module – Quality Management and Production
- Production sections
- Shifts by sections
- Management of Production lines
- Info Setup of Machines
- Operations and process
- Bill of Materials BOM Entry
- Library Sample
- Issue for production and Material requisition
- Customer Order No. tracking in production
- Raw materials consumption – Sample Library Bill of Material list
- Hourly Production Entry with rejection quantity (Finishing)
- Hour, line & Order No. wise Daily production report b
- Automatic costing assumption based upon item costing
- Fnal product receive after QC Pass /Finished Product storage
- Quality Control Final Pass & barcode/ price-tag assignment
- Products Recycling rejected
- Efficiency/ Line No./Performance tracking by Supervisor
- Item-wise daily production summary & details and Order No.
- Time waste tracking
- Order No. & Item-wise daily RM consumption summary & details
Module – Repair & Maintenance Department
- Machine received for maintenance/ repair
- Vehicle and Machine Info Setup
- Vehicle/ Machine Group-wise spare parts setup
- Spare parts Purchase requisition
- Machine list for repair with complain & current status
- Scheduling maintenance by advanced date
- Gate Pass with Barcode
- Update Machine status
- History of Track all repair & maintenance
Collected from – Extreme Solutions