Cutting Plotter Software

There are different types of  cutting plotter software is developed for printing pattern marker. HPGL is the best driver to plotters correction of garments patterns and markers. Cutting plotter software has moving direction of the plotters nozzles correct.  Output  the  width  correction  graphic  file  and  measure  the  output  line  length  in  mm with the accuracy to 0.1mm. Subtract the standard length of 1,000mm and enter the result together with the sign into the width correction box.

If the measured value is less  than  the  standard  length  of  1,000mm,  enter  a  negative  number,  otherwise,  a positive number (“+” sign can be omitted) into the box. See the Figurer below:

cutting plotter software
Plotters Correction in Width

Ploter Correction in Length:

It is types of paper-feeding direction. Output  the  length  correction  graph  and  measure  the  output  line  length  in  the paper-feeding  direction  in  mm  with  the  accuracy  to  0.1mm of ploter.  Subtract  the  standard length  of  1,000mm  and  enter  the  result  together  with  the  sign  into  the  length correction  box.  If  the  measured  value  is  less  than  the  standard  length  of  1,000mm, enter a negative number, otherwise, a positive number (“+” sign can be omitted) into the box. See the Figure below:

Ploter Correction in Length
Plotter Correction in Length

The  above  two  corrections  should  be  made  after  the  rectification  of  butt  jointing, misplacement and nozzle clearance.

Ploter Correction in Butt Joint:

Output a test graph first by hpgl driver 70. If the case as shown below appears between two adjacent scans, enter a positive number (“+” sign can be omitted) in the butt-joint correction box in mm with the accuracy to 0.1mm. The value can be an approximate visual value (usually within 0.50mm) which should be accurate enough to avoid overlaps and gaps. The test image should be long enough to satisfy the accuracy requirement.

Plotter Butt-joint Correction

If  the  case  as  shown  below  appears  between  two  adjacent  scans of ploter,  enter  a  negative number in the butt-joint correction box in mm with the accuracy to 0.1mm. The value can be an approximate visual value (usually within 0.50mm) which should be accurate enough to avoid overlaps and gaps. The test image should be long enough to satisfy the accuracy requirement.

Plotter Butt-joint Correction hpgl2 software

This  correction  should  take  it  as  a  reference  to  make  the  accuracy  meet  the requirement in the X direction (paper-feeding direction) on the test graph.

Plotter Misplacement Correction by free cad Software:

Output a test graph first. If the case as shown below appears between two adjacent scans,  enter  a  positive  number  (“+”  sign  can  be  omitted)  in  the  misplacement correction box in mm with the accuracy to 0.1mm. The value can be an approximate visual value (usually within 0.25mm) which should be accurate enough to make the lines basically straight by free cad software.

Plotter Misplacement Correction free cad Software

If  the  case  as  shown  below  appears  between  two  adjacent  scans,  enter  a  negative number in the misplacement correction box in mm with the accuracy to 0.1mm. The value can be an approximate visual value (usually within 0.25mm) which should be accurate enough to make the lines basically straight.

Plotter Misplacement Correction

Adjustment by Hpgl Plotter Software in between the Nozzles:

When  you  install  or  pull  out  the  nozzles,  you  may  need  to  make  adjustment  in HPGL.ini file of hpgl2 software when a coupling problem or misplacement happens.

First,   output   a   test   graph.   If   the   case   as   shown   below   appears,   increase   the Nozzle_distance_y value in HPGL2.ini file of hpgl2 software. This value should always be an integer less than 150 at the largest.

hpgl plotter

If the case as shown below appears, decrease the Nozzle_distance_y value. This value should always be an integer not less than 135 at least.

Adjustment in between the Nozzles hpgl driver 70

If  the  case  as  shown  below  appears,  increase  the  Nozzle_distance_x  value  in HPGL2.ini file of hpgl plotter software. This value should always be an integer less than 75 at the largest.

Adjustment in between the Nozzles software

If  the  case  as  shown  below  appears,  decrease  the  Nozzle_distance_X  value.  This value should not be less than 70 at least.

Adjustment in between the Nozzles plotters

Note: Before running the INKJET plotters save hpgl2.ini file of hpgl2 software after modification.

Plotters Correction by Cutter Plotter Software :

  • Plotters correction of misplacement in between nozzles by print application software
  • Plotters correction of joints in between nozzles.
  • Plotters correction of misplacements in between two adjacent scans.
  • Plotters correction of butt-joints in between two adjacent scans.
  • Width correction by print application software
  • Length correction print application software
  • This software is used to print pattern maker file

For all the above-listed corrections, use the demo graphics files we provide and a precise ruler for the measurements. Click “Ok”to save the entry. It’s not necessary to make the adjustment very often to print the file of cutter plotter software. The best way is to make a backup record by print cutter plotter software

Engr. Kh. Mashiur Rahman, Garments Auto Machine Technologist, Web:, Email:, Cell: +88 01 7 92 52 53 54