Theme.json Customize and Development for Guttenberg Editor

Theme.json Customize and Development for Guttenberg Editor

Creating the theme.json file

In the root theme folder in cPanel, create a file called theme.json. The file have three sections: settings, styles, and templateParts.

WordPress Code

    "version": 2,
    "settings": {
        "border": {
            "radius": false,
            "color": false,
            "style": false,
            "width": false
        "color": {
            "custom": true,
            "customDuotone": true,
            "customGradient": true,
            "duotone": [],
            "gradients": [],
            "link": false,
            "palette": [],
            "text": true,
            "background": true,
            "defaultGradients": true,
            "defaultPalette": true
        "custom": {},
        "layout": {
            "contentSize": "800px",
            "wideSize": "1000px"
        "spacing": {
            "margin": false,
            "padding": false,
            "blockGap": null,
            "units": [ "px", "em", "rem", "vh", "vw" ]
        "typography": {
            "customFontSize": true,
            "lineHeight": false,
            "dropCap": true,
            "fluid": false,
            "fontStyle": true,
            "fontWeight": true,
            "letterSpacing": true,
            "textDecoration": true,
            "textTransform": true,
            "fontSizes": [],
            "fontFamilies": []
        "blocks": {
            "core/paragraph": {
                "color": {},
                "custom": {},
                "layout": {},
                "spacing": {},
                "typography": {}
            "core/heading": {},
            "etc": {}

Gutenberg Code

    "version": 2,
    "settings": {
        "appearanceTools": false,
        "border": {
            "color": false,
            "radius": false,
            "style": false,
            "width": false
        "color": {
            "background": true,
            "custom": true,
            "customDuotone": true,
            "customGradient": true,
            "defaultGradients": true,
            "defaultPalette": true,
            "duotone": [],
            "gradients": [],
            "link": false,
            "palette": [],
            "text": true
        "custom": {},
        "dimensions": {
            "minHeight": false,
        "layout": {
            "contentSize": "800px",
            "wideSize": "1000px"
        "spacing": {
            "blockGap": null,
            "margin": false,
            "padding": false,
            "customSpacingSize": true,
            "units": [ "px", "em", "rem", "vh", "vw" ],
            "spacingScale": {
                "operator": "*",
                "increment": 1.5,
                "steps": 7,
                "mediumStep": 1.5,
                "unit": "rem"
            "spacingSizes": []
        "typography": {
            "customFontSize": true,
            "dropCap": true,
            "fluid": false,
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            "fontStyle": true,
            "fontWeight": true,
            "letterSpacing": true,
            "lineHeight": false,
            "textColumns": false,
            "textDecoration": true,
            "textTransform": true
        "blocks": {
            "core/paragraph": {
                "border": {},
                "color": {},
                "custom": {},
                "layout": {},
                "spacing": {},
                "typography": {}
            "core/heading": {},
            "etc": {}

My Applied Theme Code

    "version": 2,
    "settings": {
        "appearanceTools": false,
        "border": {
            "color": false,
            "radius": false,
            "style": false,
            "width": false
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            "custom": true,
            "customDuotone": true,
            "customGradient": true,
            "defaultGradients": true,
            "defaultPalette": true,
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            "gradients": [],
            "link": false,
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            "text": true
        "custom": {},
        "layout": {
            "contentSize": "800px",
            "wideSize": "1000px"
        "spacing": {
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            "units": [ "px", "em", "rem", "vh", "vw" ]
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            "fontStyle": true,
            "fontWeight": true,
            "letterSpacing": true,
            "lineHeight": false,
            "textDecoration": true,
            "textTransform": true
        "blocks": {
            "core/paragraph": {
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                "layout": {},
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            "core/heading": {},
            "etc": {}