Hand Tools

  • Chisels
  • Heads safe-ended or dressed
  • Cutting edges sharp and square
  • Files
  • Tangs protected with handles
  • Teeth Sharp and clean
  • Hammers
  • Handle unbroken and clean
  • Face of head smooth not mushroomed
  • Screwdrivers
  • Handle smooth and clean
  • Bits sharp and square
  • Wrenches
  • Jaws sharp not spread
  • Right type for the job
  • Any other Tools (write name below)
  • Spanner
  • Hack saw frame
  • Drill bit
  • Punches
  • Pliers
  • Pullar
  • Compass
  • Scissor
  • Slide Calipers

Assessment Overview

Assessment Process and Requirements

The Auto audit team will need unrestricted access to the facility to conduct a comprehensive assessment, including providing all relevant documentation.  Confidentiality of proprietary information will be respected.  Technologies and/or processes unique to your operation will not be disclosed.

Opening Meeting / Management Interview

The Auto Audit team will conduct an opening meeting to explain the assessment process and areas of scope.  Management interviews regarding general facility production processes, employment, environmental and health and safety practices will also be conducted.

Facility Tour

The Auto Audit team will need full access to all areas of the facility, no exceptions.


The Auto Audit team will select a representative sampling of workers by facility section for confidential employee interviews.  Management is not allowed to participate.

Document Review

The facility is required to maintain all documentation necessary to complete a comprehensive assessment onsite.

Closing Meeting

The Auto Audit team will conduct a closing meeting with facility management to discuss assessment findings; including recognizing the facility for their participation and cooperation,  answering questions regarding the assessment process, and presenting a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) if needed, summarizing findings and recommendations for improvement.

Auto local workplaces will get in touch with you specifically to mastermind the appraisal. The evaluations will be semi declared. An arrangement letter expressing the two (2) week window when the appraisal will happen will be given to you. The office is in charge of having all fundamental documentation at the plant upon the arrival of the appraisal. An archive agenda and CRI’s Social Responsibility Policy and Standards are connected for your survey and planning

Toward the finish of the appraisal production line the executives will be furnished with a Continous Improvement Plan (CIP) distinguishing zones of enhancement, if necessary. We will likely work with industrial facilities that are straightforward, straightforward, and focused on making ceaseless enhancement. In any case, plants that neglect to be straightforward and straightforward or indicate constrained reaction to exceptional consistence issues will be suspended or ended.

One of the WCA benefits is less or less successive reviews for production lines with high consistence execution levels. In the event that you have taken an interest in a WCA, if you don’t mind give the report number to your Auto contact. Auto will forward the answer to CRI for survey and last endorsement.

We anticipate proceeding to work intimately with you and value your participation in enhancing working environment conditions. Kindly don’t dither to get in touch with me should you have any inquiries concerning this necessity.