Sachet Pack Machine

Sachet Pack Machine – We would like to inform you that today we dismantled the wooden box of your supplied Sachet Pack machine at our factory. We found the following parts are in damage condition..

  1. EC35 Auto Speed Electronic Controller.  BHAVMARK system. Part No.EC-109962
  2. Jack for connector mains 220V AC supply(3PIN)
  3. Jack for Product Sensor Proximity-18mm(4PIN)

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It is the duty of management to make available the appropriate tools, to ensure that operatives are properly instructed in how to use them and to provide competent supervision to ensure that work is correctly and safely performed.


Buying cheap tools is a false economy. They don’t last and they can become dangerous, effort must be made to ensure tools are of good quality.


Handles are necessary for ease of manipulation and for protection of the hands. Depending on the tool in uses they should be of good quality plastic or well- seasoned ash or hickory of smooth finish and firmly fixed. They should be regularly checked for splits or cracks and wedged where necessary to keep them tight.


Grease, moisture and dirt should be regularly cleaned off. Any movable and adjustable parts should be lightly oiled to protect against corrosion and to prevent wear and misalignment. Tools made of cast steel or iron is less liable to crack in cold weather if kept clean and dry.

Cutting Edge:

Cutting edges should be kept sharp to permit accurate working and to avoid the hazards arising from unnecessary pressure. Sharpening is a relatively skilled job-good carborundum or oil store should be used. Saws are usually sharpened using a machine grinder or hand file. Where abrasive wheels are employed only a little of the edge should be ground at a time and the toll rest kept close to the wheel. The tool itself should be held lightly to prevent overheating and cooled with water to retain the hardness of the metal.


All hand tools shall be inspected periodically as per the existing client and company regulations and color coded.


Sachet Pack Machine -The Auto Speed Electronic Controller body is partially damaged and some connector pins are broken. The 3PIN & 4PIN jacks are also broken which are not usable. So we could not run the machine to see the machine status. Therefore you are requested to send the above