Management Review Meeting Minutes

PURPOSE: To ensure periodic review of effectiveness, adequacy and suitability of Quality Management System of Auto Garment Ltd . In each garment factory environment there are employees and management. Both management and employees often fail to exercise effective communication. Therefore, on many occasions tension is created between management and employees and among employees themselves. The following exercise is a “whisper” exercise based on workplace gossip and aims to enable participants to learn the principles of effective communication.

RESPONSIBILITY:  Management Representative shall coordinate management review meeting, which will be chaired by the Chairman. The facilitator motivates the participants and divides them into 2 groups. The participants are separated so that they sit on the chairs at the opposite ends of the classroom out of audio range of each other.


  • Review the quality management system once in a quarter.
  • Ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of Quality Management System.
  • Assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality management system, including quality policy and quality objectives.


  • Quality Management System (QMS) shall be reviewed at least once in a
  • Quarter by arranging the management review meeting.
  • Chairman  shall preside over the meeting.
  • Chairman , General Manager and all department heads shall attend the management review meeting.


  • Review shall consist of well-structured and comprehensive evaluations that includes:
  • Results of internal, customer and third party audit
  • Customer feedback. The facilitator should ensure that gender split is even. The facilitator has to ensure that chairs are placed at opposite sides of classroom at least one meter apart from each other. The chairs have to be placed in a straight line.
  • Process performance and product conformity
  • Status of corrective and preventive actions
  • Follow up actions from previous management reviews
  • Planned changes that could affect quality management system
  • Recommendations from improvement
  • Continuing suitability and adequacy of the Quality Policy
  • Observations, conclusions and recommendations reached as a result of review and evaluation shall be documented as Meeting Minutes and circulated for necessary action by the Management Representative to all participants.
  • Minutes shall include any decisions and actions related to:
  • Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
  • Improvement of product related to customer requirements