Flow Chart of Garments Fabric Inventory

At first Supplier will delivery product to garments manufacturers

Received the fabric from Supplier

After receive garments manufacturer will keep it in quarantine area

Then qc will check fabric quality in quarantine area

Then storing the fabric

 Physical inventory

  Make the swatch card

  Prepare proper blanket shade

 Shade segregation process

 Issuing fabric to cutting room

 Garment Fabric is separated and is stored according to lot number

Fabric store

  1. Fabric receive and issue register
  2. Fabric receive voucher
  3. Fabric delivery requisition slip
  4. Empty bag and issue register

Pattern section

  1. Order ship
  2. Cad marking
  3. Daily production report
  4. Pattern delivery register
  5. Sample delivery register
  6. Sample cutting report
  7. Record of stop production
  8. Process wise hourly report
  9. Inline inspection report
  10. SPI monitoring report
  11. Pre production meeting
  12. Fabric inspection summary
  13. Finished GSM book
  14. Finished inspection report (4 point/ report)
  15. ATL register
  16. Measurement check sheet