Fire Safety rescue equipment

Rescue Equipment – Every year a certified engineer checks the full building by his engineering method.After checking if he found any problem then he informed concerned person. Responsible person solved the problem immediately. Keep clear factory path for movement vehicle or easily coming of Fire brigade, Police, RAB, Medical team in the Factory/Incident place. Must know the main sources of water in the building for assist fire brigade personnel. Read about Fire Safety for Workplace of Manufacturing Company 

Our audit was conducted in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards. These standards require that, we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. In planning and performing audit of the financial statements, we considered the internal control system in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expression our opinion on the financial statements. In course of our audit, we have identified some weakness, deviations from company’s policy and procedures that are controllable by the management and developed recommendations concerning the matters. The matters have been included in the accompanying Memorandum under caption “Memorandum of Audit Findings” The matters reported in this letter are not considered material so as to modify our opinion on the fairness of the financial statements. This letter forms part of the ongoing process of improving accounting and other related controls which we considered as part of our services to your organization. We would be pleased to receive your response on our findings and to discuss those, if you consider appropriate. …

  • Special fire safety task forces members are present their respective floor/unit during fire drill or real fire incident.
  • Collection of Draft Accounts and Collection of Previous Year Accounts
  • Debit Vouching
  • Credit Vouching
  • Journal Vouching
  • Special fire safety task force ensure all workers are evacuate as quick as possible and extinguish the fire by fire fighting team.
  • Special fire safety task force take positioned at exit/staircase to ensure workers are going down quickly and also monitor rescue team for check  the floor, wash room, office or any other small rooms to make sure nobody is stay inside.
  • During fire drill or in case of real fire any area/exit blocked special fire safety task force guide the workers right direction for going out safely.
  • The special fire safety task force responsible for respective floor including Security & Child care centre.
  • Systems and Internal Controls Summary
  • Opening Balance and Comparatives Checklist
  • Drafting of Audit Report
  • Letter to Management
  • Draft discussion with management
  • Finalization of Audit Report and Financial Report
  • Special fire safety task force take place at fire assembly area to ensure workers take final position and brief them about the condition of fire.
  • Monthly fire safety training arrange for Special Fire safety Task force.
  • Special Fire safety task force will submit their feedback in written if improvements needed.
  • Routine Check of Bank Book, Cash Book and ledger Book
    Verification of Share Capital with related register and documents
    Verification of Profit and Loss Account:
    Rental Income

Duty & Responsibilities of Fire Fighting Team

  • Administrative & General Expenses
  • Financial Expenses
  • Confirmation of Long Term Loans and Deferred Income
  • Verification of Tangible Assets
  • Use your sense how to extinguish the Fire.
  • Confirm Floor electric main switch are off and ringing fire alarm.
  • Fire fighting team starts fire fighting.
  • To extinguish the fire use fire Rescue Equipment (Fire extinguishers, Fire blanket, Fire hook, Fire beater, Fire hose reel and other fire equipment as required).
  • Always keep your back towards the door
  • Inform Fire control room(216) Floor Manager, HRD(313),Factory manager and Main gate(329)
  • If fire Incident not in your floor assemble in your floor under the supervision of floor fire fighting team in-charge and standby for Management order.
  • Assist Fire Service & Civil Defence.

Duty & Responsibilities of Rescue Team

  • After hearing  fire alarm the rescue team member  help the workers for going down safely (pregnant workers and child care evacuate first)
  • Rescue team remove all item around fire   incident place.
  • Check all wash room (Female wash room female & Male wash room Male)and others suspicious area if any body confinement in this situation.
  • Always evacuate first up floor from the fire incident floor.
  • If anybody try to jump through window, return him/her and sent by stair case.
  • Remove all Rescue Equipment /materials around fire incident place.
  • After hearing Fire alarm the first aid team member take place in front of first aid box.
  • If any body injured give him/her First aid, If the injured person condition is not improved sent him to medical centre.
  • Ensure all gate, door, emergency exit fully open.
  • Call the Fire brigade, Police station, RAB, hospital and local authority for help.
  • Help all workers and staffs easily going out from the factory.
  • Maintain strict discipline at main gate not allow to enter any unauthorized or any other person.
  • Keep monitoring for any awful situation and prohibited all to run in this time.
  • Checking of Debtors and Prepayments:
  • Checking of Creditor and Accruals
  • Confirmation of Bank balances and Cash
  • Confirm Internal Control Questionnaire

Objective of the Task Force Committee formulation:

  • To ensure health, hygienic and safe environment for suitable and comfortable workplace.
  • To protect environment form pollution and to save employees from fire related accident and environment related disease.
  • To identify and segregate different waste materials, to store in different drums/baskets, transport and dispose as per the requirement.
  • To maintain protective equipments which are required for employees to protect themselves from dust, odors, fumes, vapors or other air pollution.
  • To train the employees regarding importance and usage of protective Rescue Equipment .
  • To create awareness among the employees regarding EHS and guide them to act according to the policy.


Rescue Equipment -The majority of the Task force member will be from workers side by the workers.  Task Force member may have a composition of 35% from the management and 65% workers. Members of Task Force will be 10 to 15 people. Say if the Task Force has 15 members then 5 will be from the management side and 10 will be from the workers. The 10 from the workers side might be chosen from the general pool of workers. Top Management will not manipulate to select the 10 workers. The formats and Function of EHS Task Force is enclosed herewith.