Apache Server Tutorial

Apache Server Tutorial for Httpd Conf file of WordPress – Sometimes blocking port 80 can be challenging. In that can, you can configure XAMPP in windows to work over port 8080 rather than port 80.

To make this you need to open the XAMPP control panel but don’t start MySQL or Apache. Click on Apache (httpd.conf) option.

Alternatively, you can find in this location to C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf to open the file.

Now Search Listen 80 and change it to Listen 8080.

Now again find the lineServerName localhost:80 and change that value to ServerName localhost:8080. After change restart XAMPP

Port 80 should not use now. Instead that you should see Apache now running on ports 443 and 8080.

There are two more additional things you have to do to make this change work:

  1. Use http://localhost:8080/ to access all web rather than http://locahost/.
  2. If you had already installed any WordPress sites in localserver prior to changing the port, you will need to update the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL definitions in wp-config.php manually to reflect the new domain prefix.
